For the last several months, anyone with an interest in jailbreaking iOS 11 had no other option besides Electra for iOS 11.0-11.3.1. But as of this weekend, things are changing.
On Sunday, former Electra Team member Pwn20wnd announced the release of a new open-source semi-untethered jailbreak tool dubbed unc0ver, and it’s being billed “the most advanced jailbreak tool.” Moreover, enc0ver is cited as being a joint effort between Pwn20wnd and hacker Sam Bingner, with the UI having been designed by Dennis Bednarz and Samg_is_a_Ninja.
Right out of the box, unc0ver supports iOS 11.0-11.4 beta 3, which means it supports more firmware versions than Electra. But what really sets it apart is the distinctive jailbreak app, shown above, which incorporates a bevy of handy jailbreak-centric features.
Citing Pwn20wnd’s GitHub page, the unc0ver jailbreak features the following advantages:
- All exploits in same app
- Detailed error messages
- Faster patches
- More stable patches
- No extra battery drain
- No random freezes
- No random slow downs
- No data is logged or shared
- No malware
- Proper jailbreak state detection
- Proper bootstrap extraction to fix issues such as Cydia not appearing after jailbreak
- Native build of Cydia for iOS 11
- Telesphoreo port for ARM64
- Much faster Cydia
- Much more stable Cydia
- Much more modern looking and acting Cydia
- Cydia skips uicache when not needed
- Cydia supports iPhone X screen size
- Cydia Substrate for tweak injection
- Much faster ldrestart
- Much more stable ldrestart
- Changes to Cydia were made with permission from Saurik
- Option to skip loading daemons
- Option to dump APTicket
- Option to refresh icon cache
- Option to disable auto updates
- Option to block app revokes
- Option to restore RootFS
- Button to restart device
- Button to open Cydia in case it doesn’t appear on the Home Screen
- Label to show the days left till the application expires
- Working debugserver
- An awesome UI
Among the most attention-grabbing details listed here is the native build of Cydia for iOS 11, which was allegedly built with direct permission from Saurik unlike the one bundled with Electra. That said, it’s faster, more stable, and modernized with an improved interface.
Like most semi-untethered jailbreak tools, unc0ver is installed on a by way of Cydia Impactor. This means that you’ll need to download the app’s .ipa file from Pwn20wnd’s GitHub page and side-load it on your device to run it. Once side-loaded, you can follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the jailbreak.
If you’re already jailbroken with Electra and feel like jumping over to unc0ver, then you’re in luck. It’s possible to use the Rollectra un-jailbreaking utility to return to a stock installation of iOS so that you can move forward with the jailbreak process.
As always, we’ll have tutorials up soon enough. So stay tuned if you have any interest in jailbreaking with unc0ver.
Are you excited to jailbreak with the new unc0ver jailbreak tool? Share in the comments.