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HomeData Modelling & AIPrint a given matrix in spiral form using direction tracking method

Print a given matrix in spiral form using direction tracking method

Given a 2-D matrix mat[][], the task is to print it in the spiral form.

Input: mat[][] = { 
{1, 2, 3, 4}, 
{5, 6, 7, 8}, 
{9, 10, 11, 12}, 
{13, 14, 15, 16}} 
Output: 1 2 3 4 8 12 16 15 14 13 9 5 6 7 11 10 
Input: mat[][] = { 
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, 
{7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}, 
{13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18}} 
Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 18 17 16 15 14 13 7 8 9 10 11 


Approach: This problem can be easily solved using direction method. Since we are starting with East direction then always turning right whenever next index is either invalid (out of matrix) or visited earlier. The directions followed will be East -> South -> West -> North -> … starting from mat[0][0] and ending finally when all the elements of the matrix have been traversed.
Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ implementation of the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define R 5
#define C 5
enum direction { east,
                 south };
// Function to set the new direction on turning
// right from the current direction
void turnright(enum direction& c_direction)
    switch (c_direction) {
    case east:
        c_direction = south;
    case west:
        c_direction = north;
    case north:
        c_direction = east;
    case south:
        c_direction = west;
// Function to return the next possible cell
// indexes with current direction
pair<int, int> next(int i, int j,
                    const enum direction& c_direction)
    switch (c_direction) {
    case east:
    case west:
    case north:
    case south:
    return pair<int, int>(i, j);
// Function that returns true
// if arr[i][j] is a valid index
bool isvalid(const int& i, const int& j)
    if (i < R && i >= 0 && j >= 0 && j < C)
        return true;
    return false;
// Function that returns true if arr[i][j]
// has already been visited
bool alreadyVisited(int& i, int& j, int& mini, int& minj,
                    int& maxi, int& maxj)
    // If inside the current bounds then
    // it has not been visited earlier
    if (i >= mini && i <= maxi && j >= minj && j <= maxj)
        return false;
    return true;
// Function to update the constraints of the matrix
void ConstraintWalls(int& mini, int& minj, int& maxi,
                     int& maxj, direction c_direction)
    // Update the constraints according
    // to the direction
    switch (c_direction) {
    case east:
    case west:
    case north:
    case south:
// Function to print the given matrix in the spiral form
void printspiral(int arr[R][C])
    // To store the count of all the indexes
    int count = 0;
    // Starting direction is East
    enum direction current_direction = east;
    // Boundary constraints in the matrix
    int mini = 0, minj = 0, maxi = R - 1, maxj = C - 1;
    int i = 0, j = 0;
    // While there are elements remaining
    while (count < (R * C)) {
        // Print the current element
        // and increment the count
        cout << arr[i][j] << " ";
        // Next possible cell if direction remains the same
        pair<int, int> p = next(i, j, current_direction);
        // If current cell is already visited or is invalid
        if (!isvalid(p.first, p.second)
            || alreadyVisited(p.first, p.second, mini, minj, maxi, maxj)) {
            // If not visited earlier then only change the constraint
            if (!alreadyVisited(i, j, mini, minj, maxi, maxj))
                ConstraintWalls(mini, minj, maxi, maxj, current_direction);
            // Change the direction
            // Next indexes with new direction
            p = next(i, j, current_direction);
        // Next row and next column
        i = p.first;
        j = p.second;
// Driver code
int main()
    int arr[R][C];
    // Fill the matrix
    int counter = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < R; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < C; j++)
            arr[i][j] = counter++;
    // Print the spiral form
    return 0;


// Java implementation of the approach
class GFG {
    static int R = 5;
    static int C = 5;
    // Function to set the new direction on turning
    // right from the current direction
    public static String turnright(String c_direction)
        switch (c_direction) {
        case "east":
            return "south";
        case "west":
            return "north";
        case "north":
            return "east";
        case "south":
            return "west";
        // returnin null value to avoid the error
        return "";
    // Function to return the next possible cell
    // indexes with current direction
    public static int[] next(int i, int j,
                             String c_direction)
        switch (c_direction) {
        case ("east"):
        case "west":
        case "north":
        case "south":
        int[] arr = { i, j };
        return arr;
    // Function that returns true
    // if arr[i][j] is a valid index
    public static boolean isvalid(int i, int j)
        if (i < R && i >= 0 && j >= 0 && j < C)
            return true;
        return false;
    // Function that returns true if arr[i][j]
    // has already been visited
    public static boolean alreadyVisited(int i, int j,
                                         int mini, int minj,
                                         int maxi, int maxj)
        // If inside the current bounds then
        // it has not been visited earlier
        if (i >= mini && i <= maxi && j >= minj
            && j <= maxj)
            return false;
        return true;
    // Function to update the constraints of the matrix
    public static int[] ConstraintWalls(int mini, int minj,
                                        int maxi, int maxj,
                                        String c_direction)
        // Update the constraints according
        // to the direction
        switch (c_direction) {
        case "east":
        case "west":
        case "north":
        case "south":
        int[] arr = { mini, minj, maxi, maxj };
        return arr;
    // Function to print the given matrix in the spiral form
    public static void printspiral(int[][] arr)
        // To store the count of all the indexes
        int count = 0;
        // Starting direction is East
        String current_direction = "east";
        // Boundary constraints in the matrix
        int mini = 0, minj = 0, maxi = R - 1, maxj = C - 1;
        int i = 0, j = 0;
        // While there are elements remaining
        while (count < (R * C)) {
            // Print the current element
            // and increment the count
            System.out.print(arr[i][j] + " ");
            count += 1;
            // Next possible cell if direction remains the
            // same
            int[] p = next(i, j, current_direction);
            // If current cell is already visited or is
            // invalid
            if (!isvalid(p[0], p[1])
                || alreadyVisited(p[0], p[1], mini, minj,
                                  maxi, maxj)) {
                // If not visited earlier then only change
                // the constraint
                if (!alreadyVisited(i, j, mini, minj, maxi,
                                    maxj)) {
                    int[] store = ConstraintWalls(
                        mini, minj, maxi, maxj,
                    mini = store[0];
                    minj = store[1];
                    maxi = store[2];
                    maxj = store[3];
                // Change the direction
                    = turnright(current_direction);
                // Next indexes with new direction
                p = next(i, j, current_direction);
            // Next row and next column
            i = p[0];
            j = p[1];
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int[][] arr = new int[R][C];
        // Fill the matrix
        int counter = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < R; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < C; j++) {
                arr[i][j] = counter;
                counter += 1;
        // Print the spiral form


