With the help of ratint_ratpart() method, we can implement the Horowitz Ostrogradsky algorithm and it will return the fractions A and B by using this method.
Syntax : ratint_ratpart(f, g, x)
Return : Return the fraction A and B.
Example #1 :
In this example we can see that by using ratint_ratpart() method, we are able to compute the rational integration using Horowitz Ostrogradsky algorithm and return the fractions A and B.
# import ratint_ratpart from sympy.integrals.rationaltools import ratint_ratpart from sympy.abc import x, y from sympy import Poly # Using ratint_ratpart() method gfg = ratint_ratpart(Poly( 5 , x, domain = 'ZZ' ), Poly(x * * 4 + 1 , x, domain = 'ZZ' ), x) print (gfg) |
Output :
(0, 5/(x**4 + 1))
Example #2 :
# import ratint_ratpart from sympy.integrals.rationaltools import ratint_ratpart from sympy.abc import x, y from sympy import Poly # Using ratint_ratpart() method gfg = ratint_ratpart(Poly( 13 , x, domain = 'ZZ' ), Poly( 4 * x * * 2 + x - 2 , x, domain = 'ZZ' ), x) print (gfg) |
Output :
(0, 13/(4*x**2 + x – 2))