Friday, December 27, 2024
Google search engine Class Method | Set 2 Class Method | Set 2

Set 1, Set 3
Methods of Class Method :

  1. readLine() : reads the next line of text from this file, start reading from the File Pointer till the end of file.
    Syntax : 
    public final String readLine()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    reads the next line of text from this file
  2. readUnsignedByte() : reads an unsigned 8 bit number from file, starts reading from the current File Pointer.
    Syntax : 
    public final int readUnsignedByte()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    reads an unsigned 8 bit number from file
  3. readUnsignedShort() : reads an unsigned 16 bit number from file, starts reading from the current File Pointer.
    Syntax : 
    public final int readUnsignedShort()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    reads an unsigned 16 bit number from file
  4. readUTF() : reads in a string from the file
    Syntax : 
    public final String readUTF()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    Unicode String
  5. seek(long pos) : pos) sets File pointer position.
    Syntax : 
    public void seek(long pos)
    Parameters : 
    pos : start position from file, measured in bytes
    Return : 
  6. setLength(long len) : len) sets length of the file.
    Syntax : 
    public void setLength(long len)
    Parameters : 
    len : desired length of the file
    Return : 
  7. skipBytes(int n) n) skip over n bytes, discarding the skipped bytes
    Syntax : 
    public int skipBytes(int n)
    Parameters : 
    n : no. of bytes to be skipped
    Return : 
    no. of bytes skipped
  8. getChannel() : returns unique FileChannel object associated with file.
    Syntax : 
    public final FileChannel getChannel()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    returns unique FileChannel object
  9. : returns length of the file.
    Syntax : 
    public long length()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    length of the file, measured in bytes
  10. getFilePointer() : return current offset in the file in bytes.
    Syntax : 
    public long getFilePointer()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    return current offset in the file in bytes
  11. getFD() : returns file descriptor object with the stream.
    Syntax : 
    public final FileDescriptor getFD()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    file descriptor object with the stream.
  12. close() : closes random access file stream and releases source associated with the stream, if any.
    Syntax : 
    public void close()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 

  13. // Java Program illustrating use of io.RandomAccessFile class methods
    // seek(), readLine(), readUTF(), readUnsignedByte(), readUnsignedShort(),
    // setLength(), length(), skipBytes(), getFilePointer(), getChannel(),
    // getFD(), close()
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args)
                // Creating a new RandomAccessFile - "GEEK"
                RandomAccessFile geek = new RandomAccessFile("FILE.txt", "rw");
                // Writing to file
                geek.writeUTF("Hello Geeks For Geeks");
                // Use of readUTF() :
                System.out.println("Use of readUTF() : " + geek.readUTF());
                //Use of seek() :
                // Use of readLine() :
                System.out.println("1 readLine() : " + geek.readLine());
                geek.writeUTF("Hello \nGeeks For Geeks");
                System.out.println("2 readLine() : " + geek.readLine());
                // Use of readUnsignedByte() :
              System.out.println("Use of readUnsignedByte() :  " + geek.readUnsignedByte());
                // Use of readUnsignedShort() :
              System.out.println("Use of readUnsignedByte() :  " + geek.readUnsignedShort());
                // Use of setLength():
                // Use of length() :
                System.out.println("Use of setLength() : " + geek.length());
                // Use of skipBytes() :
                System.out.println("Use of skipBytes() : " + geek.skipBytes(3));
                // Use of getFilePointer() :
                System.out.println("Use of getFilePointer() : " + geek.getFilePointer());
                // Use of getChannel() :
                System.out.println("Use of getChannel() : " + geek.getChannel());
                // Use of getFD() :
                System.out.println("Use of getFD() : " + geek.getFD());
                // Use of close() method :
                System.out.println("Stream Closed.");
            catch (IOException ex)
                System.out.println("Something went Wrong");


    Output :

    Use of readUTF() : Hello Geeks For Geeks
    1 readLine() : Hello Geeks For Geekss
    2 readLine() : Hello
    Use of readUnsignedByte() :  101
    Use of readUnsignedByte() :  27756
    Use of setLength() : 78
    Use of skipBytes() : 3
    Use of getFilePointer() : 5
    Use of getChannel() :
    Use of getFD() :
    Stream Closed.

    This article is contributed by Mohit Gupta_OMG 😀. If you like Lazyroar and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to See your article appearing on the Lazyroar main page and help other Geeks.

    Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.


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