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10 Factors to Consider For Choosing Right Web Hosting

A Right Web Hosting is essential because it not only helps your business mark its presence online but also lets your brand stand well amongst your competitors. In today’s era, there are many users who incline either towards Shared Hosting, Dedicated, or VPS Hosting since their requirements are many and need to be fulfilled as soon as possible. But the main challenge – how to identify which web hosting provider is right and contribute massively in increasing the performance, security, and accessibility of your businesses consisting of single or multiple domains? 


To identify such a sustainable and reliable web hosting provider, all you need to do is check a few factors mentioned below and accept that hosting provider whose hosting plans may vary in number and price.

1. A Right Web Hosting Must Support an Intuitive CPanel

CPanel intuitively offers server management and website simplification (like focusing on the website’s essential elements, or lessening the website’s number of pages). If your web-hosting provider suggests you opt for an easy-to-use C-Panel (either the free or private version), you must accept his/her suggestion. The benefit will be that you can now involve more in the ways of doing business through an optimized website rather than banging heads with the tech-support individuals. Therefore, opting for a C-Panel is a viable choice if you are one of those looking forward to visualizing the magic of exemplary performances of your website managed and supported by any of the hosting providers like HostGator, InMotion, GreenGeeks, or Hostinger.

2. A Right Web Hosting Should Encompass a Scalable Environment

A Scalable Web Hosting Environment indicates that it understands your dictation of up-gradation. Such an up-gradation is of services offered like better storage capabilities, utilization of best servers which have enormous potential of computational resources, an enhanced level of security from viruses, malware, and other online scams. If you have opted for a shared hosting plan and suddenly you feel that your business requires dedicated hosting, then, your web hosting provider must embed this dedicated hosting requirement (of yours) in your existing plan. With this, you will be assured that the hosting plan is responding well to the increase in the requirement of storage, security, and variety of resources. Such a transfer of hosting type depicts scalability well in real-time but this must be done after doing in-depth research about the opinions given by experts and other experienced users of web hosting. What else is required now, to be done, for finding some room, to letting your website respond well, with the changing market trends by scaling itself well in terms of revenue and performance!!

3. A Right Web Hosting Will Offer Strengthened Web Security

Web Hosting Security implies security offered in the form of encrypted payments, registration and installation for SSL certificates, DDoS Prevention, and access restriction for limiting access to unknown users. Thinking if all this is possible with a web hosting provider in today’s era! Yes, Hostgator, A2Hosting, Siteground, and BlueHost are highly recommended when it comes to offering strengthened security for your websites supporting single or multiple domains either. Apart from the above parameters of security, there are others which you must examine like Multi-factor authentication and Firewall protection since not all the web hosting plans available offer all parameters anytime, anywhere. With all those, you need not feel stressed from the consequences of corrupted files, online attacks, or lost folders, and look always ahead while flourishing your businesses well.

4. A Right Web Hosting is Expected to Have an Uptime Guarantee

Uptime Guarantee 84.75 percent, 94.86 percent, 98.4%, or 99.9995 percent – sounds attractive yeah!! But have you ever wondered what those percentages signify? They say how much potential a website acquires for operating successfully in real-times. So, the higher is the uptime percentage, the better are the chances for operational stability. Before you choose a web hosting plan or planning to upgrade the same, double-check if the provider is offering a guarantee (of uptime) of more than 99 percent because if not checked, this will decelerate the website’s performance not bound to the drawbacks of low or high-density servers. Imagine the downtime exists for 2 hours and at that instance, the market is expanding rapidly!! Would this not impact sales and revenue for your business? Such a situation arises when uptime is really low, say 75 – 84 percent. Therefore, for righteous web hosting, an uptime expectancy of 99 percent or more is required for extracting higher business yields ethically.

5. A Right Web Hosting Must Sync Well with Affordable Pricing  

AFFORDABLE pricing is vital for making your choice of web hosting provider right! If you decide to choose higher plans (starting with 899 Dollars for a month) thinking that it will enhance your profit margins or prefer a low-rental hosting plan (like 1.1 dollars per month) for the sake of saving a few pennies, then it won’t reap fruits for longer terms. Rather, such choices may fail to match your hosting requirements later thereby troubling you with expenses’ headaches. Here, an affordable pricing plan ranging between 25 to 50 Dollars must be considered a valuable choice potentially capable of reciprocating quality business-oriented solutions UPFRONT. In addition, if you feel frustrated with the hosting features offered in the plan tenure, you may call the support team and claim your refund (in accordance with the T&C of Refund Policy)instead of blaming the plan’s billing cycle for slow performance and limited computational power of resources available in real-time.      

