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Menu-Driven program to implement Travel Agency

Prerequisites: Classes and Objects in Java, Switch Case statement in Java

Problem Statement:
Write a program to build a simple application for the bus travelling service using JAVA 8, MYSQL Database and JDBC which can perform the following operations:

  1. Book ticket for users/passengers on given routes via the various payment method.
  2. Cancel the ticket booked by the users/passengers using the ticket details and the user credentials
  3. Print the ticket via ticket details and the user credentials.
  4. Update the passenger details on the booked ticket via ticket ID or E-mail ID and user credentials which are registered.

Approach: Initially, we need to set up a database in order to store the information of the buses and the booking. Here, the MySQL database is used. Initially, we need to set up the database. So, the following steps are followed to set up the database:

  1. Initially, a database is created in MySQL database using the workbench.
  2. After creating the database, multiple tables are created signifying multiple travel services where each table contains details of the passenger. The tables are created in the following way:

  3. Now, since each table must contain the details of the passengers, each table has the following attributes:

Now, we need to create a connection between the database created above and the java program. In order to do this, the following steps are followed:

  1. Initially, we need to collect the database and driver info in the class which we would be developing the application. The syntax for doing this is:

    String driverClassName = “com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”;
    String url=”jdbc:mysql://localhost/jdbc”;
    String user=”root”;

    // The default password is root.
    // But we can set up any password
    // for MYSQL database
    String pwd= “root”;

  2. Now, we need to load the JDBC driver. This is performed by the following statement:

    // Class.forName method returns the
    // Class object associated with the
    // class or the interface

  3. After initializing the database, we need to connect to it. So, we need to create a connection. The connection is created as:

    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pwd);

  4. After connecting, we should be able to execute SQL statements in order to get the data or update it or post it on the database. In order to execute the statements, the following syntax is used:

    Statement st = con.createStatement();

    // Creating SQL query
    String sql= “” ;

    // Executing the query

  5. Finally, after completing the execution, we need to close the connection. The connection to the database is closed as:


Till now, we have initialized the database and created a connection between the database and the Java program. Now, we need to define all the methods based on functionality. The methods in the program are as follows:

  1. Book ticket: In order to book a ticket, we first need to choose the route. This option is given to the user to choose a route among the set of predefined routes. For all the routes, users have to enter his details like name, age, mobile number, email, etc. Now, the user gets a list of available travels in the particular route. Based on the users choice, the data is stored in that respective table of the database created above. In order to do this, switch-case is used where every case is the choice of the travel provider.
  2. Cancel Ticket: Similar to the above method, we need to implement the cancel functionality where users will be able to cancel the booked ticket. In order to do this, we need to first get the details of the users whose tickets need to be cancelled and this is validated with the mobile number and email ID of the user which is given during the input.
  3. Print Ticket: Now, the print function is implemented. In order to print the ticket, the user details are taken, like the bus in which the ticket has been booked and the email ID is taken as the input to find the ticket details and print the details.
  4. Update Ticket: In order to update the ticket, the user must have a booked ticket in the first place. Therefore, the email id of the user is taken as the input to verify if the ticket exists or not. After the email id is obtained, the search operation is performed on the database to search the ticket and then the new updated details are taken as the input which is then updated in the database.

Below is the complete implementation of the above functions along with the database connection:

