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HomeData Modelling & AIJoining Tables using MultiMaps

Joining Tables using MultiMaps

Joining two different tables on their matching columns can be done using nested loops, but a more efficient and scalable way is to use multimaps. The idea is to map from each column value that we want to join to all the rows that contain it, to generate a multimap from a table out of both tables.

The multimap generated has to be hash-based. Hashing is essentially a technique converting a large element into a small element that represents the same element. Therefore, generate the multimap for the smaller table, thus decreasing its generation time and memory size.



  • Create the two tables.
  • Now, get the ID of the columns on both of the tables.
  • Then create and implement a multimap for mapping to various rows of table B.
  • Print the result after the above steps.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for hashjoin on two tables
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Generate two tables to join
using tab_t = vector<vector<string> >;
// Table 1
tab_t tab1{ // Age  Name
            { "32", "Rahul" },
            { "25", "Anshul" },
            { "17", "Lok" },
            { "25", "Akil" },
            { "17", "Anshul" }
// Table 2
tab_t tab2{ // Student  Friend
            { "Rahul", "Tim" },
            { "Rahul", "Siva" },
            { "Anshul", "Gary" },
            { "Anshul", "Azhar" },
            { "Lok", "Vamsi" }
// Overloading of Output Operator
ostream& operator<<(ostream& o,
                    const tab_t& t)
    // Iterate through the table t
    for (size_t i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i) {
        o << i << ":";
        for (const auto& e : t[i])
            o << '\t' << e;
        o << endl;
    return o;
// Function that perform join operation
// on the two tables
tab_t Join(const tab_t& a, size_t columna,
           const tab_t& b, size_t columnb)
    unordered_multimap<string, size_t> hashmap;
    // Use of Hashmap
    for (size_t i = 0;
         i < a.size(); ++i) {
        hashmap.insert({ a[i][columna], i });
    // Perform Mapping
    tab_t result;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) {
        auto range = hashmap.equal_range(
        // Create new joined table
        for (auto it = range.first;
             it != range.second; ++it) {
            tab_t::value_type row;
            // Insert values to row
            // Push the row
    return result;
// Driver Code
int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
    int ret = 0;
    // Given Tables
    cout << "Table A: " << endl
         << tab1 << endl;
    cout << "Table B: " << endl
         << tab2 << endl;
    // Function Call
    auto tab3 = Join(tab1, 1, tab2, 0);
    // Print the joined table
    cout << "Joined tables: " << endl
         << tab3 << endl;
    return ret;


Table A: 
0:    32    Rahul
1:    25    Anshul
2:    17    Lok
3:    25    Akil
4:    17    Anshul

Table B: 
0:    Rahul    Tim
1:    Rahul    Siva
2:    Anshul    Gary
3:    Anshul    Azhar
4:    Lok    Vamsi

Joined tables: 
0:    32    Rahul    Rahul    Tim
1:    32    Rahul    Rahul    Siva
2:    17    Anshul    Anshul    Gary
3:    25    Anshul    Anshul    Gary
4:    17    Anshul    Anshul    Azhar
5:    25    Anshul    Anshul    Azhar
6:    17    Lok    Lok    Vamsi

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