# Python 3 implementation of the approach
direction = ['east', 'west', 'north', 'south']
# Function to set the new direction on turning
# right from the current direction
def turnright(c_direction):
    if c_direction=='east':
        return 'south'
    elif c_direction=='west':
        return 'north'
    elif c_direction=='north':
        return 'east'
        return 'west'
# Function to return the next possible cell
# indexes with current direction
def next(i,  j, c_direction):
    if c_direction=='east':
    elif c_direction=='west':
    elif c_direction=='north':
    return (i, j)
# Function that returns true
# if arr[i][j] is a valid index
def isvalid(i, j):
    if (i < R and i >= 0 and j >= 0 and j < C):
        return True
    return False
# Function that returns true if arr[i][j]
# has already been visited
def alreadyVisited(i, j, mini, minj, maxi, maxj):
    # If inside the current bounds then
    # it has not been visited earlier
    if (i >= mini and i <= maxi and j >= minj and j <= maxj):
        return False
    return True
# Function to update the constraints of the matrix
def ConstraintWalls(mini,  minj, maxi, maxj, c_direction):
    # Update the constraints according
    # to the direction
    if c_direction=='east':
    elif c_direction=='west':
    elif c_direction=='north':
    return mini,  minj, maxi, maxj
# Function to print the given matrix in the spiral form
def printspiral( arr):
    # To store the count of all the indexes
    count = 0
    # Starting direction is 'east'
    current_direction = 'east'
    # Boundary constraints in the matrix
    mini = 0; minj = 0; maxi = R - 1; maxj = C - 1
    i = 0; j = 0
    # While there are elements remaining
    while (count < (R * C)):
        # Print the current element
        # and increment the count
        print(arr[i][j],end=" ")
        # Next possible cell if direction remains the same
        p = next(i, j, current_direction)
        # If current cell is already visited or is invalid
        if (not isvalid(p[0], p[1])
            or alreadyVisited(p[0], p[1], mini, minj, maxi, maxj)):
            # If not visited earlier then only change the constraint
            if (not alreadyVisited(i, j, mini, minj, maxi, maxj)):
                mini, minj, maxi, maxj=ConstraintWalls(mini, minj, maxi, maxj, current_direction)
            # Change the direction
            # Next indexes with new direction
            p = next(i, j, current_direction)
        # Next row and next column
        i = p[0]
        j = p[1]
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    arr=[[0 for j in range(C)]for i in range(R)]
    # Fill the matrix
    counter = 1
    for i in range(R):
        for j in range(C):
            arr[i][j] = counter
    # Print the spiral form
# This code is contributed by Amartya Ghosh


