TensorFlow.js is an open-source JavaScript library designed by Google to develop Machine Learning models and deep learning neural networks. The tensor transformation is used to describe some common Tensor transformations for reshaping and type-casting.
TensorFlow.js Tensors Transformations Methods:
- TensorFlow.js Transformations tf.batchToSpaceND() Method
- TensorFlow.js Transformations tf.broadcastArgs() Method
- TensorFlow.js Transformations tf.broadcastTo() Method
- TensorFlow.js Transformations tf.cast() Method
- TensorFlow.js Transformations tf.depthToSpace() Method
- TensorFlow.js Transformations tf.expandDims() Method
- TensorFlow.js Transformations tf.mirrorPad() Method
- TensorFlow.js Transformations tf.pad() Method
- TensorFlow.js Transformations tf.reshape() Method
- TensorFlow.js Transformations tf.setdiff1dAsync() Method
- TensorFlow.js Transformations tf.spaceToBatchND() Method
- TensorFlow.js Transformations tf.squeeze() Method