Underscore.js is a lightweight JavaScript library and not a complete framework that was written by Jeremy Ashkenas that provides utility functions for a variety of use cases in our day-to-day common programming tasks.
The complete reference for underscore utility is provided below:
Function |
Description |
_.noConflict() | It creates a reference of the global underscore object “_” to another variable. |
_.identity() | It returns the exact same replica of the value given to it as the argument. |
_.constant() | It create a function that returns the parameter given to it. |
_.noop() | It is used to return “undefined” irrespective of the arguments passed to it. |
_.times() | It is used to call the function a particular number of times. |
_.random() | It returns a random integer which is in the range provided to the function. |
_.mixin() | It is used to add extra functionality. |
_.iteratee() | It generates a callback that can be applied to every element in a collection. |
_.uniqueId() | It generates a globally unique id for the client-side models. |
_.escape() | It is used to escape a special character string from inserting into HTML. |
_.unescape() | It is used to unescape a special character. |
_.result() | It gives value of a property of an object. |
_.now() | It returns the timestamp of the current time. |
_.template() | It compile JavaScript templates into functions that can be evaluated for rendering. |