Wednesday, July 3, 2024

What is K-connected Graph?

A k-connected graph is a type of graph where removing k-1 vertices (and edges) from the graph does not disconnect it. 

In other words, there are at least k distinct paths between any two vertices in the graph, and the graph remains connected even if k-1 vertices or edges are removed. The parameter k is known as the connectivity of the graph. The higher the connectivity of a graph, the more robust it is against failures or attacks.

A 4-connected Graph

A 4-connected Graph

Properties of k-connected Graph:

  • Robustness: A k-connected graph is more robust against vertex or edge failures than a graph with lower connectivity. Removing k-1 vertices or edges from a k-connected graph does not disconnect it.
  • Minimum degree: In a k-connected graph, every vertex has a degree of at least k. This means that the graph is densely connected and has many paths between its vertices.
  • Separability: A graph is k-connected if and only if it is not separable into two disconnected subgraphs by removing k-1 vertices.
  • Augmentation: Every k-connected graph can be augmented to a (k+1)-connected graph by adding edges between any two sets of k vertices that are not already connected.
  • Planarity: In a planar k-connected graph, the number of vertices is at least 2k, and the number of edges is at least 3k – 6.

How to identify a k-connected Graph?

  • Brute force approach: One way to identify if a graph is k-connected is to remove all possible subsets of k-1 vertices (or edges) and check if the graph remains connected after each removal. This approach is not efficient for large graphs, but it can be used for small graphs. 
  • Max-flow min-cut theorem: According to the Max-flow min-cut theorem, the maximum flow in a graph is equal to the minimum cut in the graph. Therefore, we can use a max-flow algorithm to find the minimum cut of a graph, and if the minimum cut is greater than or equal to k, then the graph is k-connected.
  • Connectivity algorithm: We can use a connectivity algorithm such as Tarjan’s algorithm or Hopcroft–Karp algorithm to find all the cut-vertices and cut-edges in a graph. If there are no cut-vertices and cut-edges of size less than k-1, then the graph is k-connected.
  • DFS Algorithm: First we, check if K is greater than or equal to 2 and less than the total number of vertices in the graph. If K is greater than or equal to the number of vertices in the graph minus one, then the graph cannot be K-connected. Next, for each vertex in the graph, perform a DFS traversal and count the number of vertices that are visited. If the number of visited vertices is less than K, then the graph is not K-connected.
    If the above condition is not satisfied for any vertex in the graph, then the graph is K-connected.

Sudo code for dfs algorithm

function isKConnected(Graph G, int K):
    visited = {False} * |V(G)|
    if K < 2 or K >= |V(G)|:
        return False
    for each vertex u in G:
        count = 0
        DFS(u, visited, count)
        if count < K:
            return False
    return True

function DFS(vertex v, visited, count):
    visited[v] = True
    count += 1
    for each adjacent vertex w of v:
        if not visited[w]:
            DFS(w, visited, count)



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N = 100005;
vector<int> adj[N];
bool visited[N];
void DFS(int u, int& count) {
    visited[u] = true;
    for (int v : adj[u]) {
        if (!visited[v]) {
            DFS(v, count);
bool isKConnected(int n, int K) {
    if (K < 2 || K >= n) {
        return false;
    for (int u = 0; u < n; u++) {
        memset(visited, false, sizeof(visited));
        int count = 0;
        DFS(u, count);
        if (count < K) {
            return false;
    return true;
int main() {
    int n, m, K;
      n = 5, m = 4, K = 2; // modify these values as needed
    adj[0] = {1, 2};
    adj[1] = {2, 3};
    adj[2] = {3, 4};
    adj[3] = {4, 5};
   /* cin >> n >> m >> K;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        int u, v;
        cin >> u >> v;
    if (isKConnected(n, K)) {
        cout << "Graph is K-connected." << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "Graph is not K-connected." << endl;
    return 0;


# Set recursion limit to prevent RecursionError for large graphs
import sys
# Maximum number of nodes in the graph
N = 100005
# Create an adjacency list to store the graph
adj = [[] for _ in range(N)]
# Boolean array to keep track of visited nodes
visited = [False] * N
# Depth-first search function to visit all nodes in a connected component
def DFS(u, count):
    visited[u] = True
    count[0] += 1
    for v in adj[u]:
        if not visited[v]:
            DFS(v, count)
# Function to check if the graph is K-connected
def isKConnected(n, K):
    # If K is less than 2 or greater than or equal to n, then the graph is not K-connected
    if K < 2 or K >= n:
        return False
    # For each node u in the graph, perform a DFS to count the number of nodes reachable from u
    for u in range(n):
        global visited
        visited = [False] * n
        count = [0]
        DFS(u, count)
        # If the number of reachable nodes is less than K, then the graph is not K-connected
        if count[0] < K:
            return False
    # If all nodes satisfy the condition, then the graph is K-connected
    return True
# Example input values
n = 5
m = 4
K = 2
edges = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]
# Add input edges to the adjacency list
for u, v in edges:
# Check if the graph is K-connected and print the result
if isKConnected(n, K):
    print("Graph is K-connected.")
    print("Graph is not K-connected.")
#Contributed by siddharth aher


Graph is not K-connected.

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