Prerequisite: How to Call a C function in Python
Let’s discuss the problem of accessing C code from Python. As it is very evident that many of Python’s built-in libraries are written in C. So, to access C is a very important part of making Python talk to existing libraries. There is an extensive C programming API that Python provides but there are many different to deal with C.
Code #1 : [work.c
] C-Code that we are dealing.
#include <math.h> int gcd( int x, int y) { int g = y; while (x > 0 ) { g = x; x = y % x; y = g; } return g; } int divide( int a, int b, int * remainder) { int quot = a / b; * remainder = a % b; return quot; } double avg(double * a, int n) { int i; double total = 0.0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < n; i + + ) { total + = a[i]; } return total / n; } typedef struct Point { double x, y; } Point; double distance(Point * p1, Point * p2) { return hypot(p1 - >x - p2 - >x, p1 - >y - p2 - >y); } |
Above code has different C-programming features.
divide() – returning multiple values, one through a pointer argument
avg() – performing a data reduction across a C array
Point and distance() – involve C structures.
Let’s assume that the code above is found in a file named work.c and it has been compiled into a library libsample that can be linked to other C code. Now, we have a number of C functions that have been compiled into a shared library. So, we call the functions entirely from Python without having to write additional C code or using a third-party extension tool.
Using ctypes :
Python ctypes will come to play but make sure the C code, that is to be converted, has been compiled into a shared library that is compatible with the Python interpreter (e.g., same architecture, word size, compiler, etc.).
Further the file has been placed in the same directory as the
. Let’s understand
Code #2 : Python module that wraps around resulting library to access it
# import ctypes import os # locating the '' file in the # same directory as this file _file = '' _path = os.path.join( * (os.path.split(__file__)[: - 1 ] + (_file, ))) _mod = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(_path) |
Code #3 : Accessing code
# int gcd(int, int) gcd = _mod.gcd gcd.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int) gcd.restype = ctypes.c_int # int divide(int, int, int *) _divide = _mod.divide _divide.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)) _divide.restype = ctypes.c_int def divide(x, y): rem = ctypes.c_int() quot = _divide(x, y, rem) return quot, rem.value # void avg(double *, int n) # Define a special type for the 'double *' argument class DoubleArrayType: def from_param( self , param): typename = type (param).__name__ if hasattr ( self , 'from_' + typename): return getattr ( self , 'from_' + typename)(param) elif isinstance (param, ctypes.Array): return param else : raise TypeError( "Can't convert % s" % typename) # Cast from array.array objects def from_array( self , param): if param.typecode ! = 'd' : raise TypeError( 'must be an array of doubles' ) ptr, _ = param.buffer_info() return ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)) # Cast from lists / tuples def from_list( self , param): val = ((ctypes.c_double) * len (param))( * param) return val from_tuple = from_list # Cast from a numpy array def from_ndarray( self , param): return param.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)) DoubleArray = DoubleArrayType() _avg = _mod.avg _avg.argtypes = (DoubleArray, ctypes.c_int) _avg.restype = ctypes.c_double def avg(values): return _avg(values, len (values)) # struct Point { } class Point(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [( 'x' , ctypes.c_double), ( 'y' , ctypes.c_double)] # double distance(Point *, Point *) distance = _mod.distance distance.argtypes = (ctypes.POINTER(Point), ctypes.POINTER(Point)) distance.restype = ctypes.c_double |
Now, one can easily load the module and use the resulting C functions. See the next part – Using C codes in Python | Set 2.