// C# implementation of the approach
using System;
using System.Text;
public class GFG{
    static int R = 5;
    static int C = 5;
    // Function to set the new direction on turning
    // right from the current direction
    public static string turnright(string c_direction)
        switch (c_direction) {
        case "east":
            return "south";
        case "west":
            return "north";
        case "north":
            return "east";
        case "south":
            return "west";
        // returnin null value to avoid the error
        return "";
    // Function to return the next possible cell
    // indexes with current direction
    public static int[] next(int i, int j, string c_direction)
        switch (c_direction) {
        case ("east"):
        case "west":
        case "north":
        case "south":
        int[] arr = { i, j };
        return arr;
    // Function that returns true
    // if arr[i][j] is a valid index
    public static bool isvalid(int i, int j)
        if (i < R && i >= 0 && j >= 0 && j < C)
            return true;
        return false;
    // Function that returns true if arr[i][j]
    // has already been visited
    public static bool alreadyVisited(int i, int j, int mini, int minj, int maxi, int maxj)
        // If inside the current bounds then
        // it has not been visited earlier
        if (i >= mini && i <= maxi && j >= minj && j <= maxj)
            return false;
        return true;
    // Function to update the constraints of the matrix
    public static int[] ConstraintWalls(int mini, int minj, int maxi, int maxj, string c_direction)
        // Update the constraints according
        // to the direction
        switch (c_direction) {
        case "east":
        case "west":
        case "north":
        case "south":
        int[] arr = { mini, minj, maxi, maxj };
        return arr;
    // Function to print the given matrix in the spiral form
    public static void printspiral(int[,] arr)
        // To store the count of all the indexes
        int count = 0;
        // Starting direction is East
        string current_direction = "east";
        // Boundary constraints in the matrix
        int mini = 0, minj = 0, maxi = R - 1, maxj = C - 1;
        int i = 0, j = 0;
        // While there are elements remaining
        while (count < (R * C)) {
            // Print the current element
            // and increment the count
            Console.Write(arr[i,j] + " ");
            count += 1;
            // Next possible cell if direction remains the
            // same
            int[] p = next(i, j, current_direction);
            // If current cell is already visited or is
            // invalid
            if (!isvalid(p[0], p[1]) || alreadyVisited(p[0], p[1], mini, minj,maxi, maxj)) {
                // If not visited earlier then only change
                // the constraint
                if (!alreadyVisited(i, j, mini, minj, maxi, maxj)) {
                    int[] store = ConstraintWalls(mini, minj, maxi, maxj,current_direction);
                    mini = store[0];
                    minj = store[1];
                    maxi = store[2];
                    maxj = store[3];
                // Change the direction
                current_direction = turnright(current_direction);
                // Next indexes with new direction
                p = next(i, j, current_direction);
            // Next row and next column
            i = p[0];
            j = p[1];
    //Driver Code
    static public void Main (){
        int[,] arr = new int[R,C];
        // Fill the matrix
        int counter = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < R; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < C; j++) {
                arr[i,j] = counter;
                counter += 1;
        // Print the spiral form
//This code is contributed by shruti456rawal


// Javascript implementation of the approach
var R = 5;
var C = 5;
// Function to set the new direction on turning
// right from the current direction
function turnright(c_direction)
    switch (c_direction) {
    case "east":
        return "south";
    case "west":
        return "north";
    case "north":
        return "east";
    case "south":
        return "west";
    // returnin null value to avoid the error
    return "";
// Function to return the next possible cell
// indexes with current direction
function next(i, j, c_direction)
    switch (c_direction) {
    case ("east"):
    case "west":
    case "north":
    case "south":
    var arr = [i,j];
    return arr;
// Function that returns true
// if arr[i][j] is a valid index
function isvalid(i, j)
    if (i < R && i >= 0 && j >= 0 && j < C)
        return true;
    return false;
// Function that returns true if arr[i][j]
// has already been visited
function alreadyVisited(i, j, mini,
                    minj, maxi, maxj)
    // If inside the current bounds then
    // it has not been visited earlier
    if (i >= mini && i <= maxi && j >= minj && j <= maxj)
        return false;
    return true;
// Function to update the constraints of the matrix
function ConstraintWalls(mini, minj,
              maxi, maxj, c_direction)
    // Update the constraints according
    // to the direction
    switch (c_direction) {
    case "east":
    case "west":
    case "north":
    case "south":
    var store = [mini,minj,maxi,maxj];
    return store;
// Function to print the given matrix in the spiral form
function printspiral(arr)
    // To store the count of all the indexes
    var count = 0;
    // Starting direction is East
    var current_direction = "east";
    // Boundary constraints in the matrix
    var mini = 0, minj = 0, maxi = R - 1, maxj = C - 1;
    var i = 0, j = 0;
    // string to store the answer
    var ans = "";
    // While there are elements remaining
    while (count < (R * C))
        // Print the current element
        // and increment the count
        ans += arr[i][j] + " ";
        count += 1;
        // Next possible cell if direction remains the same
        var p = next(i, j, current_direction);
        // If current cell is already visited or is invalid
        if (!isvalid(p[0], p[1])
            || alreadyVisited(p[0], p[1], mini, minj,
                                        maxi, maxj)) {
            // If not visited earlier then only change the constraint
            if (!alreadyVisited(i, j, mini, minj, maxi, maxj))
                var store =  ConstraintWalls(mini, minj, maxi,
                                     maxj, current_direction);
                     mini = store[0];
                     minj = store[1];
                     maxi = store[2];
                     maxj = store[3];
            // Change the direction
             current_direction = turnright(current_direction);
            // Next indexes with new direction
            p = next(i, j, current_direction);
        // Next row and next column
        i = p[0];
        j = p[1];
// Fill the matrix
var counter = 1;
var arr = new Array(R);
for (var i = 0; i < R; i++)
    arr[i] = new Array(C);
    for (var j = 0; j < C; j++)
        arr[i][j] = counter;
        counter += 1;
// Print the spiral form


1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 24 23 22 21 16 11 6 7 8 9 14 19 18 17 12 13


Time Complexity: O(R*C) 
Space Complexity: O(1), since no extra space has been taken.

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