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HomeData Modelling & AISplitting starting N nodes into new Circular Linked List while preserving the...

Splitting starting N nodes into new Circular Linked List while preserving the old nodes

Given a circular linked list with N nodes and an integer K where 0 < K < N, the task is to split the first K nodes into a new list and at the same time preserving the rest of the nodes in the original circular linked list.


Input: 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8, K = 3 
Original list: 
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
The new lists are: 
2 3 4 
5 6 7 8 

Input: 2 -> 4 -> 6 -> 8- > 10 -> 12, N = 4 
Original list: 
2 4 6 8 10 12 
The new lists are: 
2 4 6 8 
10 12 


  • Traverse an iterator until the required node i.e. the Kth node.
  • Point the node just previous to the Kth node to the head of the original list.
  • Point the last node of the original list to the Kth node.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:  


// C++ implementation of the approach
using namespace std;
class CircularLinkedList
    struct Node
        int data;
        Node* next;
    Node* last;
    // Function to add a node to the empty list
    Node* addToEmpty(int data)
        // If not empty
        if (last != NULL)
            return last;
        // Creating a node dynamically
        Node *temp = new Node();
        // Assigning the data
        temp->data = data;
        last = temp;
        // Creating the link
        last->next = last;
        return last;
    // Function to add a node to the
    // beginning of the list
    Node* addBegin(int data)
        // If list is empty
        if (last == NULL)
            return addToEmpty(data);
        // Create node
        Node *temp = new Node();
        // Assign data
        temp->data = data;
        temp->next = last->next;
        last->next = temp;
        return last;
    // Function to traverse and print the list
    void traverse()
        Node* p;
        // If list is empty
        if (last == NULL)
            cout<<("List is empty.");
        // Pointing to the first Node of the list
        p = last->next;
        // Traversing the list
            cout << p->data << " ";
            p = p->next;
        } while (p != last->next);
        cout << endl;
    // Function to find the length of the CircularLinkedList
    int length()
        // Stores the length
        int x = 0;
        // List is empty
        if (last == NULL)
            return x;
        // Iterator Node to traverse the List
        Node* itr = last->next;
        while (itr->next != last->next)
            itr = itr->next;
        // Return the length of the list
        return (x + 1);
    // Function to split the first k nodes into
    // a new CircularLinkedList and the remaining
    // nodes stay in the original CircularLinkedList
    Node* split(int k)
        // Empty Node for reference
        Node* pass = new Node();
        // Check if the list is empty
        // If yes, then return NULL
        if (last == NULL)
            return last;
        // NewLast will contain the last node of
        // the new split list
        // itr to iterate the node till
        // the required node
        Node* newLast, *itr = last;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
            itr = itr->next;
        // Update NewLast to the required node and
        // link the last to the start of rest of the list
        newLast = itr;
        pass->next = itr->next;
        newLast->next = last->next;
        last->next = pass->next;
        // Return the last node of the required list
        return newLast;
    // Driver code
int main()
    CircularLinkedList* clist = new CircularLinkedList();
    clist->last = NULL;
    cout<<("Original list:");
    int k = 4;
    // Create a new list for the starting k nodes
    CircularLinkedList* clist2 = new CircularLinkedList();
    // Append the new last node into the new list
    clist2->last = clist->split(k);
    // Print the new lists
    cout<<("The new lists are:");
// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu


