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HomeData Modelling & AIFind the Largest Cube formed by Deleting minimum Digits from a number

Find the Largest Cube formed by Deleting minimum Digits from a number

Given a number n, the task is to find the largest perfect cube that can be formed by deleting minimum digits(possibly 0) from the number. 
X is called a perfect cube if X = Y3 for some Y.

Input : 4125
Output : 125
125 = 53. We can form 125 by deleting digit 4 from 4125

Input : 876
Output :8
8 = 23. We can form 8 by deleting digits 7 and 6 from 876


We can generate cubes of all numbers till from 1 to N1/3 (We don’t consider 0 as 0 is not considered as a perfect cube). We iterate the cubes from largest to the smallest. 
Now if we look at the number n given to us, then we know that this number contains only log(n) + 1 digits, thus we can efficiently approach the problem if we treat this number n as a string hereafter. 
While iterating on the perfect cubes, we check if the perfect cube is a subsequence of the number n when its represented as a string.If this is the case then the deletions required for changing the number n to the current perfect cube is: 

No of deleted digits = No of digits in number n - 
                       Number of digits in current 
                                      perfect cube

Since we want the largest cube number we traverse the array of preprocessed cubes in reverse order. 


/* C++ code to implement maximum perfect cube
   formed after deleting  minimum digits */
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Returns vector of Pre Processed perfect cubes
vector<string> preProcess(long long int n)
    vector<string> preProcessedCubes;
    for (int i = 1; i * i * i <= n; i++) {
        long long int iThCube = i * i * i;
        // convert the cube to string and push into
        // preProcessedCubes vector
        string cubeString = to_string(iThCube);
    return preProcessedCubes;
/* Utility function for findLargestCube().
   Returns the Largest cube number that can be formed */
string findLargestCubeUtil(string num,
                    vector<string> preProcessedCubes)
    // reverse the preProcessed cubes so that we
    // have the largest cube in the beginning
    // of the vector
    reverse(preProcessedCubes.begin(), preProcessedCubes.end());
    int totalCubes = preProcessedCubes.size();
    // iterate over all cubes
    for (int i = 0; i < totalCubes; i++) {
        string currCube = preProcessedCubes[i];
        int digitsInCube = currCube.length();
        int index = 0;
        int digitsInNumber = num.length();
        for (int j = 0; j < digitsInNumber; j++) {
            // check if the current digit of the cube
            // matches with that of the number num
            if (num[j] == currCube[index])
            if (digitsInCube == index)                
                return currCube;           
    // if control reaches here, the its
    // not possible  to form a perfect cube
    return "Not Possible";
// wrapper for findLargestCubeUtil()
void findLargestCube(long long int n)
    // pre process perfect cubes
    vector<string> preProcessedCubes = preProcess(n);
    // convert number n to string
    string num = to_string(n);
    string ans = findLargestCubeUtil(num, preProcessedCubes);
    cout << "Largest Cube that can be formed from "
         << n << " is " << ans << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    long long int n;
    n = 4125;
    n = 876;
    return 0;


