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HomeData Modelling & AIFind all words from String present after given N words

Find all words from String present after given N words

Given a string S and a list lis[] of N number of words, the task is to find every possible (N+1)th word from string S such that the ‘second’ word comes immediately after the ‘first’ word, the ‘third’ word comes immediately after the ‘second’ word, the ‘fourth’ word comes immediately after the ‘third’ word and so on.


Input: S = “Siddhesh is a smart guy the city he lives in is a smart city”, lis: [“is”, “a”, “smart”]
Output: [guy, city]
Explanation: Here the two sequences where the words occur
just as the pattern mentioned are.

  • is a smart guy
  • is a smart city

Hence we found ‘guy’ and ‘city’ as the desired words. 

Input: S = “David loves to play and David loves to write sometimes”, lis: [“loves”, “to”]
Output: [play, write] 

Approach: The simplest way to solve the problem is:

Break the whole string into words separated by spaces and Iterate over these words and match (i)th, (i+1)th, . . . (i+N-1)th word with the first, second, . . ., Nth words given, If the words matched store the (i+N)th word in a list.    

Follow the steps to solve the problem:

  • Split the given string S by spaces. 
  • Create a list ‘res‘ to store the ‘N+1’th words in the string.
  • Now, iterate through the split string from i = 0. 
    • Check every (i)th, (i+1)th, . . ., (i+N-1)th indices in every iteration, whether they are equal to the ‘first’, ‘second’, . . ., ‘N’th words respectively or not. 
    • If yes then append the (N+1)th word to the answer list.
  • Return the list storing the words as the required answer.

Below is the implementation for the above idea:


// C++ program for the above approach:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
vector<string> findOcurrences(string s, vector<string>& lis)
    // Split the given string
    // by default split function splits the
    // string by spaces and stores the
    // splitted words in a list
    vector<string> temp_lis;
    string temp_str = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
        if (s[i] == ' ') {
            temp_str = "";
            temp_str += s[i];
    if (temp_str != "")
    vector<string> res;
    int N = lis.size();
    // Loop to find the matching string
    // and the last word
    string join_lis = "";
    for (auto str : lis)
        join_lis += str;
    for (int i = 0; i < temp_lis.size() - N; ++i) {
        string join_temp_lis = "";
        for (int j = i; j < i + N; ++j)
            join_temp_lis += temp_lis[j];
        if (join_lis == join_temp_lis)
            res.push_back(temp_lis[i + N]);
    // Return the answer list
    return res;
// Driver code
int main()
    string s = "Siddhesh is a smart guy the city he lives "
               "in is a smart city";
    vector<string> lis = { "is", "a", "smart" };
    // Function call
    vector<string> final_list = findOcurrences(s, lis);
    for (auto st : final_list)
        cout << st << " ";
    return 0;
    // This code is contributed by rakeshsahni


/*package whatever //do not write package name here */
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
  public static ArrayList<String>
    findOcurrences(String s, ArrayList<String> lis)
    // Split the given string
    // by default split function splits the
    // string by spaces and stores the
    // splitted words in a list
    ArrayList<String> temp_lis
      = new ArrayList<String>();
    String temp_str = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
      if (s.charAt(i) == ' ') {
        temp_str = "";
        temp_str += s.charAt(i);
    if (temp_str != "")
    ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
    int N = lis.size();
    // Loop to find the matching string
    // and the last word
    String join_lis = "";
    for (int str = 0; str < lis.size(); str++)
      join_lis += lis.get(str);
    for (int i = 0; i < temp_lis.size() - N; ++i) {
      String join_temp_lis = new String();
      for (int j = i; j < i + N; ++j)
        join_temp_lis += temp_lis.get(j);
      if (join_lis.equals(join_temp_lis))
        res.add(temp_lis.get(i + N));
    return res;
  public static void main(String[] args)
    String s
      = "Siddhesh is a smart guy the city he lives in is a smart city";
    ArrayList<String> lis = new ArrayList<String>();
    // Function call
    System.out.println(findOcurrences(s, lis));
// This code is contributed by akashish__


