Python program for Zip, Zap and Zoom game; In this tutorial, you will learn how to create zip zap zoom python program.
What does mean by zip zap zoom in python program?
- If the number is multiple of 3, to display “Zip”.
- If the number is multiple of 5, display “Zap”.
- If the number is multiple of 3 and 5, display “Zoom”.
- If it does not satisfy any of the above-given conditions, display “Invalid”.
Write a python program that displays zip zap zoom.
Here, we are going to execute a python program for zip, zap and zoom game.
- Take input number from a user by using input() function.
- Create function that check a given number is zip zap or zoom by using if elif else condition.
- Next, call above created function.
- Print the result
# Python program for Zip, Zap and Zoom game
def myFunc(Num):
if Num % 3 == 0 and Num % 5 == 0 :
return "Zoom"
elif Num % 3 == 0 :
return "Zip"
elif Num % 5 == 0 :
return "Zap"
else :
return "invalid"
#take input from user
n=int(input("Enter any number to find zip, zap, zoom :- "))
#call calSum() function and print result
print("The entered number is :- " ,
Enter any number to find zip, zap, zoom :- 5 The entered number is :- Zap
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