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HomeMobileJailbreakThe best Winterboard themes for iOS 7

The best Winterboard themes for iOS 7

Winterboard themeWinterboard theme

The recent release of a Winterboard update with 64-bit compatibility marks a convenient time to reflect on some of the best themes for iOS 7 devices to date. It’s important to keep in mind that a number of popular themes from iOS 6 have yet to be updated, although it is safe to assume that many designers will release new versions in the ensuing weeks and months. So, without further ado, take a look ahead for some of the best Winterboard themes for iOS 7 available on Cydia or elsewhere right now… 

Zanilla 2

Zanilla themeZanilla theme

There is not much else to say about this theme asides from the fact that it’s absolutely beautiful. While many third-party apps still require custom icons, which will be added over time, the ones that are currently themed look very good. Zanilla 2 has drop shadows much like Solstice does below, and the general color scheme of this theme is quite nice. Surprisingly, Zanilla 2 is currently without a home on Cydia. To get this theme, you’ll have to download it from this deviantART page and manually place the Zanilla.theme file in the Winterboard directory /Library/Themes/ using a tool such as iFile, iExplorer or iFunBox. Expect it to hit a repository soon.

Soft Remix for iOS 7

Soft Remix themeSoft Remix theme

Easily one of my favorite themes on this list, Soft Remix for iOS 7 is a new take on the popular Suave HD theme. What I like best about Soft Remix is that it makes the Home screen icons slightly smaller, with so-called “squircle” edges, and has custom icons for some apps I wasn’t expecting—BlackBerry Messenger, IMDb, SoundCloud and a few others. Third-party apps without custom icons don’t stand out like an eyesore with this theme, and more icon requests are being fulfilled by designer Eduardo Lopez as we speak. Soft Remix for iOS 7 is free on Cydia in the BigBoss repository.

UltraFlat for iOS 7

UltraFlat iOS 7UltraFlat iOS 7

While some themes are trying to mahe your Home screen really stand out, UltraFlat for iOS 7 takes a different approach by simply flattening the stock icons. Graphic designer Ciaran O’Brien has meticulously crafted each icon by using colors from the icon’s stock color pallet. All this results in a theme that offers a very consistent design while complimenting the rest of the iOS interface. The benefit of such a theme is that non-themed icons don’t stand out and fit right in. Free on Cydia for iPhone and iPad in the ModMyi repo.


Ayeris is not an overt punch-you-in-the-mouth sort of theme. This is a wine taster’s theme. It’s aimed at a sophisticated palate, one who has tired from the themes that simply try to do too much. Ayeris comes bundled with about 200 themed app icons. All of the stock iOS app icons have been tweaked and themed to match the overall style of Ayeris, and many of the popular third-party applications have been themed as well. You can find it in the BigBoss repo for $3.99


M flat themeM flat theme

We’ve been seeing quite a few ports of M’flat icons popping up in the theming community over the past week or so, and this collection with several dozen custom icons for third-party apps is worth a mention. M’flat in my opinion is a nature-oriented theme, with lots of off-green, grey, blue and outdoors icons. Better yet, even more icons are in the process of being added. Since this is another theme not hosted on Cydia yet, you’ll need to manually place the M’flat iOS 7.theme file in the Winterboard directory /Library/Themes/ using a tool such as iFile, iExplorer or iFunBox.


People searching for a very simplistic yet sophisticated tweak should look no further than Clarity for iPhone. Clarity features almost 150 glyphs for many stock and third-party applications. The one major issue with a theme like Clarity is that non-themed icons will definitely stand out, making the theme look inconsistent and unfinished. One solution could be to put themed icons on the first page of the Home screen, and non-themed icons on following pages, but that’s merely a workaround. Clarity, by Smuys, is free on Cydia in the ModMyi repository.


iOS 7 TransparencyiOS 7 Transparency

With simplicity being at the heart of iOS 7 design, this new iPhone theme by Mike Birkey uses transparency to achieve a look that reminds us of the Clarity theme above. Just as we noted with Clarity, be prepared for non-themed icons to stick out like eyesores, at least until more icons requests are fulfilled. 7ransparency comes with nine different color hues that can be enabled through Winterboard. We’re using white in the screenshots above, which we believe goes well with this baby blue wallpaper and ClassicDock. 7ransparency is free on Cydia in the BigBoss repo.