# Python program for the above approach:
def findOcurrences(string, lis):
    # Split the given string
    # by default split function splits the
    # string by spaces and stores the
    # splitted words in a list
    temp_lis = string.split()
    res = []
    N = len(lis)
    # Loop to find the matching string
    # and the last word
    for i in range(len(temp_lis)-N):
        if ''.join(lis) == ''.join(temp_lis[i:i + N]):
            res.append(temp_lis[i + N])
    # Return the answer list
    return res
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    string = "Siddhesh is a smart guy the city he lives in is a smart city"
    lis = ["is", "a", "smart"]
    # Function call
    final_list = findOcurrences(string, lis)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG {
  public static string findOcurrences(string s,
                                      string[] lis)
    // Split the given string
    // by default split function splits the
    // string by spaces and stores the
    // splitted words in a list
    List<string> temp_lis = new List<string>();
    string temp_str = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; ++i) {
      if (s[i] == ' ') {
        temp_str = "";
        temp_str += s[i];
    if (temp_str != "")
    List<string> res = new List<string>();
    int N = lis.Length;
    // Loop to find the matching string
    // and the last word
    string join_lis = "";
    for (int str = 0; str < lis.Length; str++)
      join_lis += lis[str];
    for (int i = 0; i < temp_lis.Count - N; ++i) {
      string join_temp_lis = "";
      for (int j = i; j < i + N; ++j)
        join_temp_lis += temp_lis[j];
      if (join_lis == join_temp_lis)
        res.Add(temp_lis[i + N]);
    // Return the answer list
    return string.Join(" ", res);
  static public void Main()
    // Code
    string s
      = "Siddhesh is a smart guy the city he lives in is a smart city";
    string[] lis = { "is", "a", "smart" };
    // Function call
    string final_list = (findOcurrences(s, lis));
    for (int st = 0; st < final_list.Length; st++)
// This code is contributed by akashish__


    // Javascript program for the above approach:
function findOcurrences(string, lis)
    // Split the given string
    // by default split function splits the
    // string by spaces and stores the
    // splitted words in a list
    let temp_lis = string.split(" ");
    let res = [];
    let N = lis.length;
    // Loop to find the matching string
    // and the last word
    for(let i=0;i<temp_lis.length-N;i++)
        if(lis.join('') == temp_lis.slice(i,i+N).join(''))
    // Return the answer list
    return res;
// Driver code
let string = "Siddhesh is a smart guy the city he lives in is a smart city";
let lis = ["is", "a", "smart"];
// Function call
let final_list = findOcurrences(string, lis);
// This code is contributed by akashish__


guy city 

Time Complexity: O(N * K * d) where K is the size of the string and d is the maximum size of a word
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

Another Approach:- Using Two Pointers

    1. We can simply take all words present in String s.
    2. After this we can iterator on all words and can match it with words given in list.
    3. If at a time all words of list got matched then the next word from the string will be in our answer.
    4. Return all words meet the following criteria.



    // C++ program for the above approach:
    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    vector<string> findOcurrences(string s, vector<string>& lis)
        // Split the given string
        // by default split function splits the
        // string by spaces and stores the
        // splitted words in a list
        vector<string> temp_lis;
        string temp_str = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
            if (s[i] == ' ') {
                temp_str = "";
                temp_str += s[i];
        if (temp_str != "")
        vector<string> res;
        int N = lis.size(), j = 0;
        // matching word of lis and temp_lis
        for (int i = 0; i < temp_lis.size(); i++) {
            // if all word got matched then take the next into
            // answer
            if (j == N) {
                j = 0;
            // if current word got matched go to the next word
            if (temp_lis[i] == lis[j])
            // else start matching from start word
                j = 0;
        // Return the answer list
        return res;
    // Driver code
    int main()
        string s = "Siddhesh is a smart guy the city he lives "
                   "in is a smart city";
        vector<string> lis = { "is", "a", "smart" };
        // Function call
        vector<string> final_list = findOcurrences(s, lis);
        for (auto st : final_list)
            cout << st << " ";
        return 0;
    // This code is contributed by shubhamrajput6156



