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Queries for DFS of a subtree in a tree

Given a tree of N nodes and N-1 edges. The task is to print the DFS of the subtree of a given node for multiple queries. The DFS must include the given node as the root of the subtree.

In the above tree, if 1 is given as the node, then the DFS of subtree will be 1 2 4 6 7 5 3.
If 2 is given as the node, then the DFS of the subtree will be 2 4 6 7 5.


  • Add the edges between the nodes in an adjacency list.
  • Call DFS function to generate the DFS of the complete tree.
  • Use a under[] array to store the height of the subtree under the given node including the node.
  • In the DFS function, keep incrementing the size of subtree on every recursive call.
  • Mark the node index in the DFS of complete using hashing.
  • The DFS of a subtree of a node will always be a contiguous subarray starting from the node(say index ind) to (ind+height of subtree).
  • Get the index of node which has been stored using hashing and print the nodes from original DFS till index = ind + height of subtree which has been stored in under[node].

Below is the implementation of the above approach.  


// C++ program for Queries
// for DFS of subtree of a node in a tree
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N = 100000;
// Adjacency list to store the
// tree nodes connection
vector<int> v[N];
// stores the index of node in DFS
unordered_map<int, int> mp;
// stores the index of node in
// original node
vector<int> a;
// Function to call DFS and count nodes
// under that subtree
void dfs(int under[], int child, int parent)
    // stores the DFS of tree
    // height of subtree
    under[child] = 1;
    // iterate for children
    for (auto it : v[child]) {
        // if not equal to parent
        // so that it does not traverse back
        if (it != parent) {
            // call DFS for subtree
            dfs(under, it, child);
            // add the height
            under[child] += under[it];
// Function to print the DFS of subtree of node
void printDFSofSubtree(int node, int under[])
    // index of node in the original DFS
    int ind = mp[node];
    // height of subtree of node
    int height = under[node];
    cout << "The DFS of subtree " << node << ": ";
    // print the DFS of subtree
    for (int i = ind; i < ind + under[node]; i++) {
        cout << a[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
// Function to add edges to a tree
void addEdge(int x, int y)
// Marks the index of node in original DFS
void markIndexDfs()
    int size = a.size();
    // marks the index
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        mp[a[i]] = i;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int n = 7;
    // add edges of a tree
    addEdge(1, 2);
    addEdge(1, 3);
    addEdge(2, 4);
    addEdge(2, 5);
    addEdge(4, 6);
    addEdge(4, 7);
    // array to store the height of subtree
    // of every node in a tree
    int under[n + 1];
    // Call the function DFS to generate the DFS
    dfs(under, 1, 0);
    // Function call to mark the index of node
    // Query 1
    printDFSofSubtree(2, under);
    // Query 1
    printDFSofSubtree(4, under);
    return 0;


// Java program for queries for DFS
// of subtree of a node in a tree
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
static int N = 100000;
// Adjacency list to store the
// tree nodes connection
static Vector<Integer> []v = new Vector[N];
// Stores the index of node in DFS
static HashMap<Integer,
               Integer> mp = new HashMap<Integer,
// Stores the index of node in
// original node
static Vector<Integer> a = new Vector<>();
// Function to call DFS and count nodes
// under that subtree
static void dfs(int under[], int child,
                int parent)
    // Stores the DFS of tree
    // Height of subtree
    under[child] = 1;
    // Iterate for children
    for(int it : v[child])
        // If not equal to parent so that
        // it does not traverse back
        if (it != parent)
            // Call DFS for subtree
            dfs(under, it, child);
            // Add the height
            under[child] += under[it];
// Function to print the DFS of subtree of node
static void printDFSofSubtree(int node, int under[])
    // Index of node in the original DFS
    int ind = mp.get(node);
    // Height of subtree of node
    int height = under[node];
    System.out.print("The DFS of subtree "
                      node + ": ");
    // Print the DFS of subtree
    for(int i = ind; i < ind + under[node]; i++)
        System.out.print(a.get(i) + " ");
// Function to add edges to a tree
static void addEdge(int x, int y)
// Marks the index of node in original DFS
static void markIndexDfs()
    int size = a.size();
    // Marks the index
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        mp.put(a.get(i), i);
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int n = 7;
    for(int i = 0; i < v.length; i++)
        v[i] = new Vector<Integer>();
    // Add edges of a tree
    addEdge(1, 2);
    addEdge(1, 3);
    addEdge(2, 4);
    addEdge(2, 5);
    addEdge(4, 6);
    addEdge(4, 7);
    // Array to store the height of
    // subtree of every node in a tree
    int []under = new int[n + 1];
    // Call the function DFS to
    // generate the DFS
    dfs(under, 1, 0);
    // Function call to mark the
    // index of node
    // Query 1
    printDFSofSubtree(2, under);
    // Query 1
    printDFSofSubtree(4, under);
// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar


# Python3 program for Queries
# for DFS of subtree of a node in a tree
N = 100000
# Adjacency list to store the
# tree nodes connection
v = [[]for i in range(N)]
# stores the index of node in DFS
mp = {}
# stores the index of node in
# original node
a = []
# Function to call DFS and count nodes
# under that subtree
def dfs(under, child, parent):
    # stores the DFS of tree
    # height of subtree
    under[child] = 1
    # iterate for children
    for it in v[child]:
        # if not equal to parent
        # so that it does not traverse back
        if (it != parent):
            # call DFS for subtree
            dfs(under, it, child)
            # add the height
            under[child] += under[it]
# Function to return the DFS of subtree of node
def printDFSofSubtree(node, under):
    # index of node in the original DFS
    ind = mp[node]
    # height of subtree of node
    height = under[node]
    print("The DFS of subtree", node, ":", end=" ")
    # print the DFS of subtree
    for i in range(ind,ind + under[node]):
        print(a[i], end=" ")
# Function to add edges to a tree
def addEdge(x, y):
# Marks the index of node in original DFS
def markIndexDfs():
    size = len(a)
    # marks the index
    for i in range(size):
        mp[a[i]] = i
# Driver Code
n = 7
# add edges of a tree
addEdge(1, 2)
addEdge(1, 3)
addEdge(2, 4)
addEdge(2, 5)
addEdge(4, 6)
addEdge(4, 7)
# array to store the height of subtree
# of every node in a tree
under = [0]*(n + 1)
# Call the function DFS to generate the DFS
dfs(under, 1, 0)
# Function call to mark the index of node
# Query 1
printDFSofSubtree(2, under)
# Query 2
printDFSofSubtree(4, under)
# This code is contributed by SHUBHAMSINGH10


// C# program for queries for DFS
// of subtree of a node in a tree
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
static int N = 100000;
// Adjacency list to
// store the tree nodes
// connection
static List<int> []v =
       new List<int>[N];
// Stores the index of node in DFS
static Dictionary<int,
                  int> mp = new Dictionary<int,
// Stores the index of node in
// original node
static List<int> a = new List<int>();
// Function to call DFS and
// count nodes under that
// subtree
static void dfs(int []under,
                int child,
                int parent)
  // Stores the DFS of tree
  // Height of subtree
  under[child] = 1;
  // Iterate for children
  foreach(int it in v[child])
    // If not equal to parent
    // so that it does not
    // traverse back
    if (it != parent)
      // Call DFS for subtree
      dfs(under, it, child);
      // Add the height
      under[child] += under[it];
// Function to print the DFS of
// subtree of node
static void printDFSofSubtree(int node,
                              int []under)
  // Index of node in the
  // original DFS
  int ind = mp[node];
  // Height of subtree of node
  int height = under[node];
  Console.Write("The DFS of subtree "
                 node + ": ");
  // Print the DFS of subtree
  for(int i = ind;
          i < ind + under[node]; i++)
    Console.Write(a[i] + " ");
// Function to add edges
// to a tree
static void addEdge(int x,
                    int y)
// Marks the index of node
// in original DFS
static void markIndexDfs()
  int size = a.Count;
  // Marks the index
  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    mp.Add(a[i], i);
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
  int n = 7;
  for(int i = 0; i < v.Length; i++)
    v[i] = new List<int>();
  // Add edges of a tree
  addEdge(1, 2);
  addEdge(1, 3);
  addEdge(2, 4);
  addEdge(2, 5);
  addEdge(4, 6);
  addEdge(4, 7);
  // Array to store the height
  // of subtree of every node
  // in a tree
  int []under = new int[n + 1];
  // Call the function DFS to
  // generate the DFS
  dfs(under, 1, 0);
  // Function call to mark the
  // index of node
  // Query 1
  printDFSofSubtree(2, under);
  // Query 1
  printDFSofSubtree(4, under);
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


// Javascript program for queries for DFS
// of subtree of a node in a tree
var N = 100000;
// Adjacency list to
// store the tree nodes
// connection
var v = Array.from(Array(N), () => Array());
// Stores the index of node in DFS
var mp = new Map();
// Stores the index of node in
// original node
var a = [];
// Function to call DFS and
// count nodes under that
// subtree
function dfs(under, child, parent)
    // Stores the DFS of tree
    // Height of subtree
    under[child] = 1;
    // Iterate for children
    for(var it of v[child])
        // If not equal to parent
        // so that it does not
        // traverse back
        if (it != parent)
            // Call DFS for subtree
            dfs(under, it, child);
            // push the height
            under[child] += under[it];
// Function to print the DFS of
// subtree of node
function printDFSofSubtree(node, under)
    // Index of node in the
    // original DFS
    var ind = mp.get(node);
    // Height of subtree of node
    var height = under[node];
    document.write("The DFS of subtree "
                   node + ": ");
    // Print the DFS of subtree
    for(var i = ind;
            i < ind + under[node]; i++)
        document.write(a[i] + " ");
// Function to add edges
// to a tree
function addEdge(x, y)
// Marks the index of node
// in original DFS
function markIndexDfs()
    var size = a.length;
    // Marks the index
    for(var i = 0; i < size; i++)
        mp.set(a[i], i);
// Driver Code
var n = 7;
for(var i = 0; i < v.length; i++)
    v[i] = Array();
// push edges of a tree
addEdge(1, 2);
addEdge(1, 3);
addEdge(2, 4);
addEdge(2, 5);
addEdge(4, 6);
addEdge(4, 7);
// Array to store the height
// of subtree of every node
// in a tree
var under = Array(n + 1);
// Call the function DFS to
// generate the DFS
dfs(under, 1, 0);
// Function call to mark the
// index of node
// Query 1
printDFSofSubtree(2, under);
// Query 1
printDFSofSubtree(4, under);
// This code is contributed by rutvik_56


The DFS of subtree 2: 2 4 6 7 5 
The DFS of subtree 4: 4 6 7


Time Complexity: O( N + M ), where N is the number of nodes and M is the number of edges for pre-calculation, and O(N) for queries in the worst case. 
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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