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Smallest element from all square submatrices of size K from a given Matrix

Given a matrix arr[][] and an integer K, the task is to find the smallest element from all possible square submatrices of size K from the given matrix.


Input: K = 2, arr[][] ={ {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6},  {7, 8, 9} }
1 2 
4 5
Smallest elements from all possible square submatrices of size 2 are as follows:
{ {1, 2}, {4, 5} } -> 1
{ {2, 3}, {5, 6} } -> 2
{ {4, 5}, {7, 8} } -> 4
{ {5, 6}, {8, 9} } -> 5 

Input: K = 3,  
arr[][] = { {-1, 5, 4, 1, -3}, 
{4, 3, 1, 1, 6}, 
{2, -2, 5, 3, 1}, 
{8, 5, 1, 9, -4}, 
{12, 3, 5, 8, 1} }
-2 -2 -3
-2 -2 -4
-2 -2 -4

Naive Approach: The simplest approach to solve the problem is to generate all possible square submatrices of size K from the given matrix and print the smallest element from each such submatrices.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <climits> // for INT_MAX
using namespace std;
// Function to return the smallest elements of all KxK submatrices of a given NxM matrix
void print_smallest_elements(const vector<vector<int>> &arr, int K) {
    // Get the number of rows and columns in the matrix
    int rows = arr.size();
    int cols = arr[0].size();
    // Loop through the matrix, creating submatrices of size KxK
    for (int row = 0; row <= rows - K; row++) {
        for (int col = 0; col <= cols - K; col++) {
            // Create a submatrix by extracting elements from the original matrix
            vector<vector<int>> subarr;
            for (int i = row; i < row + K; i++) {
                vector<int> subcol;
                for (int j = col; j < col + K; j++) {
            // Find the minimum value in the submatrix
            int minimum = INT_MAX;
            for (const auto &x : subarr) {
                for (const auto &y : x) {
                    minimum = min(minimum, y);
            // Print the minimum value of the submatrix
            cout << minimum << " ";
        cout << endl;
int main() {
    // Given matrix
    vector<vector<int>> arr = {{-1, 5, 4, 1, -3},
                               {4, 3, 1, 1, 6},
                               {2, -2, 5, 3, 1},
                               {8, 5, 1, 9, -4},
                               {12, 3, 5, 8, 1}};
    int K = 3;
    // Call the function to print the smallest elements of all KxK submatrices
    print_smallest_elements(arr, K);
    return 0;


import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Main { // Function to return the smallest
                    // elements of all KxK submatrices of a
                    // given NxM matrix
    static void printSmallestElements(
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > arr, int K)
        // Get the number of rows and columns in the matrix
        int rows = arr.size();
        int cols = arr.get(0).size();
        // Loop through the matrix, creating submatrices of
        // size KxK
        for (int row = 0; row <= rows - K; row++) {
            for (int col = 0; col <= cols - K; col++) {
                // Create a submatrix by extracting elements
                // from the original matrix
                ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > subarr
                    = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> >();
                for (int i = row; i < row + K; i++) {
                    ArrayList<Integer> subcol
                        = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                    for (int j = col; j < col + K; j++) {
                // Find the minimum value in the submatrix
                int minimum = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                for (ArrayList<Integer> x : subarr) {
                    for (int y : x) {
                        minimum = Math.min(minimum, y);
                // Print the minimum value of the submatrix
                System.out.print(minimum + " ");
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Given matrix
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > arr
            = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> >();
        arr.add(new ArrayList<Integer>() {
        arr.add(new ArrayList<Integer>() {
        arr.add(new ArrayList<Integer>() {
        arr.add(new ArrayList<Integer>() {
        arr.add(new ArrayList<Integer>() {
        int K = 3;
        // Call the function to print the smallest elements
        // of all KxK submatrices
        printSmallestElements(arr, K);


# Python3 program for the above approach
# Function to returns a smallest
# elements of all KxK submatrices
# of a given NxM matrix
def print_smallest_elements(arr, K):
    rows = len(arr)
    cols = len(arr[0])
    for row in range(rows-K+1):
        for col in range(cols-K+1):
            subarr = [row[col:col+K] for row in arr[row:row+K]]
            print(min([min(x) for x in subarr]), end=" ")
# Driver Code
# Given matrix
arr = [[-1, 5, 4, 1, -3], [4, 3, 1, 1, 6],
       [2, -2, 5, 3, 1], [8, 5, 1, 9, -4], [12, 3, 5, 8, 1]]
# Given K
K = 3
# Function call
print_smallest_elements(arr, K)
# This code is contributed by Aman Kumar


