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Time Management for CAT

The importance of this section can perhaps not be emphasized enough but we will do our best to do so. Over two lakh aspirants prepare for CAT and about 1% ~ 2000 are able to secure the coveted 99 percentile. Now in these nearly 2000 aspirants, there is a wide diversity when it comes to profile, however, they can be majorly grouped in three categories which are working professionals, students and those taking a break. The uniting factor in all these aspirants is their ability to manage time and allocate their most precious resource, (no it’s not money) their time, well. While there is no right answer on how much time is ideal for CAT preparation but there is a right answer on what all needs to be done if you want to be one in 2000. So, you need to prioritize and hail as it may, you need to make sure that you achieve your daily targets.

Also, remember that the course you are applying for is a management degree, so this is a life skill even for the course because management requires putting in long hours and utmost dedication.

For those who are already scared, there is no need to be discouraged but rather you need to formulate your strategy. To help you along we have prepared a to do list for CAT and then we can suggest ways on where in your schedule can you do them.

  • Daily reading: At least half hour needs to be allocated to reading and if RC is not your cup of tea then you may have to go beyond the half hour to one hour in this area.
  • Quants: Now there is no right answer to how many questions daily but an average of 50-100 question daily is more than sufficient. In this section, it is more about how good you are at the concepts and about smart work. When you finally sit for your exam you should have solved enough questions to no longer be shocked and know the pattern in general including knowing which questions to skip.
  • DI and LR: This is one section that has more to do with practice and careful selection than any other. You need to make sure that you allocate nearly 30 minutes of your day to improve this area. Each set takes about 7-10 minutes so 3 sets in a day.

Now how to manage time?

Category 1: Aspirants taking a break for preparation
For those who aren’t working this should not be an issue and you can make a timetable which you can religiously follow. Further, you need to realize that since you will not be working, so your percentile will be the highlight of your profile.

Category 2 and 3: Working Professionals and Students
For those who are working and studying this becomes trickier, so you need to follow a morning-night scheme in which you allocate some tasks in the morning before you leave for work and some tasks in evening.
Also, your weekends will be the most important currency of time, as you can make up for what might be missed. Try to give yourself a head start for the next week and start your preparation early. You don’t need to be discouraged that you are working and have less time as it will reflect in your profile and your ability to manage time well will give you an edge in your interview.

This might not be pleasant to hear, but you would need to learn to say no, try not to work overtime and maybe skip the employee of the year badge.

Another way to manage the time is by using your commute time well, carry newspaper with you or download the application so that you can prepare for both reading and interview in one go.

At last, you need to believe it’s possible and if you are still in doubt look at the past records, people from all three categories have made it to the elite colleges, so no matter what you are doing or have done you need to make this your Day 1 and get started.

Last Updated :
01 May, 2019
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