Prerequisite –
Writing documentation can be pretty daunting for developers and to be honest, nobody likes writing long explanations, I personally don’t but as we all know, documentation is equally important as writing a properly functioning code. So, there is a pretty simple way of automatically generating documentation, and wait, not only docs but I will also show you how you can create an online playground too for testing out the APIs.
I don’t know about you but for me, Django is the to-go framework for web development so I will show you how you can do so in Django. So, before we get started, you need to have Django and Django REST Framework installed. I am assuming you already have that. Next, you need to install drf-yasg. To do so, simply type the following in the terminal.
pip install drf-yasg
Now, let’s start with the steps.
First, create a new Django project. I am assuming that you already know how to do that.
Next, go to and add drf_yasg to INSTALLED_APPS
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'drf_yasg', ... ]
Then, go into and add the driver code for drf_yasg
from rest_framework import permissions from drf_yasg.views import get_schema_view from drf_yasg import openapi ... schema_view = get_schema_view( openapi.Info( title = "Dummy API" , default_version = 'v1' , description = "Dummy description" , contact = openapi.Contact(email = "contact@dummy.local" ), license = openapi.License(name = "BSD License" ), ), public = True , permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,), ) urlpatterns = [ url(r '^playground/$' , schema_view.with_ui( 'swagger' , cache_timeout = 0 ), name = 'schema-swagger-ui' ), url(r '^docs/$' , schema_view.with_ui( 'redoc' , cache_timeout = 0 ), name = 'schema-redoc' ), ... ] |
Now, if you simply run the server and go to localhost:8000/docs, you can see the documentation and if you go to localhost:8000/playground but wait what will the docs show, we have not created any route yet to show the docs. So, let’s quickly create a new app and add a route to it.
First, create an app named demo. I am assuming that you already know to create and add an app to Django settings along with the urls.
Next, go to demo/ and add the following code to it.
from drf_yasg.utils import swagger_auto_schema from rest_framework import status, permissions, serializers from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView class ContactForm(serializers.Serializer): # simple serializer for emails email = serializers.EmailField() message = serializers.CharField() # simple endpoint to take the serializer data class SendEmail(APIView): # permission class set to be unauthenticated permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,) # this is where the drf-yasg gets invoked @swagger_auto_schema (request_body = ContactForm) def post( self , request): # serializer object serializer = ContactForm(data = # checking for errors if serializer.is_valid(): json = return Response( data = { "status" : "OK" , "message" : json}, status = status.HTTP_201_CREATED, ) return Response(serializer.errors, status = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) |
After this, add this APIView to to the /email endpoint. That’s it. Now, if you simply run the server on your localhost on port 8000, and go to localhost:8000/docs, you should see the documentation and the playground can be viewed on localhost:8000/playground. It should look something like these.