// Java implementation of the approach
public class CircularLinkedList {
    Node last;
    static class Node {
        int data;
        Node next;
    // Function to add a node to the empty list
    public Node addToEmpty(int data)
        // If not empty
        if (this.last != null)
            return this.last;
        // Creating a node dynamically
        Node temp = new Node();
        // Assigning the data = data;
        this.last = temp;
        // Creating the link = this.last;
        return last;
    // Function to add a node to the
    // beginning of the list
    public Node addBegin(int data)
        // If list is empty
        if (last == null)
            return addToEmpty(data);
        // Create node
        Node temp = new Node();
        // Assign data = data; =; = temp;
        return this.last;
    // Function to traverse and print the list
    public void traverse()
        Node p;
        // If list is empty
        if (this.last == null) {
            System.out.println("List is empty.");
        // Pointing to the first Node of the list
        p =;
        // Traversing the list
        do {
            System.out.print( + " ");
            p =;
        } while (p !=;
    // Function to find the length of the CircularLinkedList
    public int length()
        // Stores the length
        int x = 0;
        // List is empty
        if (this.last == null)
            return x;
        // Iterator Node to traverse the List
        Node itr =;
        while ( != {
            itr =;
        // Return the length of the list
        return (x + 1);
    // Function to split the first k nodes into
    // a new CircularLinkedList and the remaining
    // nodes stay in the original CircularLinkedList
    public Node split(int k)
        // Empty Node for reference
        Node pass = new Node();
        // Check if the list is empty
        // If yes, then return null
        if (this.last == null)
            return this.last;
        // NewLast will contain the last node of
        // the new split list
        // itr to iterate the node till
        // the required node
        Node newLast, itr = this.last;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
            itr =;
        // Update NewLast to the required node and
        // link the last to the start of rest of the list
        newLast = itr; =; =; =;
        // Return the last node of the required list
        return newLast;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        CircularLinkedList clist = new CircularLinkedList();
        clist.last = null;
        System.out.println("Original list:");
        int k = 4;
        // Create a new list for the starting k nodes
        CircularLinkedList clist2 = new CircularLinkedList();
        // Append the new last node into the new list
        clist2.last = clist.split(k);
        // Print the new lists
        System.out.println("The new lists are:");


# Python3 implementation of the approach
# Node of Linked List
class Node:
    def __init__(self, x):
         = x = None
# Function to add a node to the empty list
def addToEmpty(last, data):
    # If not empty
    if (last != None):
        return last
    # Assigning the data
    temp = Node(data)
    last = temp
    # Creating the link = last
    return last
# Function to add a node to the
# beginning of the list
def addBegin(last, data):
    # If list is empty
    if (last == None):
        return addToEmpty(data)
    # Create node
    temp = Node(data) = = temp
    return last
# Function to traverse and print list
def traverse(last):
    # If list is empty
    if (last == None):
        print("List is empty.")
    # Pointing to the first Node of the list
    p =
    # Traversing the list
    while True:
        print(, end = " ")
        p =
        if p ==
# Function to find the length of
# the CircularLinkedList
def length(last):
    # Stores the length
    x = 0
    # List is empty
    if (last == None):
        return x
    # Iterator Node to traverse the List
    itr =
    while ( !=
        x += 1
        itr =
    # Return the length of the list
    return (x + 1)
# Function to split the first k nodes into
# a new CircularLinkedList and the remaining
# nodes stay in the original CircularLinkedList
def split(last, k):
    # Empty Node for reference
    passs = Node(-1)
    # Check if the list is empty
    # If yes, then return NULL
    if (last == None):
        return last
    # NewLast will contain the last node of
    # the new split list itr to iterate the
    # node till the required node
    itr = last
    for i in range(k):
        itr =
    # Update NewLast to the required node
    # and link the last to the start of
    # rest of the list
    newLast = itr = = =
    # Return the last node of the
    # required list
    return newLast
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    clist = None
    clist = addToEmpty(clist, 12)
    clist = addBegin(clist, 10)
    clist = addBegin(clist, 8)
    clist = addBegin(clist, 6)
    clist = addBegin(clist, 4)
    clist = addBegin(clist, 2)
    print("Original list:", end = "")
    k = 4
    # Append the new last node
    # into the new list
    clist2 = split(clist, k)
    # Print the new lists
    print("The new lists are:", end = "")
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


