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Using Stacks to solve Desert Crossing Problem in Python

A man is using a compass to cross a desert, and he has been given specific directions for his task. Following directions is only permitted: “NORTH”, “EAST”, “WEST”, and “SOUTH”. However, the desert has very hot weather, and it would be advantageous if man could save energy. Thus, your task is to simplify the directions and eliminate those that cancel each other out, i.e., eliminate those consecutive directions that are opposite to each other end. 

Desert Crossing Problem in Python

Direction Map

Note: We can only eliminate the directions which are opposite to each other. For example, if the west is our first direction then the second direction must be east then only we can eliminate both directions otherwise we will not be able to eliminate it. Let us see how we can solve this problem in Python.

Solve Desert Crossing Problem using Stack in Python

The following is a step-by-step procedure for solving Desert Crossing Problem in Python:

  1. Create a list of directions: First of all, define a Python list of directions that we will take as input to solve the problem statement.
  2. Create an empty list: Next, create an empty Python list to hold the shortened instructions. This list will work as the Stack.
  3. Iterate through the list of directions: Then, use a Python for loop to iterate the list of directions of the ‘directions’ input list.
  4. Compare the two consecutive directions: Then use Python if statement to compare the current direction to the previous direction. Append the current direction to the simplified directions list i.e., the stack list if the two directions are not opposite each other. If the two directions are diametrically opposed, remove the prior direction (if it exists) from the stack.
  5. Return the Stack: Return the stack after iterating through all directions.

Code Implementation


directions = ["NORTH", "SOUTH", "EAST", "WEST", "NORTH"]
stack = []
for direction in directions:
    if stack and ((direction == "NORTH" and stack[-1] == "SOUTH") or
                  (direction == "SOUTH" and stack[-1] == "NORTH") or
                  (direction == "EAST" and stack[-1] == "WEST") or
                  (direction == "WEST" and stack[-1] == "EAST")):
if not stack:
    print("[" + ", ".join(stack) + "]")



Time complexity: O(n), as we have to transverse in the list which has size n.
Space Complexity: O(n), as we use extra space as a stack, which in the worst case may have n size.

Code Explanation:

Input list: [“NORTH”, “SOUTH”, “EAST”, “WEST”, “NORTH”]. 

We can process the directions as follows:

  • Initialize an empty stack.
  • Process each direction in the list:
  • Process direction “NORTH”:
    • Stack is empty, so push “NORTH” into the stack. Stack is now [“NORTH”].
  • Process direction “SOUTH”:
    • Top of stack is “NORTH”, which is opposite to “SOUTH”, so pop “NORTH” from the stack. Stack is now empty.
  • Process direction “EAST”:
    • Stack is empty, so push “EAST” into the stack. Stack is now [“EAST”].
  • Process direction “WEST”:
    • Top of stack is “EAST”, which is opposite to “WEST”, so pop “EAST” from the stack. Stack is now empty.
  • Process direction “NORTH”:
    • Stack is empty, so push “NORTH” into the stack. Stack is now [“NORTH”].
  • All directions have been processed, so the simplified directions are the directions left in the stack, which is [“NORTH”].

Test Cases for Desert Crossing Problem using Stack

Let us see a few test cases of the Desert Crossing Problem for a better understanding of the concept.

Test case 1:

Input: [‘SOUTH’,’NORTH’,’WEST’]

Output: [WEST]


The first direction is SOUTH and second is NORTH. Both direction are opposite to each other so it will cancel out. Hence we will be left with WEST direction only.

Test case 2:

Input: [‘NORTH’, ‘EAST’,’SOUTH’,’WEST’]



The first direction is NORTH but second direction is EAST. NORTH and EAST direction are not opposite to each other so we will check second and third direction i.e., EAST and SOUTH. These direction are also not opposite to each other hence we will move further in the list. Now we will compare SOUTH and WEST.  These direction are also not opposite to each other hence the will output the same list as given in the input because the input list have been fully iterated. 

Test case 3:

Input: [‘NORTH’,’SOUTH’, ‘EAST’, ‘WEST’]

Output: []


The first direction is NORTH and second is SOUTH both are opposite to each other hence we will cancel each other. Now we will move further in the list and The directions are EAST and WEST, these are  also  opposite to each other hence we will be cancled. Now we are left with an empy list, which will be returned as the output.

Test case 4:




The first element is SOUTH and the Second element is NORTH, which cancels each other. Next we have NORTH and EAST, so we move further to EAST and WEST. These directions are again cancles out by each other. Then moving further we have NORTH and WEST and the list ends here. As these two directions satifies the condition are retured along with the previously processes NORTH.

Test case 5:




The first two elements are NORTH and SOUTH which are cancled out. Next we have SOUTH and North which again are canceled. Next come EAST and WEST, again canceled out. Next we have NORTH and WEST, which are not the opposites of each other, so we let NORTH in the list and move further to check next two direction. We get WEST and SOUTH and the list ends here. As these two are also not opposite to one anothe, we let these two too remain in the list.

Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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