// Java program to implement CLI
// based application of travel agency
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
// Travel class
class My_Travels {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws Exception
        String driverClassName
            = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
        String URL
            = "jdbc:mysql:// localhost/"
              + "My_Travels_travel_service";
        String user = "root";
        String pwd = "mysql";
        Connection con
            = DriverManager.getConnection(
                url, user, pwd);
        System.out.println("con---->" + con);
        Statement st = con.createStatement();
        Scanner zz = new Scanner(;
            + "\n"
            + "*********************"
            + "********************  ");
            "** WELCOME TO My_Travels"
            + " TRAVELS SERVICES **  ");
            + "********************  ");
            "Here you have several"
            + " tasks to perform -- "
            + "\n"
            + "\n");
            "Press 1 for ticket booking "
            + "\n"
            + "\n"
            + "Press 2 for "
            + "ticket cancellation"
            + "\n"
            + "\n"
            + "Press 3 for updating "
            + "Passenger detail"
            + "\n"
            + "\n"
            + "Press 4 to print "
            + "ticket details");
        int mainCH = zz.nextInt();
        switch (mainCH) {
        case 1:
                " Please choice the route :  ");
                "For DEHRADUN <---> KANPUR "
                + "via Haridwar, press 1"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + "For DEHRADUN <---> DELHI "
                + "via Roorkee, press 2");
            int route_ch = zz.nextInt();
            switch (route_ch) {
            case 1:
                    " Welcome <--> DEHRADUN"
                    + " - KANPUR route "
                    + "via Haridwar ");
                    "Please enter your detail"
                    + " so we can book "
                    + "your ticket");
                String w
                    = JOptionPane
                              "Enter the Journey Date:");
                String x
                    = JOptionPane
                              "Enter Passenger Name:");
                String y
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter Passenger Age:");
                String z
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter Bus Type:");
                String a
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter Source City:");
                String b
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter Destination City:");
                String c
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter Seat Type:");
                String cc
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter Email address:");
                    " In this route, we have "
                    + "type of bushes for you "
                    + "(Both AC and Non-AC "
                    + "buses available "
                    + "in this route ");
                    "For Shatbdi Travels  "
                    + "Departure: 5 PM  "
                    + "Arrival: 6:15 AM  "
                    + "Journey time: 13Hr. 15 Min., "
                    + "press 1"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "For Mahalaxmi Travels, "
                    + "Departure: 6 PM  "
                    + "Arrival: 7:30 AM "
                    + " Journey time: 13Hr. 30 "
                    + " 2"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "For Blueworld Travels,  "
                    + "Departure: 8 PM  "
                    + "Arrival: 10:15 AM  "
                    + "Journey time: 14Hr. 15 "
                    + "Min. press 3"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "For UP Govt. UPSRTC bushes, "
                    + "Departure: 10:15 PM  "
                    + "Arrival: 12:45 AM  "
                    + "Journey time: 14Hr. 30 "
                    + "Min. press 4");
                int Bus_ch_r1 = zz.nextInt();
                switch (Bus_ch_r1) {
                case 1:
                    String sql1
                        = "INSERT INTO "
                          + "shatabdi_travels_bus"
                          + "(JourneyDate, P_Name, "
                          + "P_Age, BusType, Source, "
                          + " Destination, SeatType, "
                          + "Email) VALUE(?, ?, ?, ?, "
                          + "?, ?, ?, ?)";
                    PreparedStatement ps1
                        = con.prepareStatement(sql1);
                    ps1.setString(1, w);
                    ps1.setString(2, x);
                    ps1.setString(3, y);
                    ps1.setString(4, z);
                    ps1.setString(5, a);
                    ps1.setString(6, b);
                    ps1.setString(7, c);
                    ps1.setString(8, cc);
                        + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Thanks for choosing "
                        + "Shatabdi Travels. "
                        + "Happy and safe Journey"
                        + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "\n");
                case 2:
                    String sql2
                        = "INSERT INTO "
                          + "mahalaxmi_travels_bus("
                          + "JourneyDate, P_Name, "
                          + "P_Age, BusType, Source, "
                          + " Destination, SeatType, "
                          + "Email) VALUE(?, ?, ?, ?, "
                          + "?, ?, ?, ?)";
                    PreparedStatement ps2
                        = con.prepareStatement(sql2);
                    ps2.setString(1, w);
                    ps2.setString(2, x);
                    ps2.setString(3, y);
                    ps2.setString(4, z);
                    ps2.setString(5, a);