    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    public class Main {
        public static List<String> findOccurrences(String s, List<String> lis) {
            // Split the given string by spaces
            String[] tempArr = s.split(" ");
            List<String> tempList = new ArrayList<>();
            for (String str : tempArr) {
            List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
            int N = lis.size();
            int j = 0;
            // Match words from lis and tempList
            for (int i = 0; i < tempList.size(); i++) {
                // If all words from lis have been matched, add the next word to the result
                if (j == N) {
                    j = 0;
                // If the current word matches the word from lis, move to the next word
                if (tempList.get(i).equals(lis.get(j))) {
                // Otherwise, start matching from the first word in lis
                else {
                    j = 0;
            // Return the result list
            return result;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String s = "Siddhesh is a smart guy the city he lives in is a smart city";
            List<String> lis = new ArrayList<>();
            // Function call
            List<String> finalList = findOccurrences(s, lis);
            for (String st : finalList) {
                System.out.print(st + " ");



    import re
    def findOcurrences(s, lis):
        # Split the given string
        # by default split function splits the
        # string by spaces and stores the
        # splitted words in a list
        temp_lis = re.findall(r'\w+', s)
        res = []
        N = len(lis)
        j = 0
        #  matching word of lis and temp_lis
        for i in range(len(temp_lis)):
            # if all word got matched then take the next into answer
            if j == N:
                j = 0
            # if current word got matched go to the next word
            if temp_lis[i] == lis[j]:
                j += 1
            # else start matching from start word
              j = 0
        # Return the answer list
        return res
    # Test case
    s = "Siddhesh is a smart guy the city he lives in is a smart city"
    lis = ["is", "a", "smart"]
    final_list = findOcurrences(s, lis)
    for st in final_list:
        print(st, end=" ")



    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    class Gfg
        static List<string> FindOcurrences(string s, List<string> lis)
            // Split the given string by spaces
            string[] temp_lis = s.Split(' ');
            List<string> res = new List<string>();
            int N = lis.Count, j = 0;
            // Matching word of lis and tempLis
            for (int i = 0; i < temp_lis.Length; i++)
                // If all words got matched, then take the next word into the answer
                if (j == N)
                    j = 0;
                // If current word got matched, go to the next word
                if (temp_lis[i] == lis[j])
                // Else start matching from the start word
                    j = 0;
            // Return the answer list
            return res;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string s = "Siddhesh is a smart guy the city he lives in is a smart city";
            List<string> lis = new List<string> { "is", "a", "smart" };
            // Function call
            List<string> final_list = FindOcurrences(s, lis);
            foreach (string st in final_list)
                Console.Write(st + " ");



    const findOcurrences = (s, lis) => {
        // Split the given string
        // by default split function splits the
        // string by spaces and stores the
        // splitted words in a list
        const temp_lis = s.match(/\w+/g);
        const res = [];
        const N = lis.length;
        let j = 0;
        // matching word of lis and temp_lis
        for (let i = 0; i < temp_lis.length; i++) {
            // if all word got matched then take the next into
            // answer
            if (j === N) {
                j = 0;
            // if current word got matched go to the next word
            if (temp_lis[i] === lis[j]) {
                j += 1;
            // else start matching from start word
            else {
                j = 0;
        // Return the answer list
        return res;
    // Test case
    const s = "Siddhesh is a smart guy the city he lives in is a smart city";
    const lis = ["is", "a", "smart"];
    const final_list = findOcurrences(s, lis);
    for (const st of final_list) {
        console.log(st, end=" ");


    guy city 

    Time Complexity:- O(M) where M is the size of string s

    Space Complexity:- O(M)

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