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HomeData ModellingData Structure & AlgorithmThree way partitioning of an Array without changing the relative ordering

Three way partitioning of an Array without changing the relative ordering

Given an array and a range [lowVal, highVal], partition the array around the range such that the array is divided into three parts. 

  • All elements smaller than lowVal come first. 
  • All elements in range lowVal to highVal come next. 
  • All elements greater than highVVal appear in the end. 
  • The relative ordering of numbers shouldn’t be changed.


Input: arr[] = {1, 14, 5, 20, 4, 2, 54, 20, 87, 98, 3, 1, 32}, lowVal = 14, highVal = 20
Output: arr[] = { 1 5 4 2 3 1 14 20 20 54 87 98 32 }

Input: arr[] = {1, 14, 5, 20, 4, 2, 54, 20, 87, 98, 3, 1, 32}, lowVal = 20, highVal = 20       
Output: arr[] = { 1 14 5 4 2 3 1 20 20 54 87 98 32 } 


Approach: This approach is based on using extra data structures to store the elements lesser than lowVal, in between lowVal and highVal, and elements greater than highVal. We will be using 3 queue for maintaining the original order of elements.

  • Traverse the array one by one
  • Insert the array elements into the respective queue one by one
  • At the end,
    • Pop out all the elements in queue 1 with elements lesser than lowVal
    • Then Pop out all the elements in queue 2 with elements in between lowVal and highVal
    • Then Pop out all the elements in queue 3 with elements greater than highVal.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ code to implement three way
// partitioning of an array without
// changing the relative ordering
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to do three way partitioning
vector<int> pivotArray(vector<int>& nums, int lowVal,
                       int highVal)
    // Declaring 3 queues
    queue<int> before, same, after;
    // Traverse the array elements one by one
    for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++) {
        // If the element is
        // less than pivot range
        // insert it into queue before
        if (nums[i] < lowVal)
        // Else If the element is
        // in between pivot range
        // insert it into queue same
        else if (nums[i] > highVal)
        // Else If the element is
        // less than pivot range
        // insert it into queue after
    int k = 0;
    // Now insert all elements
    // in queue before and
    // insert into final vector
    while (before.size() > 0) {
        nums[k++] = before.front();
    // Now insert all elements
    // in queue same and
    // insert into final vector
    while (same.size() > 0) {
        nums[k++] = same.front();
    // Now insert all elements
    // in queue after and
    // insert into final vector
    while (after.size() > 0) {
        nums[k++] = after.front();
    // Return the final vector
    return nums;
// Driver code
int main()
    vector<int> arr
        = { 1, 14, 5, 20, 4, 2, 54,
            20, 87, 98, 3, 1, 32 };
    int lowVal = 20, highVal = 20;
    pivotArray(arr, lowVal, highVal);
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
        cout << arr[i] << " ";
    return 0;


// JAVA code to implement three way
// partitioning of an array without
// changing the relative ordering
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    // Function to do three way partitioning
    public static int[] pivotArray(int[] nums, int lowVal,
                                   int highVal)
        // Declaring 3 queues
        Queue<Integer> before = new LinkedList<>();
        Queue<Integer> same = new LinkedList<>();
        Queue<Integer> after = new LinkedList<>();
        // Traverse the array elements one by one
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
            // If the element is
            // less than pivot range
            // insert it into queue before
            if (nums[i] < lowVal)
            // Else If the element is
            // in between pivot range
            // insert it into queue same
            else if (nums[i] > highVal)
            // Else If the element is
            // less than pivot range
            // insert it into queue after
        int k = 0;
        // Now insert all elements
        // in queue before and
        // insert into final vector
        while (before.size() > 0) {
            nums[k++] = before.poll();
        // Now insert all elements
        // in queue same and
        // insert into final vector
        while (same.size() > 0) {
            nums[k++] = same.poll();
        // Now insert all elements
        // in queue after and
        // insert into final vector
        while (after.size() > 0) {
            nums[k++] = after.poll();
        // Return the final vector
        return nums;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int arr[] = new int[] { 114, 520, 4, 2, 54,
                                20, 87, 98, 31, 32 };
        int lowVal = 20, highVal = 20;
        pivotArray(arr, lowVal, highVal);
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");
// This code is contributed by Taranpreet


