OpenCV is an open-source and most popular computer vision library that contains several computer vision algorithms. You can read, display, write and doing lots of other operations on images and videos using OpenCV. The OpenCV module generally used in popular programming languages like C++, Python, Java. To save a video in OpenCV cv.VideoWriter()
method is used.
Note: For more information, refer to Introduction to OpenCV.
Syntax: cv.VideoWriter(filename, fourcc, fps, frameSize)
filename: Input video file
fourcc: 4-character code of codec used to compress the frames
fps: framerate of videostream
framesize: Height and width of frame
# Python program to save a # video using OpenCV import cv2 # Create an object to read # from camera video = cv2.VideoCapture( 0 ) # We need to check if camera # is opened previously or not if (video.isOpened() = = False ): print ( "Error reading video file" ) # We need to set resolutions. # so, convert them from float to integer. frame_width = int (video.get( 3 )) frame_height = int (video.get( 4 )) size = (frame_width, frame_height) # Below VideoWriter object will create # a frame of above defined The output # is stored in 'filename.avi' file. result = cv2.VideoWriter( 'filename.avi' , cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc( * 'MJPG' ), 10 , size) while ( True ): ret, frame = if ret = = True : # Write the frame into the # file 'filename.avi' result.write(frame) # Display the frame # saved in the file cv2.imshow( 'Frame' , frame) # Press S on keyboard # to stop the process if cv2.waitKey( 1 ) & 0xFF = = ord ( 's' ): break # Break the loop else : break # When everything done, release # the video capture and video # write objects video.release() result.release() # Closes all the frames cv2.destroyAllWindows() print ( "The video was successfully saved" ) |