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HomeLanguagesSQL vs. Python: What’s the Difference?

SQL vs. Python: What’s the Difference?

As we know Python and SQL are the two most popular programming languages. Nowadays Data analysis and data management are essential and these languages play important roles in handling data. SQL and Python are used for different purposes as SQL is used for data management whereas Python is used for development, machine learning, data analysis, and so on.

In this article, you will get to know the difference between Python and SQL which will help you to understand Which one to learn first Python or SQL? Understanding the differences between these two languages is essential for data professionals to work according to their needs. Let’s dive deep into the concept.


What is Python?

Python is a dynamically typed and well-known general-purpose programming language. It is an easy-to-learn and versatile language. It is interpreted in nature which means we can execute the Python code line by line. This makes Python language easier to debug and portable. Here are some features of Python:

  • Simple and Readable: Python is a very simple language having syntax similar to English that makes it easy to understand and learn by users.
  • Portability: Python can be run on different platforms like Windows, Linux, macOS, and Raspberry Pi as it is portable in nature.
  • Supports Community: Python has an active community and many resources for using the language and learning more concepts.
  • Usage: Python is used for data science, Machine learning, game development, and scientific learning.

Why Choose Python ?

Python is versatile language that can be used for a wide range of tasks that makes it suitable for various different projects and industries. By using extensive libraries and frameworks you can do data analysis and manipulation, and you will be able to get powerful capabilities by using libraraies likes Pandas, Numpy. It has a large community of developers they contribute to its growth such that they provide tutorials, resources and forums that helps to learn and solve problems. Python is easy to learn and readable language, It has straightforward syntax that helps learn and write code more easily.

What is SQL?

SQL (structured query language) is a declarative language and it can be use to retrieve and manage data in the relational database. It helps to specify the structure of data, modify the data and specify security constraint. To understand SQL it’s important to first grasp the knowledge of database. A database is an collection of organized data. It is flexible and easy to understand language. SQL helps us to create databases and tables, insert data, reterive data, updating data nad deleting data from the database. There are two major commands in SQL :DDL and DML that provides commands to modify,create delete and insert data in a database. Here are some key features of SQL:

  • Fast Query Processing : Large data can be reterive quickly by using operations like deletion, manipulation , insertion that can be done with no time almost.
  • Portablility: SQL can be used in various platforms like laptops, PCs , servers and OS.
  • Flexibility: SQL is flexible in nature and it has free form syntax that provides users the ability to structure SQL statement.
  • Usage: It can be used to perform a variety of tasks on data in database such as creating a table, dropping tables,adding,updating,deleting records, sorting and filtering data, joining and creating views and so on. It can be used in industries like Finance , Healthcare, Retail, Manufacturing and Logistics.

Why Choose SQL?

SQL is a programming language that is designed to handle database.It has a universal database language that used by RDBMS a relational database management system. For industry standard data management SQL can be seem to be integrate with other systems and technologies. By using SQL it is easy exchange data between different applications as it supports various data exchange formats such s CSV, JSON and XML. SQL allows various security and access control that can ensure users authentication.

Python vs. SQL Comparison

As comparison Python can handle a large data including web development, data analysis, AI, Machine learning and so on, whereas SQL is used for database interactions. Here are the differences between the features of these two languages.





It is a high level language use for development and software domains.

SQL is a structured query language, and it is used for data manipulation.


Python 3

SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL


Python is slower for more complex operations.

It is optimized for data a=reterival and manipulation.


Used for general -purpose.

Used to manage relational database.


Rich in testing frameworks available

Limited testing frameworks are available.


Scalable for applications

It is scalable to handle large amount of data


Range of libraries and frameworks in python is wide.

Limited libraries is available in SQL.


Extensive libraries and frameworks available

Range of RDMS options and tools are wide.


Python is open source.

SQLs specific implementation may vary

Which language should you learn: Python Vs SQL?

Learning a language depends on your goals and needs. If you want to learn How to work with data in a relational database and handle data then SQL can be a better choice. If you want to make a career in the field of Database architecture, Software development, and Database administration then you need to learn SQL language. while we talk about Python which is used to perform analysis of complex data and development. Machine Learning Engineering, Data science, Data visualization, and so on can be the career choices by learning Python. Some aspects to consider while choosing between SQL and Python:

  • Machine Learning: For machine learning Python is a better choice as it has libraries and frameworks.
  • Web Development: Python and SQL both language can be used for web development, but for more complex web applications Python is a better choice.
  • Easy to learn: Compared to Python, SQL is more simple to learn language but Python is more adaptable and versatile.
  • Job Market: Both languages are in high demand in the market nowadays SQL and Python so you don’t need to worry about demanding skills in the market.
  • Data Analysis: For data visualization, Python is the better choice and you can handle complex calculations and visualizations.
  • Experience level: If you are a beginner then may be SQL is best option to start with as it is easy to learn but if you are someone who have experience in programming then you can start with Python.

Can I use SQL and Python together ?

It’s good to know that you can use SQL and Python all together. As mentioned above we can SQL to retrieve and manage data from the database whereas by using Python we can we can perform complex and various data analysis and visualization tasks. Many data scientist and data analyst uses both languages together to visualize and manage the data in the database. Here are many reasons How can be use SQL and Python together.

  • SQL and Python are used to build web applications that allow users to interact with data. SQL can be used to manage data whereas by using Python you can create an application user interactively.
  • SQL is used to retrieve data and Python can clean, analyze, and change that data according to the needs of the user.
  • In building a Machine Learning Model you can Python and for deploying that model to a database one can use SQL.


In the SQL vs. Python debate, there’s no clear winner, as each has its unique strengths and areas of expertise. SQL shines when it comes to database management and structured data analysis, while Python’s versatility makes it a formidable contender for a wide range of data-related and general programming tasks.

FAQs on “Python Vs SQL”

Q1. Is SQL better than Python?

It is tough to say which one is better as it depends on a particular task with a particular specific requirement. SQL and Python are both used for different purposes and both are powerful languages.

Q2. What is the salary of Python vs. SQL?

The salary of an average Python developer in the US is $111,739 per year, Whereas the average salary of the SQL developer is $101,739 per year, and in India Python developer’s salary ranges between ₹ 1.5 Lakhs to ₹ 15.8 Lakhs and SQL developer having ₹ 1 lakhs to ₹10 lakhs per annum range.

Q3. Is Python and SQL enough to get a job?

These are the two most demanding skills in the tech industry so both are perfect to learn for a rising job market. However, it’s important to remember that these may be different aspects of different roles.

Q4. Is SQL worth learning in 2023?

Yes SQL is worth learning skills in 2023. As we know the increasing amount of data nowadays needs data management and data analysis that can be done by SQL developer so this skill is worth learning in the job market.

Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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