The silky-smooth animations Apple bakes into iOS are among one of the most enjoyable experiences involved with using an iPhone or iPad.
Apple times these animations just right for the most part, but with a new free jailbreak tweak dubbed Ermete by iOS developer CydiaGeek, you can now fine-tune and customize these durations.
Like many other animation-centric tweaks for iOS, Ermete influences the animations that transpire when opening or closing applications and using the App Switcher.
When you install Ermete, you’ll find a preference pane in the Settings app where you can configure animation speeds to your liking:
Here, you can:
- Choose an animation duration:
- Slightly slow animations
- Medium-slow animations
- Very slow animations
- Fast animations
- Very fast animations
- (turning everything off returns you to default animation speed)
- Respring your device to save changes
Examples of some of the duration options are shown in the developer’s demo video below:
Upon testing, we noticed that Ermete doesn’t impact the animations shown when launching or closing folders or Control Center. To some, this might be a gripe with consistency; fortunately, the developer listens to feature suggestions from the community and could easily add support in the future if demand is high enough.
If you’re interested in either speeding up or slowing down the system animations on your handset, then you can download Ermete for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repository. The tweak works with all jailbroken iOS 11 devices.
Have you tried Ermete yet? Let us know in the comments section below.