/* Java code to implement maximum perfect cube
formed after deleting minimum digits */
import java.util.*;
class GFG
    // Returns vector of Pre Processed perfect cubes
    static Vector<String> preProcess(int n)
        Vector<String> preProcessedCubes = new Vector<>();
        for (int i = 1; i * i * i <= n; i++)
            int iThCube = i * i * i;
            // convert the cube to String and push into
            // preProcessedCubes vector
            String cubeString = String.valueOf(iThCube);
        return preProcessedCubes;
    /* Utility function for findLargestCube().
    Returns the Largest cube number that can be formed */
    static String findLargestCubeUtil(String num,
            Vector<String> preProcessedCubes)
        // reverse the preProcessed cubes so that we
        // have the largest cube in the beginning
        // of the vector
        int totalCubes = preProcessedCubes.size();
        // iterate over all cubes
        for (int i = 0; i < totalCubes; i++)
            String currCube = preProcessedCubes.get(i);
            int digitsInCube = currCube.length();
            int index = 0;
            int digitsInNumber = num.length();
            for (int j = 0; j < digitsInNumber; j++)
                // check if the current digit of the cube
                // matches with that of the number num
                if (num.charAt(j) == currCube.charAt(index))
                if (digitsInCube == index)
                    return currCube;
        // if control reaches here, the its
        // not possible to form a perfect cube
        return "Not Possible";
    // wrapper for findLargestCubeUtil()
    static void findLargestCube(int n)
        // pre process perfect cubes
        Vector<String> preProcessedCubes = preProcess(n);
        // convert number n to String
        String num = String.valueOf(n);
        String ans = findLargestCubeUtil(num, preProcessedCubes);
        System.out.println("Largest Cube that can be formed from "
                + n + " is " + ans);
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int n;
        n = 4125;
        n = 876;
// This code has been contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python3 code to implement maximum perfect
# cube formed after deleting minimum digits
import math as mt
# Returns vector of Pre Processed
# perfect cubes
def preProcess(n):
    preProcessedCubes = list()
    for i in range(1, mt.ceil(n**(1. / 3.))):
        iThCube = i**3
        # convert the cube to string and
        # push into preProcessedCubes vector
        cubeString = str(iThCube)
    return preProcessedCubes
# Utility function for findLargestCube().
# Returns the Largest cube number that
# can be formed
def findLargestCubeUtil(num,preProcessedCubes):
    # reverse the preProcessed cubes so
    # that we have the largest cube in
    # the beginning of the vector
    preProcessedCubes = preProcessedCubes[::-1]
    totalCubes = len(preProcessedCubes)
    # iterate over all cubes
    for i in range(totalCubes):
        currCube = preProcessedCubes[i]
        digitsInCube = len(currCube)
        index = 0
        digitsInNumber = len(num)
        for j in range(digitsInNumber):
            # check if the current digit of the cube
            # matches with that of the number num
            if (num[j] == currCube[index]):
                index += 1
            if (digitsInCube == index):            
                return currCube        
    # if control reaches here, the its
    # not possible to form a perfect cube
    return "Not Possible"
# wrapper for findLargestCubeUtil()
def findLargestCube(n):
    # pre process perfect cubes
    preProcessedCubes = preProcess(n)
    num = str(n)
    ans = findLargestCubeUtil(num, preProcessedCubes)
    print("Largest Cube that can be formed from",
                                    n, "is", ans)
# Driver Code
n = 4125
n = 876
# This code is contributed
# by mohit kumar 29


/* C# code to implement maximum perfect cube
formed after deleting minimum digits */
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
    // Returns vector of Pre Processed perfect cubes
    static List<String> preProcess(int n)
        List<String> preProcessedCubes = new List<String>();
        for (int i = 1; i * i * i <= n; i++)
            int iThCube = i * i * i;
            // convert the cube to String and push into
            // preProcessedCubes vector
            String cubeString = String.Join("",iThCube);
        return preProcessedCubes;
    /* Utility function for findLargestCube().
    Returns the Largest cube number that can be formed */
    static String findLargestCubeUtil(String num,
            List<String> preProcessedCubes)
        // reverse the preProcessed cubes so that we
        // have the largest cube in the beginning
        // of the vector
        int totalCubes = preProcessedCubes.Count;
        // iterate over all cubes
        for (int i = 0; i < totalCubes; i++)
            String currCube = preProcessedCubes[i];
            int digitsInCube = currCube.Length;
            int index = 0;
            int digitsInNumber = num.Length;
            for (int j = 0; j < digitsInNumber; j++)
                // check if the current digit of the cube
                // matches with that of the number num
                if (num[j] == currCube[index])
                if (digitsInCube == index)
                    return currCube;
        // if control reaches here, the its
        // not possible to form a perfect cube
        return "Not Possible";
    // wrapper for findLargestCubeUtil()
    static void findLargestCube(int n)
        // pre process perfect cubes
        List<String> preProcessedCubes = preProcess(n);
        // convert number n to String
        String num = String.Join("",n);
        String ans = findLargestCubeUtil(num, preProcessedCubes);
        Console.WriteLine("Largest Cube that can be formed from "
                + n + " is " + ans);
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int n;
        n = 4125;
        n = 876;
// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji


// PHP code to implement maximum perfect
// cube formed after deleting minimum digits
// Returns vector of Pre Processed
// perfect cubes
function preProcess($n)
    $preProcessedCubes = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i * $i * $i < $n; $i++)
        $iThCube = $i * $i * $i;
        // convert the cube to string and
        // push into preProcessedCubes vector
        $cubeString = strval($iThCube);
    return $preProcessedCubes;
// Utility function for findLargestCube().
// Returns the Largest cube number that
// can be formed
function findLargestCubeUtil($num,$preProcessedCubes)
    // reverse the preProcessed cubes so
    // that we have the largest cube in
    // the beginning of the vector
    $preProcessedCubes = array_reverse($preProcessedCubes);
    $totalCubes = count($preProcessedCubes);
    // iterate over all cubes
    for($i = 0; $i < $totalCubes; $i++)
        $currCube = $preProcessedCubes[$i];
        $digitsInCube = strlen($currCube);
        $index = 0;
        $digitsInNumber = strlen($num);
        for ($j = 0; $j < $digitsInNumber; $j++)
            // check if the current digit of the cube
            // matches with that of the number num
            if ($num[$j] == $currCube[$index])
                $index += 1;
            if ($digitsInCube == $index)            
                return $currCube;    
    // if control reaches here, the its
    // not possible to form a perfect cube
    return "Not Possible";
// wrapper for findLargestCubeUtil()
function findLargestCube($n)
    // pre process perfect cubes
    $preProcessedCubes = preProcess($n);
    $num = strval($n);
    $ans = findLargestCubeUtil($num, $preProcessedCubes);
    print("Largest Cube that can be formed from ".$n." is ".$ans."\n");
// Driver Code
$n = 4125;
$n = 876;
// This code is contributed by mits


/* Javascript code to implement maximum perfect cube
formed after deleting minimum digits */
    // Returns vector of Pre Processed perfect cubes
    function preProcess(n)
        let preProcessedCubes =[];
        for (let i = 1; i * i * i <= n; i++)
            let iThCube = i * i * i;
            // convert the cube to String and push into
            // preProcessedCubes vector
            let cubeString = (iThCube).toString();
        return preProcessedCubes;
    /* Utility function for findLargestCube().
    Returns the Largest cube number that can be formed */
    function findLargestCubeUtil(num,preProcessedCubes)
        // reverse the preProcessed cubes so that we
        // have the largest cube in the beginning
        // of the vector
        let totalCubes = preProcessedCubes.length;
        // iterate over all cubes
        for (let i = 0; i < totalCubes; i++)
            let currCube = preProcessedCubes[i];
            let digitsInCube = currCube.length;
            let index = 0;
            let digitsInNumber = num.length;
            for (let j = 0; j < digitsInNumber; j++)
                // check if the current digit of the cube
                // matches with that of the number num
                if (num[j] == currCube[index])
                if (digitsInCube == index)
                    return currCube;
        // if control reaches here, the its
        // not possible to form a perfect cube
        return "Not Possible";
    // wrapper for findLargestCubeUtil()
    function findLargestCube(n)
        // pre process perfect cubes
        let preProcessedCubes = preProcess(n);
        // convert number n to String
        let num = (n).toString();
        let ans = findLargestCubeUtil(num, preProcessedCubes);
        document.write("Largest Cube that can be formed from "
                + n + " is " + ans+"<br>");
    // Driver Code
    let n;
    n = 4125;
    n = 876;
// This code is contributed by unknown2108


Largest Cube that can be formed from 4125 is 125
Largest Cube that can be formed from 876 is 8


Time Complexity: O(N1/3log(N) log(N), due to the fact that the number of digits in N are Log(N) + 1.
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

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