Unary code also sometimes called thermometer code is a type of entropy encoding. It is a lossless data compression technique with application in Golomb codes.
Unary representation of a natural number n is n ones followed by a zero. For example, unary code for 6 will be 6 ones followed by a zero which is 1111110
Input: 5 Output: 111110 result has 5 ones followed by a 0 Input: 1 Output: 10 result has 1 one followed by a 0
- For encoding: take an empty list then append N times 1 and 0 in the last then convert it into string and print the result.
- For decoding: Take a given string and count number of 1’s into it and then print the result.
Example 1: Unary representation of a natural number.
# Unary code encoding N = 8 A = [] for i in range (N): A.append( 1 ) A.append( 0 ) B = [ str (k) for k in A] C = "".join(B) print ( "Unary code for" , N, 'is' , C) |
Unary code for 8 is 111111110
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Example 2: Decimal representation of an unary code.
# Unary code decoding code = "111111110" count = 0 for i in code: if i = = "1" : count + = 1 print ( "decoded number is :" , count) |
decoded number is : 8
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)