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Mainn
    // Function to return the smallest elements of all KxK submatrices of a
    // given NxM matrix
    static void PrintSmallestElements(List<List<int>> arr, int K)
        // Get the number of rows and columns in the matrix
        int rows = arr.Count;
        int cols = arr[0].Count;
        // Loop through the matrix, creating submatrices of size KxK
        for (int row = 0; row <= rows - K; row++)
            for (int col = 0; col <= cols - K; col++)
                // Create a submatrix by extracting elements from the original matrix
                List<List<int>> subarr = new List<List<int>>();
                for (int i = row; i < row + K; i++)
                    List<int> subcol = new List<int>();
                    for (int j = col; j < col + K; j++)
                // Find the minimum value in the submatrix
                int minimum = int.MaxValue;
                foreach (List<int> x in subarr)
                    foreach (int y in x)
                        minimum = Math.Min(minimum, y);
                // Print the minimum value of the submatrix
                Console.Write(minimum + " ");
    public static void Main()
        // Given matrix
        List<List<int>> arr = new List<List<int>>()
            new List<int>() {-1, 5, 4, 1, -3},
            new List<int>() {4, 3, 1, 1, 6},
            new List<int>() {2, -2, 5, 3, 1},
            new List<int>() {8, 5, 1, 9, -4},
            new List<int>() {12, 3, 5, 8, 1}
        int K = 3;
        // Call the function to print the smallest elements of all KxK submatrices
        PrintSmallestElements(arr, K);


// Function to return the smallest elements of all KxK submatrices of a given NxM matrix
function print_smallest_elements(arr, K) {
    // Get the number of rows and columns in the matrix
    let rows = arr.length;
    let cols = arr[0].length;
    // Loop through the matrix, creating submatrices of size KxK
    for (let row = 0; row <= rows - K; row++) {
        for (let col = 0; col <= cols - K; col++) {
            // Create a submatrix by extracting elements from the original matrix
            let subarr = [];
            for (let i = row; i < row + K; i++) {
                let subcol = [];
                for (let j = col; j < col + K; j++) {
            // Find the minimum value in the submatrix
            let minimum = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
            subarr.forEach(x => {
                x.forEach(y => {
                    minimum = Math.min(minimum, y);
            // Print the minimum value of the submatrix
            process.stdout.write(minimum + " ");
// Given matrix
let arr = [[-1, 5, 4, 1, -3],
           [4, 3, 1, 1, 6],
           [2, -2, 5, 3, 1],
           [8, 5, 1, 9, -4],
           [12, 3, 5, 8, 1]];
let K = 3;
// Call the function to print the smallest elements of all KxK submatrices
print_smallest_elements(arr, K);


-2 -2 -3 
-2 -2 -4 
-2 -2 -4 

Time Complexity: O(N * M * K2)
Auxiliary Space: O(K*K)

Efficient Approach: Follow the steps below to optimize the above approach:

  • Traverse over each row of the matrix and for every arr[i][j], update in-place the smallest element present between indices arr[i][j] to arr[i][j + K – 1] (0 <= j < M – K + 1).
  • Similarly, traverse over each column of the matrix and for every arr[i][j], update in-place the smallest element present between indices arr[i][j] to arr[i+K-1][j] (0 <= i < N – K + 1).
  • After performing the above operations, the top-left submatrix of size (N – K + 1)*(M – K + 1) of the matrix arr[][] consists of all the smallest elements of all the K x K sub-matrices of the given matrix.
  • Therefore, print the submatrix of size (N – K + 1)*(M – K + 1) as the required output.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ Program for
// the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to returns a smallest
// elements of all KxK submatrices
// of a given NxM matrix
vector<vector<int> > matrixMinimum(
       vector<vector<int> > nums, int K)
  // Stores the dimensions
  // of the given matrix
  int N = nums.size();
  int M = nums[0].size();
  // Stores the required
  // smallest elements
  vector<vector<int> > res(N - K + 1,
                           vector<int>(M - K + 1));
  // Update the smallest elements row-wise
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < M - K + 1; j++)
      int mini = INT_MAX;
      for (int k = j; k < j + K; k++)
        mini = min(mini, nums[i][k]);
      nums[i][j] = mini;
  // Update the minimum column-wise
  for (int j = 0; j < M; j++)
    for (int i = 0; i < N - K + 1; i++)
      int mini = INT_MAX;
      for (int k = i; k < i + K; k++)
        mini = min(mini, nums[k][j]);
      nums[i][j] = mini;
  // Store the final submatrix with
  // required minimum values
  for (int i = 0; i < N - K + 1; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < M - K + 1; j++)
      res[i][j] = nums[i][j];
  // Return the resultant matrix
  return res;
void smallestinKsubmatrices(vector<vector<int> > arr,
                            int K)
  // Function Call
  vector<vector<int> > res = matrixMinimum(arr, K);
  // Print resultant matrix with the
  // minimum values of KxK sub-matrix
  for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < res[0].size(); j++)
      cout << res[i][j] << " ";
    cout << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
  // Given matrix
  vector<vector<int> > arr = {{-1, 5, 4, 1, -3},
                              {4, 3, 1, 1, 6},
                              {2, -2, 5, 3, 1},
                              {8, 5, 1, 9, -4},
                              {12, 3, 5, 8, 1}};
  // Given K
  int K = 3;
  smallestinKsubmatrices(arr, K);
// This code is contributed by Chitranayal


// Java Program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class GFG {
    // Function to returns a smallest
    // elements of all KxK submatrices
    // of a given NxM matrix
    public static int[][] matrixMinimum(
        int[][] nums, int K)
        // Stores the dimensions
        // of the given matrix
        int N = nums.length;
        int M = nums[0].length;
        // Stores the required
        // smallest elements
        int[][] res
            = new int[N - K + 1][M - K + 1];
        // Update the smallest elements row-wise
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < M - K + 1; j++) {
                int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                for (int k = j; k < j + K; k++) {
                    min = Math.min(min, nums[i][k]);
                nums[i][j] = min;
        // Update the minimum column-wise
        for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < N - K + 1; i++) {
                int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                for (int k = i; k < i + K; k++) {
                    min = Math.min(min, nums[k][j]);
                nums[i][j] = min;
        // Store the final submatrix with
        // required minimum values
        for (int i = 0; i < N - K + 1; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < M - K + 1; j++)
                res[i][j] = nums[i][j];
        // Return the resultant matrix
        return res;
    public static void smallestinKsubmatrices(
        int arr[][], int K)
        // Function Call
        int[][] res = matrixMinimum(arr, K);
        // Print resultant matrix with the
        // minimum values of KxK sub-matrix
        for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < res[0].length; j++) {
                System.out.print(res[i][j] + " ");
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Given matrix
        int[][] arr = { { -1, 5, 4, 1, -3 },
                        { 4, 3, 1, 1, 6 },
                        { 2, -2, 5, 3, 1 },
                        { 8, 5, 1, 9, -4 },
                        { 12, 3, 5, 8, 1 } };
        // Given K
        int K = 3;
        smallestinKsubmatrices(arr, K);


# Python3 program for the above approach
import sys
# Function to returns a smallest
# elements of all KxK submatrices
# of a given NxM matrix
def matrixMinimum(nums, K):
    # Stores the dimensions
    # of the given matrix
    N = len(nums)
    M = len(nums[0])
    # Stores the required
    # smallest elements
    res = [[0 for x in range(M - K + 1)]
              for y in range(N - K + 1)]
    # Update the smallest elements row-wise
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(M - K + 1):
            mn = sys.maxsize
            for k in range(j, j + K):
                mn = min(mn, nums[i][k])
            nums[i][j] = mn
    # Update the minimum column-wise
    for j in range(M):
        for i in range(N - K + 1):
            mn = sys.maxsize
            for k in range(i, i + K):
                mn = min(mn, nums[k][j])
            nums[i][j] = mn
    # Store the final submatrix with
    # required minimum values
    for i in range(N - K + 1):
        for j in range(M - K + 1):
            res[i][j] = nums[i][j]
    # Return the resultant matrix
    return res
def smallestinKsubmatrices(arr, K):
    # Function call
    res = matrixMinimum(arr, K)
    # Print resultant matrix with the
    # minimum values of KxK sub-matrix
    for i in range(len(res)):
        for j in range(len(res[0])):
            print(res[i][j], end = " ")
# Driver Code
# Given matrix
arr = [ [ -1, 5, 4, 1, -3 ],
        [ 4, 3, 1, 1, 6 ],
        [ 2, -2, 5, 3, 1 ],
        [ 8, 5, 1, 9, -4 ],
        [ 12, 3, 5, 8, 1 ] ]
# Given K
K = 3
# Function call
smallestinKsubmatrices(arr, K)
# This code is contributed by Shivam Singh