1derful HD and 1Derland

1derful theme1derful theme

1Derland theme1Derland theme

We recently highlighted the new challenges that theme makers face because of the way iOS 7 is built, and Tim Collins is certainly one of those people. Nevertheless, he has gone ahead and issued iOS 7 and 64-bit patches for his popular 1derful HD and 1Derland HD themes. While these themes are intended to skin the entire user interface, limitations of iOS 7 will — at least for now — limit the both to providing custom icons on the Home screen. While the themes don’t have a tremendous amount of icons, they both look nice and can be yours for $2.99 each on the Cydia Store.


Rocket Sauce ThemeRocket Sauce Theme

Collins is also the creative brainchild behind RocketSauce, another well-designed theme that he recently patched for Winterboard on iOS 7 and 64-bit devices. RocketSauce was another theme that used to skin the entire iOS user interface, but currently just customizes the SpringBoard icons with fog-like curved edges. Collins will be issuing updates to this theme to add functionality back where possible, although it will take time. RocketSauce can be yours for $2.99 in the Cydia Store.


Solstice themeSolstice theme

Solstice takes the stock iOS 7 icons and redefines them with long shadows and a slightly less eye-popping color palette. The theme currently supports over 90 apps, with designer John Bussell vowing to add more every day. A shortlist of popular third-party apps with custom icons so far includes Alien Blue, Facebook, Google Maps, Rdio, SoundCloud, Twitter, Vine, WhatsApp and YouTube. Solstice is free on Cydia in the ModMyi repository.


Elite7 Theme iOS 7Elite7 Theme iOS 7

Elite7 themes many elements of the iOS 7 user interface, from the Status Bar and Control Center to the bottom bars in the Safari and Mail apps. The smallest of glyphs are even skinned, like app notification badges and the five symbols at the bottom of the Emoji keyboard. The quality and effort put into the icons is clearly apparent, with very detailed custom icons that have been crafted one pixel at a time. Elite7 remains a work in progress, with access to the beta and all future versions available on a subscription basis.

Space Blueberry

Space Blueberry themeSpace Blueberry theme

A theme that I have previously covered, Space Blueberry by Gionata gives over 70 of your Home screen icons a slightly more cartoon or flat appearance. The new and improved Game Center, Music, Reminders and Safari icons look much better in particular, compared to their original designs. If you have an iPhone or iPod touch, download Space Blueberry on Cydia for free in the ModMyi repository. Unfortunately, this theme is currently incompatible with iPad.


Flat7 themeFlat7 theme

With a claimed 60,000-plus downloads, Flat7 has emerged as one of the leading iOS 7 themes for iPhone and iPod touch so far. The theme overhauls all Apple stock icons, in addition to a growing number of third-party apps, with a more consistent and flat design. Additionally, you can enable one of two different overlays in Winterboard to make the icons circular or hexagonal in shape. Flat7 is the work of iOS designer Nick Viveiros, and can be grabbed for free from the BigBoss repository on Cydia. iPad support coming.


Oil7 themeOil7 theme

Oil7 is a redesign of Flat7 with an oil-based paint finish, and also includes some additional icon that the latter doesn’t have yet. All stock apps have custom icons, alongside several popular third-party apps. While this isn’t my favorite theme on the list, it might pique the curiosity of others. Oil7 is the work of designer Zutx, and is available now as a free download from Cydia on the BigBoss repository. Give it a try.

Final thoughts

If you like what you’ve seen here, please consider supporting the growing community of iOS designers by either purchasing a paid theme, donating to those that offer their work for free, or saying thank you. Every bit of support that these designers receive motivates them to work on additional icon requests and future projects for the benefit of all of us. Most designers offer various methods of making a donation, and leaving one is a great way to show a small token of appreciation.

For those of you who would like to keep up with our themes coverage, make sure to check out our dedicated theming section that not only highlights themes, but also jailbreak tweaks that can take your UI customization tothe next level.

Any noteworthy themes not covered here? What do you think are the best jailbreak themes? Sound off below!

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