In this article, we are going to see how to add a color picker widget in bokeh.
Widgets are the best way to make charts more interactive. We can also add widgets in the Bokeh application to provide the best front-end user visualization. Using widgets we can do many things like update charts, connect to other programmatic functionality. One of the widgets is the color picker.
Creating a color picker for the line chart in bokeh:
# displaying the chart from import show from bokeh.layouts import column # importing colorpicker model from bokeh from bokeh.models import ColorPicker # plotting the figure from bokeh.plotting import Figure plot = Figure(x_range = ( 0 , 1 ), y_range = ( 0 , 1 ), plot_width = 350 , plot_height = 350 ) line = plot.line(x = ( 0 , 1 ), y = ( 0 , 1 ), color = "black" , line_width = 4 ) picker = ColorPicker(title = "Line Color" ) picker.js_link( 'color' , line.glyph, 'line_color' ) show(column(plot, picker)) |
We plot a line chart with a color picker. Here we have explicitly specifies the line chart color ‘black’. The color of the line is by default ‘blue’ of a line chart. We can choose any color from the color picker and change our line chart color. Here I have chosen green color.