// C# implementation of the approach
using System;
public class CircularLinkedList
    public Node last;
    public class Node
        public int data;
        public Node next;
    // Function to add a node to the empty list
    public Node addToEmpty(int data)
        // If not empty
        if (this.last != null)
            return this.last;
        // Creating a node dynamically
        Node temp = new Node();
        // Assigning the data = data;
        this.last = temp;
        // Creating the link = this.last;
        return last;
    // Function to add a node to the
    // beginning of the list
    public Node addBegin(int data)
        // If list is empty
        if (last == null)
            return addToEmpty(data);
        // Create node
        Node temp = new Node();
        // Assign data = data; =; = temp;
        return this.last;
    // Function to traverse and print the list
    public void traverse()
        Node p;
        // If list is empty
        if (this.last == null)
            Console.WriteLine("List is empty.");
        // Pointing to the first Node of the list
        p =;
        // Traversing the list
            Console.Write( + " ");
            p =;
        } while (p !=;
    // Function to find the length of the CircularLinkedList
    public int length()
        // Stores the length
        int x = 0;
        // List is empty
        if (this.last == null)
            return x;
        // Iterator Node to traverse the List
        Node itr =;
        while ( !=
            itr =;
        // Return the length of the list
        return (x + 1);
    // Function to split the first k nodes into
    // a new CircularLinkedList and the remaining
    // nodes stay in the original CircularLinkedList
    public Node split(int k)
        // Empty Node for reference
        Node pass = new Node();
        // Check if the list is empty
        // If yes, then return null
        if (this.last == null)
            return this.last;
        // NewLast will contain the last node of
        // the new split list
        // itr to iterate the node till
        // the required node
        Node newLast, itr = this.last;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
            itr =;
        // Update NewLast to the required node and
        // link the last to the start of rest of the list
        newLast = itr; =; =; =;
        // Return the last node of the required list
        return newLast;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        CircularLinkedList clist = new CircularLinkedList();
        clist.last = null;
        Console.WriteLine("Original list:");
        int k = 4;
        // Create a new list for the starting k nodes
        CircularLinkedList clist2 = new CircularLinkedList();
        // Append the new last node into the new list
        clist2.last = clist.split(k);
        // Print the new lists
        Console.WriteLine("The new lists are:");
// This code is  contributed by Rajput-Ji


// Javascript implementation of the approach
class Node
        let data;
        let next;
// Function to add a node to the empty list
function addToEmpty(last,data)
    // If not empty
        if (last != null)
            return last;
        // Creating a node dynamically
        let temp = new Node();
        // Assigning the data = data;
        last = temp;
        // Creating the link = last;
        return last;
// Function to add a node to the
    // beginning of the list
function addBegin(last, data)
    // If list is empty
        if (last == null)
            return addToEmpty(data);
        // Create node
        let temp = new Node();
        // Assign data = data; =; = temp;
        return last;
// Function to traverse and print the list
function traverse(last)
    let p;
        // If list is empty
        if (last == null) {
            document.write("List is empty.<br>");
        // Pointing to the first Node of the list
        p =;
        // Traversing the list
        do {
            document.write( + " ");
            p =;
        } while (p !=;
// Function to find the length of the CircularLinkedList
function length(last)
    // Stores the length
        let x = 0;
        // List is empty
        if (last == null)
            return x;
        // Iterator Node to traverse the List
        let itr =;
        while ( != {
            itr =;
        // Return the length of the list
        return (x + 1);
// Function to split the first k nodes into
    // a new CircularLinkedList and the remaining
    // nodes stay in the original CircularLinkedList
function split(last,k)
    // Empty Node for reference
        let pass = new Node();
        // Check if the list is empty
        // If yes, then return null
        if (last == null)
            return last;
        // NewLast will contain the last node of
        // the new split list
        // itr to iterate the node till
        // the required node
        let newLast, itr = last;
        for (let i = 0; i < k; i++) {
            itr =;
        // Update NewLast to the required node and
        // link the last to the start of rest of the list
        newLast = itr; =; =; =;
        // Return the last node of the required list
        return newLast;
// Driver code
let clist = null;
document.write("Original list:<br>");
let k = 4;
// Append the new last node into the new list
let clist2 = split(clist, k)
// Print the new lists
document.write("The new lists are:<br>");
// This code is contributed by unknown2108


Original list:
2 4 6 8 10 12 
The new lists are:
2 4 6 8 
10 12


Time Complexity: O(N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1) 

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