                    ps2.setString(6, b);
                    ps2.setString(7, c);
                    ps2.setString(8, cc);
                        "Your ticket "
                        + "is booked successfully "
                        + "in Mahalaxmi Travels. "
                        + "This operator accept "
                        + "m-ticket, please show "
                        + "ticket to bus staff "
                        + "during journey. "
                        + "Have a nice day !");
                        "Thanks for choosing "
                        + "Mahalaxmi Travels. "
                        + "Happy and safe Journey");
                case 3:
                    String sql3
                        = "INSERT INTO "
                          + "blueworld_travels_bus("
                          + "JourneyDate, P_Name, "
                          + "P_Age, BusType, Source, "
                          + " Destination, SeatType, "
                          + " Email) VALUE(?, ?, ?, ?, "
                          + " ?, ?, ?, ?)";
                    PreparedStatement ps3
                        = con.prepareStatement(sql3);
                    ps3.setString(1, w);
                    ps3.setString(2, x);
                    ps3.setString(3, y);
                    ps3.setString(4, z);
                    ps3.setString(5, a);
                    ps3.setString(6, b);
                    ps3.setString(7, c);
                    ps3.setString(8, cc);
                        "Your ticket "
                        + "is booked successfully "
                        + "in Blueworld Travels. "
                        + "This operator accept "
                        + "m-ticket, please show "
                        + "ticket to bus staff during "
                        + "journey. Have a nice day !");
                        "Thanks for choosing "
                        + "Blueworld Travels. "
                        + "Happy and safe Journey");
                case 4:
                    String sql4
                        = "INSERT INTO "
                          + "upsrtc_bus(JourneyDate, "
                          + " P_Name, P_Age, BusType, "
                          + " Source, Destination, "
                          + "SeatType, Email)"
                          + " VALUE(?, ?, "
                          + "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
                    PreparedStatement ps4
                        = con.prepareStatement(sql4);
                    ps4.setString(1, w);
                    ps4.setString(2, x);
                    ps4.setString(3, y);
                    ps4.setString(4, z);
                    ps4.setString(5, a);
                    ps4.setString(6, b);
                    ps4.setString(7, c);
                    ps4.setString(8, cc);
                        "Your ticket "
                        + "is booked successfully "
                        + "in UP govt. UPSRTC Bus."
                        + " This operator does not "
                        + "accept m-ticket, please "
                        + "take a print of ticket & "
                        + "show bus staff during "
                        + "journey. Have a nice day !");
                        "Thanks for "
                        + "choosing UPSRTC."
                        + " Happy and safe Journey");
                        "Invalid Bus choice."
                        + " Try again Dear !");
            case 2:
                    " Welcome to DEHRADUN"
                    + " <---> DELHI route"
                    + " via Roorkee ");
                    "Please enter your detail, "
                    + " so we can book"
                    + " your ticket");
                String n
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter the Journey Date:");
                String s
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter Passenger Name:");
                String m
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter Passenger Age:");
                String o
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter Bus Type:");
                String p
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter Source City:");
                String q
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter Destination City:");
                String r
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter Seat Type:");
                String cd
                    = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        "Enter Email address:");
                    " In this route, "
                    + "we have 5 type of "
                    + "bushes for you "
                    + "(Both AC and "
                    + "Non-AC buses available "
                    + "in this route ");
                    "For Shreenath Travels, "
                    + " Departure: 5 PM  "
                    + "Arrival: 11:15 PM  "
                    + "Journey time: "
                    + "6 Hr. 15 1"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "For Shatabdi Travels, "
                    + " Departure: 8:5 PM  "
                    + "Arrival: 2:10 AM  "
                    + "Journey time: 6 Hr. 10 "
                    + " 2"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "For Mahalaxmi Travels, "
                    + "Departure: 11 PM  "
                    + "Arrival: 6:15 AM  "
                    + "Journey time: 7Hr."
                    + " 15 Min. press 3"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "For UP Govt. "
                    + "UPSRTC bushes, "
                    + "Departure: 9:30 PM  "
                    + "Arrival: 4 AM  "
                    + "Journey time: 6 Hr. 30 "
                    + "Min. press 4"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "For Royal Travels Pvt. Ltd."
                    + ", Departure: 12 PM  "
                    + "Arrival: 6:15 PM  "
                    + "Journey time: 6 Hr. 15 "