# Python 3 code to implement three way
# partitioning of an array without
# changing the relative ordering
# Function to do three way partitioning
def pivotArray(nums,  lowVal,
    # Declaring 3 queues
    before = []
    same = []
    after = []
    # Traverse the array elements one by one
    for i in range(len(nums)):
        # If the element is
        # less than pivot range
        # insert it into queue before
        if (nums[i] < lowVal):
        # Else If the element is
        # in between pivot range
        # insert it into queue same
        elif (nums[i] > highVal):
        # Else If the element is
        # less than pivot range
        # insert it into queue after
    k = 0
    # Now insert all elements
    # in queue before and
    # insert into final vector
    while (len(before) > 0):
        nums[k] = before[0]
        k += 1
    # Now insert all elements
    # in queue same and
    # insert into final vector
    while (len(same) > 0):
        nums[k] = same[0]
        k += 1
    # Now insert all elements
    # in queue after and
    # insert into final vector
    while (len(after) > 0):
        nums[k] = after[0]
        k += 1
    # Return the final vector
    return nums
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    arr = [1, 14, 5, 20, 4, 2, 54,
           20, 87, 98, 3, 1, 32]
    lowVal = 20
    highVal = 20
    pivotArray(arr, lowVal, highVal)
    for i in range(len(arr)):
        print(arr[i], end=" ")
        # This code is contributed by ukasp.


// C# code to implement three way
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class GFG{
  // partitioning of an array without
  // changing the relative ordering
  // Function to do three way partitioning
  static int[] pivotArray(int[] nums, int lowVal,
                          int highVal)
    // Declaring 3 queues
    Queue before = new Queue();
    Queue same = new Queue();
    Queue after = new Queue();
    // Traverse the array elements one by one
    for (int i = 0; i < nums.Length; i++) {
      // If the element is
      // less than pivot range
      // insert it into queue before
      if (nums[i] < lowVal)
      // Else If the element is
      // in between pivot range
      // insert it into queue same
      else if (nums[i] > highVal)
      // Else If the element is
      // less than pivot range
      // insert it into queue after
    int k = 0;
    // Now insert all elements
    // in queue before and
    // insert into final vector
    while (before.Count > 0) {
      nums[k++] = (int)before.Peek();
    // Now insert all elements
    // in queue same and
    // insert into final vector
    while (same.Count > 0) {
      nums[k++] = (int)same.Peek();
    // Now insert all elements
    // in queue after and
    // insert into final vector
    while (after.Count > 0) {
      nums[k++] = (int)after.Peek();
    // Return the final vector
    return nums;
  // Driver code
  static public void Main (){
    int [ ] arr
      = { 1, 14, 5, 20, 4, 2, 54,
         20, 87, 98, 3, 1, 32 };
    int lowVal = 20, highVal = 20;
    pivotArray(arr, lowVal, highVal);
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) {
      Console.Write(arr[i] + " ");
// This code is contributed by hrithikgarg03188.


    // JavaScript code to implement three way
    // partitioning of an array without
    // changing the relative ordering
    // Function to do three way partitioning
    const pivotArray = (nums, lowVal, highVal) => {
        // Declaring 3 queues
        let before = [], same = [], after = [];
        // Traverse the array elements one by one
        for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
            // If the element is
            // less than pivot range
            // insert it into queue before
            if (nums[i] < lowVal)
            // Else If the element is
            // in between pivot range
            // insert it into queue same
            else if (nums[i] > highVal)
            // Else If the element is
            // less than pivot range
            // insert it into queue after
        let k = 0;
        // Now insert all elements
        // in queue before and
        // insert into final vector
        while (before.length > 0) {
            nums[k++] = before[0];
        // Now insert all elements
        // in queue same and
        // insert into final vector
        while (same.length > 0) {
            nums[k++] = same[0];
        // Now insert all elements
        // in queue after and
        // insert into final vector
        while (after.length > 0) {
            nums[k++] = after[0];
        // Return the final vector
        return nums;
    // Driver code
    let arr = [1, 14, 5, 20, 4, 2, 54,
        20, 87, 98, 3, 1, 32];
    let lowVal = 20, highVal = 20;
    pivotArray(arr, lowVal, highVal);
    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        document.write(`${arr[i]} `);
// This code is contributed by rakeshsahni



1 14 5 4 2 3 1 20 20 54 87 98 32 


Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the size of the array.
Auxiliary Space: O(N)


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Ted Musemwa
As a software developer I’m interested in the intersection of computational thinking and design thinking when solving human problems. As a professional I am guided by the principles of experiential learning; experience, reflect, conceptualise and experiment.


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