6. A Right Web Hosting Must Not Refuse to Sufficient Storage

Choosing a web hosting provider supporting the concept of SUFFICIENT storage isn’t a bad choice. Rather, it shows that the provider is capable of fulfilling your storage requirements in a self-healing manner. Otherwise, it is possible that your website/ websites may generate a signal of low storage down the lane. So, if your visitors feel the need for massive data (in the form of content or your services), then your choice must incline towards that hosting provider reinforcing the notion of unlimited bandwidth in the plans available. With this, the term STORAGE becomes self-explanatory when it comes to synchronizing the services or motto (with the essential as well as basic customers’ requirements) your website(s) is presenting live to its customers without neglecting the quality of images, text, codes, and emails even.

7. A Right Web Hosting Must Have Minimum Load Time

Load-time (or Loading time) is the amount of time, required by a web page to load itself, by getting data from the server. You must have heard that sales of that particular company say Flipkart went down due to higher loading time! Yeah, such a situation occurs when loading time is higher, say more than 5 seconds (till 5, you may expect slower or negligible bounce rates). In fact, according to dotcom tools, 40 percent of the polled users tend to leave the website or any of its pages if it is taking >3 sec to load itself and 47 percent of users want the desktop website (which they are or have been searching) to get loaded in 2 sec or less than that. Thinking what could be the repercussions! They would be like lower ranking of the websites due to poor performance, reduction in sales revenue, and loss of customer loyalty and trust towards the brand name. Henceforth, you must select that web hosting provider who is assuring you with load time ranging between 1 to 3 seconds so that your businesses need not suffer from higher bounce rates and slow website traffic.

8. A Right Web Hosting Promises 24*7 Customer Support

24*7 Customer Support promises faster resolution and round-the-clock connectivity for its customers through email, toll-free hotline, and multi-purpose live chats. This is necessary because it will help you analyze the difference between the situations a) A web-crash has happened still overlooked and b) A web-crash resolved quickly by a knowledgeable executive or a senior person. If your web hosting provider isn’t offering support like managing and monitoring the server, helping you with glitches by installing required web packages, or auditing all the activities going on to your network, then you must look for some other vendors who prefer to participate actively at social media handles, forums, or telephonic and live chats keeping in mind the aim of achieving customer centricity and satisfaction. All this will be useful as you need not ask for the tracking progress of the support issues under your name and also, the support team handling your issues knows what type of support you require related to the website and when?

9. A Right Web Hosting Must Incline Towards CDN                                

CDN or Content Delivery Network is a way of distributing your website’s content to multiple users residing at multiple locations. Many companies like CloudFront, Akamai, Fastly, and CloudFare are traditional CDN players known for the successful placement of your website’s content to a location closer to that of the user base targeted by you. Thinking about its long-term benefits! Yes, there are a few like improvements in reliability and security of your web-portals since loading time and uptime are boosted by the server connected with the CDN, increase in your website’s traffic as users need not face server crash when they prefer to review the services you offer, and a lot of expenses of yours are promisingly reduced while upgrading bandwidth of the existing network as CDN saves the bandwidth smartly. So, if your web hosting provider agrees on offering CDN as a service, then you must rely upon him/her and let your content traverse across various parts of the globe at an accelerated speed and enhanced scalability of your business or related services.

10. A Right Web Hosting Nods Heads Towards Add. Multiple Domains    

Multiple domains mean an expansion of your brand and more chances for the customers to access special offers like a 90 percent discount on your current hosting plan etc. This is because if you are opting for multiple domains, then it means that your services are solving a wider variety of requirements across the globe. Also, after adding multiple domains, your brand and its identity are protected essentially since it is available in multiple forms online and assaulters would be prevented from destroying the brand’s presence inevitably boosted by the availability of your businesses in multiple forms. Indeed, multiple domains are favorable from an SEO point-of-view since keyword-rich domains attract better brand visibility and avoid competition too as users can find you and ask for your services without facing any kind of trouble. Henceforth, do find such a web hosting provider who understands the importance of multiple domains and shakes hands with you at times you plan for registering for multiple domains for acquiring potential customers and enhancing web redirections.

Last Updated :
17 Aug, 2021
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