                    + "Min. press 5");
                int Bus_ch_r2 = zz.nextInt();
                switch (Bus_ch_r2) {
                case 2:
                    String sql5
                        = "INSERT INTO "
                          + "shatabdi_travels_bus"
                          + "(JourneyDate, P_Name, "
                          + " P_Age, BusType, Source, "
                          + "Destination, SeatType, "
                          + "Email) VALUE(?, ?, ?, ?, "
                          + " ?, ?, ?, ?)";
                    PreparedStatement ps5
                        = con.prepareStatement(sql5);
                    ps5.setString(1, n);
                    ps5.setString(2, s);
                    ps5.setString(3, m);
                    ps5.setString(4, o);
                    ps5.setString(5, p);
                    ps5.setString(6, q);
                    ps5.setString(7, r);
                    ps5.setString(8, cd);
                        "Your ticket is "
                        + "booked successfully in "
                        + "Statabdi Travels. "
                        + "This operator accept "
                        + "m-ticket, please show "
                        + "ticket to bus staff "
                        + "during the journey. "
                        + "Have a nice day !");
                        + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Thanks for choosing "
                        + "Shatabdi Travels."
                        + " Happy and safe Journey"
                        + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "\n");
                case 3:
                    String sql6
                        = "INSERT INTO "
                          + "mahalaxmi_travels_bus("
                          + "JourneyDate, P_Name, "
                          + "P_Age, BusType, Source, "
                          + " Destination, SeatType, "
                          + "Email) VALUE(?, ?, ?, ?, "
                          + " ?, ?, ?, ?)";
                    PreparedStatement ps6
                        = con.prepareStatement(sql6);
                    ps6.setString(1, n);
                    ps6.setString(2, s);
                    ps6.setString(3, m);
                    ps6.setString(4, o);
                    ps6.setString(5, p);
                    ps6.setString(6, q);
                    ps6.setString(7, r);
                    ps6.setString(8, cd);
                        "Your ticket is booked "
                        + "successfully in Mahalaxmi "
                        + "Travels. This operator accept "
                        + "m-ticket, please show ticket "
                        + "to bus staf during journey. "
                        + "Have a nice day !");
                        "Thanks for choosing "
                        + "Mahalaxmi Travels. "
                        + "Happy and safe Journey");
                case 1:
                    String sql7
                        = "INSERT INTO "
                          + "shreenath_travels_bus"
                          + "(JourneyDate, P_Name, "
                          + " P_Age, BusType, Source, "
                          + " Destination, SeatType, "
                          + "Email) VALUE(?, ?, ?, ?, "
                          + "?, ?, ?, ?)";
                    PreparedStatement ps17
                        = con.prepareStatement(sql7);
                    ps17.setString(1, n);
                    ps17.setString(2, s);
                    ps17.setString(3, m);
                    ps17.setString(4, o);
                    ps17.setString(5, p);
                    ps17.setString(6, q);
                    ps17.setString(7, r);
                    ps17.setString(8, cd);
                        "Your ticket is booked "
                        + "successfully in "
                        + "Shreenath Travels. "
                        + "This operator accept "
                        + "m-ticket, please show "
                        + "ticket to bus staff "
                        + "during journey. "
                        + "Have a nice day !");
                        "Thanks for choosing "
                        + "Shreenath Travels. "
                        + "Happy and safe Journey");
                case 4:
                    String sql8
                        = "INSERT INTO "
                          + "upsrtc_bus("
                          + "JourneyDate, P_Name, "
                          + " P_Age, BusType, "
                          + "Source, Destination, "
                          + "SeatType, Email) "
                          + "VALUE(?, ?, ?, ?, "
                          + "?, ?, ?, ?)";
                    PreparedStatement ps8
                        = con.prepareStatement(sql8);
                    ps8.setString(1, n);
                    ps8.setString(2, s);
                    ps8.setString(3, m);
                    ps8.setString(4, o);
                    ps8.setString(5, p);
                    ps8.setString(6, q);
                    ps8.setString(7, r);
                    ps8.setString(8, cd);
                        "Your ticket is booked "
                        + "successfully in UP govt. "
                        + "UPSRTC Bus. This operator "
                        + "does not accept m-ticket, "
                        + "please take a print of ticket "
                        + "& show bus staf during journey."
                        + " Have a nice day !");
                        "Thanks for choosing "
                        + "UPSRTC. Happy "
                        + "and safe Journey");
                case 5:
                    String sql9
                        = "INSERT INTO "
                          + "royal_travels_bus("
                          + "JourneyDate, P_Name, "
                          + "P_Age, BusType, Source, "
                          + " Destination, SeatType, "