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
class GFG{
// Function to returns a smallest
// elements of all KxK submatrices
// of a given NxM matrix
public static int[,] matrixMinimum(int[,] nums,
                                   int K)
    // Stores the dimensions
    // of the given matrix
    int N = nums.GetLength(0);
    int M = nums.GetLength(1);
    // Stores the required
    // smallest elements
    int[,] res = new int[N - K + 1,
                         M - K + 1];
    // Update the smallest elements row-wise
    for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < M - K + 1; j++)
            int min = int.MaxValue;
            for(int k = j; k < j + K; k++)
                min = Math.Min(min, nums[i, k]);
            nums[i, j] = min;
    // Update the minimum column-wise
    for(int j = 0; j < M; j++)
        for(int i = 0; i < N - K + 1; i++)
            int min = int.MaxValue;
            for(int k = i; k < i + K; k++)
                min = Math.Min(min, nums[k, j]);
            nums[i, j] = min;
    // Store the readonly submatrix with
    // required minimum values
    for(int i = 0; i < N - K + 1; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < M - K + 1; j++)
            res[i, j] = nums[i, j];
    // Return the resultant matrix
    return res;
public static void smallestinKsubmatrices(int [,]arr,
                                          int K)
    // Function call
    int[,] res = matrixMinimum(arr, K);
    // Print resultant matrix with the
    // minimum values of KxK sub-matrix
    for(int i = 0; i < res.GetLength(0); i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < res.GetLength(1); j++)
            Console.Write(res[i, j] + " ");
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    // Given matrix
    int[,] arr = { { -1, 5, 4, 1, -3 },
                   { 4, 3, 1, 1, 6 },
                   { 2, -2, 5, 3, 1 },
                   { 8, 5, 1, 9, -4 },
                   { 12, 3, 5, 8, 1 } };
    // Given K
    int K = 3;
    smallestinKsubmatrices(arr, K);
// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar


// javascript program for the
// above approach
// Function to returns a smallest
    // elements of all KxK submatrices
    // of a given NxM matrix
    function matrixMinimum(
        nums, K)
        // Stores the dimensions
        // of the given matrix
        let N = nums.length;
        let M = nums[0].length;
        // Stores the required
        // smallest elements
        let res
            = new Array(N - K + 1);
        for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
            res[i] = new Array(2);
        // Update the smallest elements row-wise
        for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            for (let j = 0; j < M - K + 1; j++) {
                let min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
                for (let k = j; k < j + K; k++) {
                    min = Math.min(min, nums[i][k]);
                nums[i][j] = min;
        // Update the minimum column-wise
        for (let j = 0; j < M; j++) {
            for (let i = 0; i < N - K + 1; i++) {
                let min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
                for (let k = i; k < i + K; k++) {
                    min = Math.min(min, nums[k][j]);
                nums[i][j] = min;
        // Store the final submatrix with
        // required minimum values
        for (let i = 0; i < N - K + 1; i++)
            for (let j = 0; j < M - K + 1; j++)
                res[i][j] = nums[i][j];
        // Return the resultant matrix
        return res;
    function smallestinKsubmatrices(arr, K)
        // Function Call
        let res = matrixMinimum(arr, K);
        // Print resultant matrix with the
        // minimum values of KxK sub-matrix
        for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
            for (let j = 0; j < res[0].length; j++) {
                document.write(res[i][j] + " ");
// Driver Code
     // Given matrix
        let arr = [[ -1, 5, 4, 1, -3 ],
                        [ 4, 3, 1, 1, 6 ],
                        [ 2, -2, 5, 3, 1 ],
                        [ 8, 5, 1, 9, -4 ],
                        [ 12, 3, 5, 8, 1 ]];
        // Given K
        let K = 3;
        smallestinKsubmatrices(arr, K);


-2 -2 -3 
-2 -2 -4 
-2 -2 -4

Time Complexity: O( max(N, M)3 )
Auxiliary Space: O( (N-K+1)*(M-K+1) ) 

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