As we all know that better encoding leads to a better model and most algorithms cannot handle the categorical variables unless they are converted into a numerical value.
Categorical features are generally divided into 3 types:
A. Binary: Either/or
- Yes, No
- True, False
B. Ordinal: Specific ordered Groups.
- low, medium, high
- cold, hot, lava Hot
C. Nominal: Unordered Groups. Examples
- cat, dog, tiger
- pizza, burger, coke
Dataset: To download the file click on the link encoding dataset
# data preprocessing import pandas as pd # for linear calculations import numpy as np # Plotting Graphs import seaborn as sns df = pd.read_csv( "Encoding Data.csv" ) # displaying top 10 results df.head( 10 ) |
Let’s examine the columns of the dataset with different types of encoding techniques.
Code: Mapping binary features present in the dataset.
# you can always use simple mapping on binary features. df[ 'bin_1' ] = df[ 'bin_1' ]. apply ( lambda x: 1 if x = = 'T' else ( 0 if x = = 'F' else None )) df[ 'bin_2' ] = df[ 'bin_2' ]. apply ( lambda x: 1 if x = = 'Y' else ( 0 if x = = 'N' else None )) sns.countplot(df[ 'bin_1' ]) sns.countplot(df[ 'bin_2' ]) |
Bin_1 after applying mapping
bin_2 after applying mapping
Label Encoding: Label encoding algorithm is quite simple and it considers an order for encoding, Hence can be used for encoding ordinal data.
# labelEncoder present in scikitlearn library from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder le = LabelEncoder() df[ 'ord_2' ] = le.fit_transform(df[ 'ord_2' ]) sns. set (style = "darkgrid" ) sns.countplot(df[ 'ord_2' ]) |
Plot of ord_2 after label encoding
One-Hot Encoding: To overcome the Disadvantage of Label Encoding as it considers some hierarchy in the columns which can be misleading to nominal features present in the data. we can use the One-Hot Encoding strategy.
One-hot encoding is processed in 2 steps:
- Splitting of categories into different columns.
- Put ‘0 for others and ‘1’ as an indicator for the appropriate column.
Code: One-Hot encoding with Sklearn library
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder enc = OneHotEncoder() # transforming the column after fitting enc = enc.fit_transform(df[[ 'nom_0' ]]).toarray() # converting arrays to a dataframe encoded_colm = pd.DataFrame(enc) # concatenating dataframes df = pd.concat([df, encoded_colm], axis = 1 ) # removing the encoded column. df = df.drop([ 'nom_0' ], axis = 1 ) df.head( 10 ) |
Code: One-Hot encoding with pandas
df = pd.get_dummies(df, prefix = [ 'nom_0' ], columns = [ 'nom_0' ]) df.head( 10 ) |
This method is preferable since it gives good labels.
Note: One-hot encoding approach eliminates the order but it causes the number of columns to expand vastly. So for columns with more unique values try using other techniques.
Frequency Encoding: We can also encode considering the frequency distribution. This method can be effective at times for nominal features.
# grouping by frequency fq = df.groupby( 'nom_0' ).size() / len (df) # mapping values to dataframe df.loc[:, "{}_freq_encode" . format ( 'nom_0' )] = df[ 'nom_0' ]. map (fq) # drop original column. df = df.drop([ 'nom_0' ], axis = 1 ) = True ) df.head( 10 ) |
Frequency distribution (fq)
Ordinal Encoding: We can use Ordinal Encoding provided in Scikit learn class to encode Ordinal features. It ensures that ordinal nature of the variables is sustained.
Code: Using Scikit learn.
from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder ord1 = OrdinalEncoder() # fitting encoder[df[ 'ord_2' ]]) # transforming the column after fitting df[ "ord_2" ] = ord1.transform(df[[ "ord_2" ]]) df.head( 10 ) |
One issue with this representation (Ordinal Encoding) is that the ML algorithm would assume that the two nearby values are closer than the distinct ones.
Example of the above Problem:
from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder x = [[ "red" , "green" ],[ "yellow" , "red" ]] ord = OrdinalEncoder() output = ord .fit_transform(x) print (output) |
It’s looking for the most nearby ones. It assumes that “red” and “green” belong to the same category.
Code: Manually assigning ranking by using a dictionary
# creating a dictionary temp_dict = { 'Cold' : 1 , 'Warm' : 2 , 'Hot' : 3 } # mapping values in column from dictionary df[ 'Ord_2_encod' ] = df.ord_2. map (temp_dict) df = df.drop([ 'ord_2' ], axis = 1 ) <strong > Output: < / strong > |
Binary Encoding: Initially, categories are encoded as Integer and then converted into binary code, then the digits from that binary string are placed into separate columns.
for eg: for 7 : 1 1 1
This method is quite preferable when there is more categories. Imagine if you have 100 different categories. One hot encoding will create 100 different columns, But binary encoding only need 7 columns.
from category_encoders import BinaryEncoder encoder = BinaryEncoder(cols = [ 'ord_2' ]) # transforming the column after fitting newdata = encoder.fit_transform(df[ 'ord_2' ]) # concatenating dataframe df = pd.concat([df, newdata], axis = 1 ) # dropping old column df = df.drop([ 'ord_2' ], axis = 1 ) df.head( 10 ) |
HashEncoding: Hashing is the process of converting of a string of characters into a unique hash value with applying a hash function. This process is quite useful as it can deal with a higher number of categorical data and its low memory usage.
Article regarding hashing
from sklearn.feature_extraction import FeatureHasher # n_features contains the number of bits you want in your hash value. h = FeatureHasher(n_features = 3 , input_type = 'string' ) # transforming the column after fitting hashed_Feature = h.fit_transform(df[ 'nom_0' ]) hashed_Feature = hashed_Feature.toarray() df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(hashed_Feature)], axis = 1 ) df.head( 10 ) |
You can further drop the converted feature from your Dataframe.
Mean/Target Encoding: Target encoding is good because it picks up values that can explain the target. It is used by most kagglers in their competitions. The basic idea is to replace a categorical value with the mean of the target variable.
# inserting Target column in the dataset since it needs a target df.insert( 5 , "Target" , [ 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ], True ) # importing TargetEncoder from category_encoders import TargetEncoder Targetenc = TargetEncoder() # transforming the column after fitting values = Targetenc.fit_transform(X = df.nom_0, y = df.Target) # concatenating values with dataframe df = pd.concat([df, values], axis = 1 ) df.head( 10 ) |
You can further drop the converted feature from your Dataframe.