                          + " Email) VALUE(?, ?, ?, ?, "
                          + " ?, ?, ?, ?)";
                    PreparedStatement ps9
                        = con.prepareStatement(sql9);
                    ps9.setString(1, n);
                    ps9.setString(2, s);
                    ps9.setString(3, m);
                    ps9.setString(4, o);
                    ps9.setString(5, p);
                    ps9.setString(6, q);
                    ps9.setString(7, r);
                    ps9.setString(8, cd);
                        "Your ticket is booked "
                        + "successfully in Royal "
                        + "Travels Bus. This operator "
                        + "does not accept m-ticket, "
                        + " please take a print of ticket "
                        + "& show bus staff during journey."
                        + " Have a nice day !");
                        "Thanks for choosing "
                        + "UPSRTC. "
                        + "Happy and safe Journey");
                        "Invalid Bus choice. "
                        + "Try again Dear !");
                "Proceed to payment ---- "
                + "don't refresh the page :"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + "You have 3 options -->");
                "1 : By Net Banking"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + "2 : By Debit Card"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + "3 : By Paytm Account");
            int pay_ch = zz.nextInt();
            switch (pay_ch) {
            case 1:
                    "Enter your Net Banking "
                    + "ID and Password");
                String id =;
                String pass =;
            case 2:
                    "Enter your 16 digit "
                    + "debit card number, "
                    + "cvv and OTP which "
                    + "is sent to your "
                    + "linked mobile number");
                String dc =;
                String cvv =;
                String OTP =;
            case 3:
                    "Enter your PAYTM "
                    + "mobile number, "
                    + "password and OTP");
                String PaytmNo =;
                String PtmPass =;
                String PtmOTP =;
                    "Invalid Payment choice, "
                    + " try again !");
                "Your ticket is booked "
                + "successfully. This "
                + "operator accept m-ticket, "
                + "please show ticket to "
                + "bus staff during journey. "
                + "Have a nice day !");
        case 2:
                "Select bus in which you "
                + "want to cancel your ticket");
                " 1: Shatabdi Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 2: Blueworld Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 3: Mahalaxmi Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 4: Shreenath Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 5: UP govt. upsrtc bus"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 6: Royal Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " Select any one");
            int cnclCH = zz.nextInt();
            String P_name
                = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                    "Enter the Passenger name "
                    + "who want to delete ticket");
            String Email
                = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                    "Enter the Passenger's"
                    + " Email want to delete ticket");
            switch (cnclCH) {
            case 1:
                String sql12
                    = "DELETE FROM "
                      + "shatabdi_travels_bus "
                      + "where P_name=? and Email=?";
                PreparedStatement ps12
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql12);
                ps12.setString(1, P_name);
                ps12.setString(2, Email);
                    "Your ticket is cancelled "
                    + "successfully from "
                    + "Shatabdi Travels");
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "Shatabdi Travels.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n");
            case 2:
                String sql13
                    = "DELETE FROM "
                      + "blueworld_travels_bus "
                      + "where P_name=? and Email=?";
                PreparedStatement ps13
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql13);
                ps13.setString(1, P_name);
                ps13.setString(2, Email);
                    "Your ticket is "
                    + "cancelled successfully "
                    + "from Blueworld Travels");
                    "Thanks for choosing"
                    + "Blueworld Travels.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey");
            case 3:
                String sql14
                    = "DELETE FROM "
                      + "mahalaxmi_travels_bus"
                      + " where P_name=? and Email=?";
                PreparedStatement ps14
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql14);
                ps14.setString(1, P_name);
                ps14.setString(2, Email);
                    "Your ticket is "
                    + "cancelled successfully "
                    + "from Mahalaxmi Travels");
                    "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "Mahalaxmi Travels. "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey");
            case 4:
                String sql15
                    = "DELETE FROM "
                      + "shreenath_travels_bus "
                      + "where P_name=? and "
                      + "Email=?";
                PreparedStatement ps15
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql15);
                ps15.setString(1, P_name);
                ps15.setString(2, Email);
                    "Your ticket is "
