A list of popular github projects related to deep learning (ranked by stars automatically).
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Project Name | Stars | Description |
tensorflow | 44154 | Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning |
caffe | 15611 | Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning. |
neural-style | 12491 | Torch implementation of neural style algorithm |
keras | 11624 | Deep Learning library for Python. Convnets, recurrent neural networks, and more. Runs on Theano or TensorFlow. |
deepdream | 9758 | |
RocAlphaGo | 7806 | An independent, student-led replication of DeepMind’s 2016 Nature publication, “Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search” (Nature 529, 484-489, 28 Jan 2016), details of which can be found on their website https://deepmind.com/publications.html. |
char-rnn | 4787 | Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, GRU, RNN) for character-level language models in Torch |
gym | 4744 | A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. |
tflearn | 4675 | Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow. |
playground | 4150 | Play with neural networks! |
neuraltalk | 3976 | NeuralTalk is a Python+numpy project for learning Multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks that describe images with sentences. |
TopDeepLearning | 3557 | A list of popular github projects related to deep learning |
TensorFlow-Tutorials | 3111 | Simple tutorials using Google’s TensorFlow Framework |
tensorflow_tutorials | 3017 | From the basics to slightly more interesting applications of Tensorflow |
word-rnn-tensorflow | 284 | Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, RNN) for word-level language models in Python using TensorFlow. |
DeepLearningStars | 1 | Top Stared Deep Learning Projects |
Last Automatic Update: Sat Jan 28 09:22:20 2017
Inspired by https://github.com/aymericdamien/TopDeepLearning
Original Source.