This article will demonstrate the CRUD Operations on a JavaScript Object. The operations are Create, Read, Update, and Delete. With these operations, we can create, take input, manipulate & destroy the objects.
JavaScript Objects are a collection of keys, values or properties/attributes, and entries. The values can be any data type as well as JavaScript functions, arrays, etc.
// Creating an Object
const rectangle = {
length: 25,
width: 20,
area: function(){
return this.length*this.width;
CRUD operations in JavaScript Objects
- Create: Create a new object or add an object property to an existing object.
- Read: Read any object existing property property
- Update: Update or modify an object or the attribute values.
- Delete: Delete or remove an entry from an object or the whole object.
We will explore each operation & will understand the associated different methods available in JavaScript to accomplish this task.
Create Operation
This operation refers to the creation of an object or adding a new property to it. The following methods can be used to create the Object:
- Using Object Constructor: It is a function that is used to create and initialize an object. The return value is assigned to a variable. The variable contains a reference to the new object.
- Using Object literals: It is the list of key-value pairs separated by a comma “, “ for creating an object.
// Using Object Constructor
const obj = new Object();
// Using Object Literals
cosnt obj = {
key1 : value1
Example: In this example, we will create an object using the above two methods.
const rectangle = { length: 25, width: 20, area: function () { return this .length * this .width } } const square = new Object(); square.side = 10; square.area = function () { return this .side * this .side }; square.side = 20; console.log(rectangle, "area: " + rectangle.area()); console.log(square, "area: " + square.area()); |
{ length: 25, width: 20, area: [Function: area] } area: 500 { side: 20, area: [Function (anonymous)] } area: 400
Read Operation
The read operation refers to reading and accessing the properties and values of an object. It can be done using the following methods:
- Using Destructuring Assignment: It refers to the JavaScript syntax for unpacking the object values and assigning them to other variables.
- Using Dot Notations: This syntax allows to access the object properties and items using a [dot] or “. ” symbol.
- Using Bracket Notation: It allows to access the object property using the property name inside the brackets “[ ]”
console.log(obj.property1) // Usign dot notation
console.log(obj.property1.subProperty) // For Nested objects
console.log(obj['property2']) // Using Square Brackets
const { key1 } = obj1; // Using Object Destructuring
Example: In this example, we will use different methods to read object property values.
// Creating new object const rectangle = { length: 25, width: 20, area: function () { return this .length * this .width } } const { length } = rectangle console.log( "Rectangle length: " + length); console.log( "Rectangle width: " + rectangle[ 'width' ]); console.log( "Rectangle area: " + rectangle.area()); |
Rectangle length: 25 Rectangle width: 20 Rectangle area: 500
Update Operation
It means to access and modify an object’s properties. It can be done using these methods:
- Using Destructuring Assignment: It refers to the JavaScript syntax for unpacking the object values and assigning them to other variables.
- Using Dot Notations: This syntax allows to access the object properties and items using a [dot] or “. ” symbol.
obj.property1 = "newValue"; // Using dot notation
obj['property2'] = "value2"; // Using brackets
Example: This example describes the manipulation of the Object properties & their associated values.
const rectangle = { length: 25, width: 20, area: function () { return this .length * this .width; } } // Display Initial Area console.log( "Original Area: " + rectangle.area()); // Update Values rectangle.length = 50; // Usign dot notation rectangle[ 'width' ] = 40; // Usign brackets // Display Updated Area console.log( "Original Area: " + rectangle.area()); |
Original Area: 500 Original Area: 2000
Delete Operation
Delete operation refers to the removal of an object property. It can be done as follows:
- Using Delete operator: Delete keyword is used to remove the object property mentioned after it.
- Using Destructuring Assignment: It refers to the JavaScript syntax for unpacking the object values and assigning them to other variables.
delete obj.propety or delete obj['property'] // Using delete operator
const {property1, newObj} = oldObj; // Using destructuring
Example: This example describes the deletion of the Object & its associated properties & values.
const obj = { name: 'xyz' , age: 52, city: 'delhi' } // Display original object console.log( "Original object: " , obj); // Using destructuring const { age, ...newObj } = obj; console.log( "New object without age attribute: " , newObj); // Using delete operator delete; console.log( "Original object after deleting city: " , obj); |
Original object: { name: 'xyz', age: 52, city: 'delhi' } New object without age attribute: { name: 'xyz', city: 'delhi' } Original object after deleting city: { name: 'xyz', age: 52 }