                    + "cancelled successfully "
                    + "from Royal Travels");
                    "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "Shreenath Travels.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey");
            case 5:
                String sql16
                    = "DELETE FROM "
                      + "upsrtc_bus where "
                      + "P_name=? and Email=?";
                PreparedStatement ps16
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql16);
                ps16.setString(1, P_name);
                ps16.setString(2, Email);
                    "Your ticket is cancelled "
                    + "successfully from UP "
                    + "govt. UPSRTC bus");
                    "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "UP govt. UPSRTC bus."
                    + " Happy and safe Journey");
            case 6:
                String sql11
                    = "DELETE FROM "
                      + "royal_travels_bus "
                      + "where P_name=? and Email=?";
                PreparedStatement ps11
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql11);
                ps11.setString(1, P_name);
                ps11.setString(2, Email);
                    "Your ticket is "
                    + "cancelled successfully "
                    + "from Royal Travels");
                    "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "Royal Travels.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey");
                    "Invalid cancellation choise");
        case 3:
                "Select bus in which you "
                + "want to update your detail");
                " 1: Shatabdi Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 2: Blueworld Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 3: Mahalaxmi Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 4: Shreenath Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 5: UP govt. upsrtc bus"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 6: Royal Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " Select any one");
            int udtCH = zz.nextInt();
            String Email1
                = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                    "Enter the Passenger's Email"
                    + " who want to delete ticket");
            String P_name1
                = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                    "Enter the correct "
                    + "name to update ticket");
            String age1
                = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                    "Enter the correct "
                    + "age to update ticket");
            switch (udtCH) {
            case 1:
                String sql12
                    = "UPDATE shatabdi_travels_bus "
                      + "SET P_Name=?, P_Age=? where Email=?";
                PreparedStatement ps12
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql12);
                ps12.setString(1, P_name1);
                ps12.setString(2, age1);
                ps12.setString(3, Email1);
                    "Your ticket is updated "
                    + "successfully from "
                    + "Shatabdi Travels");
                                   + "\n"
                                   + "\n"
                                   + "Thanks for choosing "
                                   + "Shatabdi Travels.... "
                                   + "Happy and safe Journey"
                                   + "\n"
                                   + "\n"
                                   + "\n"
                                   + "\n");
            case 2:
                String sql13
                    = "UPDATE blueworld_travels_bus"
                      + " SET P_Name=?, P_age=? where Email=?";
                PreparedStatement ps13
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql13);
                ps13.setString(1, P_name1);
                ps13.setString(2, age1);
                ps13.setString(3, Email1);
                    "Your ticket is updated "
                    + "successfully from "
                    + "Blueworld Travels");
                    "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "Blueworld Travels.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey");
            case 3:
                String sql14
                    = "UPDATE mahalaxmi_travels_bus "
                      + "SET P_Name=?, P_Age=? where Email=?";
                PreparedStatement ps14
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql14);
                ps14.setString(1, P_name1);
                ps14.setString(2, age1);
                ps14.setString(3, Email1);
                    "Your ticket is updated "
                    + "successfully from "
                    + "Mahalaxmi Travels");
                    "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "Mahalaxmi Travels.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey");
            case 4:
                String sql15
                    = "UPDATE shreenath_travels_bus "
                      + "SET P_Name=?, P_Age=? where Email=?";
                PreparedStatement ps15
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql15);
                ps15.setString(1, P_name1);
                ps15.setString(2, age1);
                ps15.setString(3, Email1);
                    "Your ticket is updated "
                    + "successfully from "
                    + "Royal Travels");
                    "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "Shreenath Travels.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey");
            case 5:
                String sql16
                    = "UPDATE upsrtc_bus "
                      + "SET P_Name=?, P_Age=? "
                      + "where Email=?";
                PreparedStatement ps16
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql16);
