The d3.interpolateSpectral() function is used to return the color from the “Spectral” diverging color scheme. The color returned by this function is in the form of an RGB string.
Parameters: This function takes only one parameter as given above and described below.
- t: This parameter takes a number that lies in range 0 to 1.
Return Values: This function returns an RGB string.
Below given are a few examples of the function given above.
<!DOCTYPE html> < html lang = "en" > < head > < meta charset = "UTF-8" /> < meta name = "viewport" path1tent=" width = device -width, initial-scale = 1 .0"/> < title >Geeks for neveropen</ title > < script src = </ script > < script src = </ script > < script src = </ script > < script src = </ script > </ head > < style > h2{ color: green; } p{ line-height: 1px; } </ style > < body > < h2 >Geeks for neveropen</ h2 > < p >Different colors from interpolateSpeactral(t) are: </ p > < script > document.write( "< p >< b >"+d3.interpolateSpectral(0.9)+"</ p ></ b >"); document.write( "< p >< b >"+d3.interpolateSpectral(0.5)+"</ p ></ b >"); document.write( "< p >< b >"+d3.interpolateSpectral(0.4)+"</ p ></ b >"); document.write( "< p >< b >"+d3.interpolateSpectral(0.3)+"</ p ></ b >"); document.write( "< p >< b >"+d3.interpolateSpectral(0.2)+"</ p ></ b >"); document.write( "< p >< b >"+d3.interpolateSpectral(0.1)+"</ p ></ b >"); </ script > </ body > </ html > |
Example 2:
<!DOCTYPE html> < html lang = "en" > < head > < meta charset = "UTF-8" > < meta name = "viewport" content=" width = device -width, initial-scale = 1 .0"> < title >Document</ title > </ head > < style > div{ padding:6px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; display: flex; justify-content: center; width: fit-content; margin-top: 2px; height: 20px; } </ style > < body > < h2 >D3.interpolateSpectral(t) </ h2 > < div class = "box1" > < span >d3.interpolateSpectral(0.5)</ span > </ div > < div class = "box2" > < span >d3.interpolateSpectral(0.4)</ span > </ div > < div class = "box3" > < span >d3.interpolateSpectral(0.3)</ span > </ div > < div class = "box4" > < span >d3.interpolateSpectral(0.2)</ span > </ div > < div class = "box5" > < span >d3.interpolateSpectral(0.1)</ span > </ div > <!--Fetching from CDN of D3.js --> < script src = </ script > < script src = </ script > < script src = </ script > < script src = </ script > < script > // creating different colors for different value of k let color1= d3.interpolateSpectral(0.5); let color2= d3.interpolateSpectral(0.4); let color3= d3.interpolateSpectral(0.3); let color4= d3.interpolateSpectral(0.2); let color5= d3.interpolateSpectral(0.1); // Selecting Div using query selector let box1=document.querySelector(".box1"); let box2=document.querySelector(".box2"); let box3=document.querySelector(".box3"); let box4=document.querySelector(".box4"); let box5=document.querySelector(".box5"); // Setting style and BG color of the particular DIVs;;;;; </ script > </ body > </ html > |