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How to Sort a Multidimensional Array by Value in PHP

A multi-dimensional array is an array that contains one or more arrays into it. Each array within the multi-dimensional array can have different keys and values, and may also contain other arrays within it.

Sorting a multi-dimensional array by value in PHP is very easy; In this tutorial, you will learn various methods of sorting a multi-dimensional array by value in PHP.

How to Sort a Multi-dimensional Array by Value in PHP

By following these methods, you can sort a multidimensional arrays by value in PHP:

  • Method 1: Using usort()
  • Method 2: Using array_multisort()
  • Method 3: Using a custom sort function

Method 1: Using usort()

The usort() function is a built-in PHP function that sorts an array by a specified function. To use this function to sort a multi-dimensional array, you need to define a function that will compare the values of the arrays. Here’s an example:

$multiArray = array(
    array("name"=>"John", "age"=>30),
    array("name"=>"Mary", "age"=>20),
    array("name"=>"Bob", "age"=>25)

function compareAge($a, $b) {
    return $a['age'] - $b['age'];

usort($multiArray, "compareAge");


Here is an explanation of above-given example code:

  1. $multiArray = array(...) – This line initializes a multi-dimensional array called $multiArray, which contains three inner arrays. Each inner array contains two key-value pairs – one for name and another for age.
  2. function compareAge($a, $b) { ... } – This defines a function called compareAge that will be used to compare the ages of the inner arrays in the multi-dimensional array. The function takes two arguments, $a and $b, which represent two inner arrays being compared. Inside the function, the ages of the two arrays are subtracted from each other, and the result is returned.
  3. usort($multiArray, "compareAge"); – This line uses the usort() function to sort the $multiArray array using the compareAge() function. The usort() function takes two arguments – the array to be sorted, and the name of the comparison function to be used. In this case, it’s "compareAge", the function we defined earlier.
  4. print_r($multiArray); – Finally, this line prints the sorted multi-dimensional array to the screen using the print_r() function. This function displays the contents of the array in a human-readable format.

Method 2: Using array_multisort()

The array_multisort() function is another built-in PHP function that sorts multiple arrays at once. To use this function to sort a multi-dimensional array, you need to extract the values of the arrays into separate arrays. Here’s an example:

$multiArray = array(
    array("name"=>"John", "age"=>30),
    array("name"=>"Mary", "age"=>20),
    array("name"=>"Bob", "age"=>25)

foreach ($multiArray as $key => $row) {
    $name[$key]  = $row['name'];
    $age[$key] = $row['age'];

array_multisort($age, SORT_ASC, $name, SORT_ASC, $multiArray);


Here is an explanation of above-given example code:

  1. First, the $multiArray variable is defined as a multi-dimensional array that contains three sub-arrays, each with a name and age field.
  2. Then, a foreach loop is used to iterate over the sub-arrays in $multiArray. Inside the loop, two separate arrays are created to store the name and age values of each sub-array.
  3. The array_multisort() function is called with the $age and $name arrays as arguments. This function sorts multiple arrays at once, in this case, the $age and $name arrays.
  4. The SORT_ASC constant is used to specify that the sorting order should be ascending.
  5. Finally, the sorted $multiArray is printed using the print_r() function.

Method 3: Using a custom sort function

You can also create a custom sort function that sorts a multi-dimensional array by value. Here’s an example:

$multiArray = array(
    array("name"=>"John", "age"=>30),
    array("name"=>"Mary", "age"=>20),
    array("name"=>"Bob", "age"=>25)

function sortArray($array, $key) {
    function compare($a, $b) {
        return $a[$key] - $b[$key];
    usort($array, "compare");
    return $array;

$sortedArray = sortArray($multiArray, 'age');


Here is an explanation of above-given example code:

  1. Create a multi-dimensional array: The first line of the code creates a multi-dimensional array, named $multiArray, which contains three sub-arrays, each with two key-value pairs. Each sub-array represents a person, with a name and an age.
  2. Define a sortArray() function: The sortArray() function is defined next, which takes two arguments – an array to be sorted, and the key by which to sort the array.
  3. Define a compare() function: Within the sortArray() function, a nested function named compare() is defined. This function takes two arguments, $a and $b, which represent the two sub-arrays being compared. The function compares the two sub-arrays by their key values specified in the $key parameter passed to the sortArray() function.
  4. Use the usort() function: The usort() function is then called with the multi-dimensional array and the compare() function as arguments. The usort() function sorts the array using the compare() function as a callback.
  5. Return the sorted array: Finally, the sorted array is returned by the sortArray() function and assigned to the $sortedArray variable. The print_r() function is used to display the contents of the $sortedArray variable. The output will be a sorted array, where each sub-array is sorted by age in ascending order.

Here is a some faq’s on How to Sort a Multi-dimensional Array by Value in PHP

Q: What are some common methods for sorting multi-dimensional arrays by value in PHP?

A: There are several ways to sort a multi-dimensional array by value in PHP, including using the usort() function, the array_multisort() function, or creating a custom sort function.

Q: What is the difference between usort() and array_multisort()?

A: The usort() function sorts a multi-dimensional array based on a specified custom comparison function, while the array_multisort() function sorts one or more arrays or multi-dimensional arrays by one or more keys, values, or user-defined functions.

Q: How can I specify which key to sort by when using a custom sort function?

A: You can specify which key to sort by in a custom sort function by passing the key as an argument to the function or by using a global variable to access the key.

Q: How can I sort a multi-dimensional array in descending order?

A: To sort a multi-dimensional array in descending order, you can modify the comparison function to return $b[$key] - $a[$key] instead of $a[$key] - $b[$key] in the compare() function or use the SORT_DESC flag when using the array_multisort() function.

Q: Can I sort a multi-dimensional array by multiple values?

A: Yes, you can sort a multi-dimensional array by multiple values by using the array_multisort() function and specifying multiple keys to sort by. Alternatively, you can modify the compare() function in the code example to compare multiple values before returning the result.

Q: Can I sort a multi-dimensional array by a specific key’s value alphabetically?

A: Yes, you can sort a multi-dimensional array by a specific key’s value alphabetically using a custom sort function. The comparison function should compare the values of the specified key in each sub-array using the strcmp() function to sort the array alphabetically.

Q: How do I sort a multi-dimensional array in ascending order alphabetically?

A: To sort a multi-dimensional array in ascending order alphabetically, use the usort() function along with a custom comparison function that compares the values of the specified key alphabetically using strcmp(). The usort() function sorts the array in ascending order based on the custom comparison function.


Sorting a multi-dimensional array by value in PHP is a useful technique that can help you organize your data in a meaningful way. In this tutorial, you have explored three methods of sorting a multi-dimensional array by value in PHP, including using the usort() function, using the array_multisort() function, and creating a custom sort function. By using these methods, you can easily sort your multi-dimensional arrays by any value you choose.

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