                ps16.setString(1, P_name1);
                ps16.setString(2, age1);
                ps16.setString(3, Email1);
                    "Your ticket is updated "
                    + "successfully from UP "
                    + "govt. UPSRTC bus");
                    "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "UP govt. UPSRTC bus...."
                    + " Happy and safe Journey");
            case 6:
                String sql11
                    = "UPDATE royal_travels_bus"
                      + " SET P_Name=?, P_Age=? "
                      + "where Email=?";
                PreparedStatement ps11
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql11);
                ps11.setString(1, P_name1);
                ps11.setString(2, age1);
                ps11.setString(3, age1);
                    "Your ticket is updated "
                    + "successfully from "
                    + "Royal Travels");
                    "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "Royal Travels.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey");
                    "Invalid cancellation choise");
        case 4:
                "Select bus in which "
                + "you want to print your ticket");
                " 1: Shatabdi Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 2: Blueworld Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 3: Mahalaxmi Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 4: Shreenath Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 5: UP govt. upsrtc bus"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " 6: Royal Travels"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + " Select any one");
            int PrntCH = zz.nextInt();
            String PEmail
                = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                    "Enter the Email to print ticket");
            switch (PrntCH) {
            case 1:
                String sql21
                    = "SELECT JourneyDate, "
                      + "P_Name, P_Age, Source, "
                      + "Destination, BusType, "
                      + "Email, SeatType FROM "
                      + "shatabdi_travels_bus "
                      + "WHERE Email= ?";
                PreparedStatement ps21
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql21);
                ps21.setString(1, PEmail);
                ResultSet rs1 = ps21.executeQuery();
                while ( {
                        "Journey Date : "
                        + rs1.getString("JourneyDate") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger Name : "
                        + rs1.getString("P_Name") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger Age : "
                        + rs1.getInt("P_Age") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Source City : "
                        + rs1.getString("Source") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Destination City : "
                        + rs1.getString("Destination") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Bus Type : "
                        + rs1.getString("BusType") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger's Email : "
                        + rs1.getString("Email") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Seat Type : "
                        + rs1.getString("SeatType"));
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "Shatabdi Travels.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n");
            case 2:
                String sql22
                    = "SELECT JourneyDate, "
                      + "P_Name, P_Age, Source, "
                      + " Destination, BusType, "
                      + "Email, SeatType FROM "
                      + "blueworld_travels_bus "
                      + "WHERE Email= ?";
                PreparedStatement ps22
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql22);
                ps22.setString(1, PEmail);
                ResultSet rs2 = ps22.executeQuery();
                while ( {
                        "Journey Date : "
                        + rs2.getString("JourneyDate") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger Name : "
                        + rs2.getString("P_Name") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger Age : "
                        + rs2.getInt("P_Age") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Source City : "
                        + rs2.getString("Source") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Destination City : "
                        + rs2.getString("Destination") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Bus Type : "
                        + rs2.getString("BusType") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger's Email : "
                        + rs2.getString("Email") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Seat Type : "
                        + rs2.getString("SeatType"));
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "Blueworld Travels.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n");
            case 3:
                String sql23
                    = "SELECT JourneyDate, P_Name, "
                      + "P_Age, Source, Destination, "
                      + " BusType, Email, "
                      + "SeatType FROM "
                      + "mahalaxmi_travels_bus "
                      + "WHERE Email= ?";
                PreparedStatement ps23
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql23);
                ps23.setString(1, PEmail);
                ResultSet rs3 = ps23.executeQuery();
                while ( {
                        "Journey Date : "
                        + rs3.getString("JourneyDate") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger Name : "
                        + rs3.getString("P_Name") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger Age : "
