“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new” – Well said the thought of Albert Einstein. Human beings are prone to make mistakes. Be it technological aspect, mistakes are obvious. And when we talk about technology, frameworks play a very important role in building web applications. Frameworks have a defined set of codes that can be used for creating a custom application. Talking about applications, what strikes our mind first is Java.
What can be better than implementing a web application using the Spring Framework for Java? Since human beings are prone to make mistakes, Let’s discuss the Top 10 Most Common Spring Framework Mistakes while building Java-based enterprise-level applications.
Top 10 Most Common Spring Framework Mistakes
1. Configuring Incorrectly
Configuration files and pom.xml files in Spring can many times be a location of mistake as the slightest misconfiguration of properties, files can make the Spring application of no use despite having everything else correct. Even a miss-spelled tag or wrongly entered key in the configuration file can come out as a reason for the failure of the application. So, we should configure the property files attentively to avoid any semantic or syntax errors since configuration files and properties files are the backbones of the application.
2. Using Dependency Injection Inefficiently
Dependency Injection in Spring helps in reducing the dependency and loosening the coupling among classes and making testing easier at the same time but sometimes, we fail to take advantage of it and instead end up making tightly coupled classes which makes code non-reusable and inflexible. We can inject dependency in two ways: Through the setter method and the constructor.
3. Mishandling Exceptions
Handling exceptions properly can make our application a lot better to avoid any runtime errors but when mishandled, it causes errors. While the Spring web application is working, for instance, if a user enters some data which can throw an Exception and it hasn’t been handled at the code level through exceptions, then the application can behave unexpectedly or can even break down. Hence, the possibility of exceptions should be checked wherever applicable.
4. Version Conflicts
If we are making a typical web application with Spring, many dependencies are to be included in our project to make it run like Spring Starters, Spring Boot, SQL Connector, etc. It sometimes happens that a certain version of a dependency is not compatible with another dependency’s version and due to the version conflicts, the application doesn’t run because it does not get expected dependency jars. In this case, we should always look if the versions of dependencies are compatible with each other to avoid the extra work for later when the code throws an error.
5. Separation of Concerns
Separation of Concerns is practiced not only in Spring but also in other places of software development. It is important to separate the modules or functionalities having different responsibilities. This not only reduces the complexity of code but also makes modules independent so that even if one module fails to perform its task, other modules are not affected, and thus, we know where to look for the possibility of the failure otherwise, if separation of concerns is not practiced, it becomes tough to manage the code and mistakes.
6. Autowiring Problem
We use auto-wiring to auto-wire beams into one another and to attain dependency injection. Autowiring might not work sometimes if it is not used correctly like if the creation of a new instance is done manually instead of using Spring or the class for which we are using Autowiring, seems to be not picked by ComponentScan where the reason can be that the package is not in the scanning area of ComponentScan and we need to get the package of class in the search area of ComponentScan.
7. Writing Duplicate Code
Writing duplicate code is not an error or wrong thing, but is a bad practice when we have dependency injection, separation of concerns, Inversion of Control, and many other features in Spring which not only eliminates the need of writing duplicate code but also minimize the chances of writing code that cannot be reused. Duplicate code causes redundancy and thus takes more storage and writing time making applications bulkier unnecessarily.
8. The Issue with XML Based Configuration
Previous versions of Spring required XML-based configuration but the new versions support java based configuration which eliminates the necessity of XML-based configuration. With XML, boilerplate code and additional code come into account with taking care of one more language, XML while focusing on Java and Spring Framework syntaxes and semantics when writing a Spring application.
9. Focusing More on Low-Level Tasks
Spring with annotations, controllers, and support for APIs makes many tasks easier for us as we don’t have to code everyone from a low level. It allows working with high-level tasks and the use of libraries and their implementation instead of writing everything from scratch. If we focus on low-level code and writing everything from scratch, we’ll miss focusing on other aspects such as business logic and the objective of making the respective application. This further saves our time as we can use already available libraries for which otherwise we would have written code from scratch.
10. The Issue With Port
Spring web applications are hosted with the help of some server like we can use localhost if making an application for personal use. The port on which the application is configured to run is sometimes not available or free at times when we want to host it on that port. In that case, hosting can fail. To avoid that, we can make sure that the port which we have reserved for our Spring application should be available and free.
These were the Top 10 Most Common Spring Framework Mistakes to avoid so that we can make our Spring applications in less time and prevent ourselves from getting irritated when some error sticks for longer. When handled carefully, Spring makes tasks of building Java-based web applications smooth and if anytime we experience an error or make a mistake, we should consider the above-mentioned mistakes at least once for the resolution.