                        + rs3.getInt("P_Age") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Source City : "
                        + rs3.getString("Source") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Destination City : "
                        + rs3.getString("Destination") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Bus Type : "
                        + rs3.getString("BusType") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger's Email : "
                        + rs3.getString("Email") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Seat Type : "
                        + rs3.getString("SeatType"));
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "Mahalaxmi Travels.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n");
            case 4:
                String sql24
                    = "SELECT JourneyDate, P_Name, "
                      + "P_Age, Source, Destination, "
                      + "BusType, Email, SeatType "
                      + "FROM shreenath_travels_bus "
                      + "WHERE Email= ?";
                PreparedStatement ps24
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql24);
                ps24.setString(1, PEmail);
                ResultSet rs4 = ps24.executeQuery();
                while ( {
                        "Journey Date : "
                        + rs4.getString("JourneyDate") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger Name : "
                        + rs4.getString("P_Name") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger Age : "
                        + rs4.getInt("P_Age") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Source City : "
                        + rs4.getString("Source") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Destination City : "
                        + rs4.getString("Destination") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Bus Type : "
                        + rs4.getString("BusType") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger's Email : "
                        + rs4.getString("Email") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Seat Type : "
                        + rs4.getString("SeatType"));
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "Shreenath Travels.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n");
            case 6:
                String sql25
                    = "SELECT JourneyDate, P_Name, "
                      + "P_Age, Source, Destination, "
                      + "BusType, Email, SeatType "
                      + "FROM royal_travels_bus "
                      + "WHERE Email= ?";
                PreparedStatement ps25
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql25);
                ps25.setString(1, PEmail);
                ResultSet rs5 = ps25.executeQuery();
                while ( {
                        "Journey Date : "
                        + rs5.getString("JourneyDate") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger Name : "
                        + rs5.getString("P_Name") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger Age : "
                        + rs5.getInt("P_Age") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Source City : "
                        + rs5.getString("Source") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Destination City : "
                        + rs5.getString("Destination") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Bus Type : "
                        + rs5.getString("BusType") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger's Email : "
                        + rs5.getString("Email") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Seat Type : "
                        + rs5.getString("SeatType"));
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "Thanks for choosing "
                    + "Royal Travels.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n");
            case 5:
                String sql26
                    = "SELECT JourneyDate, P_Name, "
                      + " P_Age, Source, Destination, "
                      + "BusType, Email, SeatType "
                      + "FROM upsrtc_bus WHERE "
                      + "Email= ?";
                PreparedStatement ps26
                    = con.prepareStatement(sql26);
                ps26.setString(1, PEmail);
                ResultSet rs6 = ps26.executeQuery();
                while ( {
                        "Journey Date : "
                        + rs6.getString("JourneyDate") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger Name : "
                        + rs6.getString("P_Name") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger Age : "
                        + rs6.getInt("P_Age") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Source City : "
                        + rs6.getString("Source") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Destination City : "
                        + rs6.getString("Destination") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Bus Type : "
                        + rs6.getString("BusType") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Passenger's Email : "
                        + rs6.getString("Email") + "\n"
                        + "\n"
                        + "Seat Type : "
                        + rs6.getString("SeatType"));
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "Thanks for choosing UP govt. "
                    + "UPSRTC.... "
                    + "Happy and safe Journey"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n");
        System.out.println("---SQL executed successfully---");
        System.out.println("Adars11h Shukla  "
                           + "R134218010");

Note: The above code does not work on the online IDE. Please use an offline IDE to run the above code.

Output: The following two videos explain the working of the above code.

Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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