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Student Grade Calculator using Java Swing

Consider the following scenario. We need to create a GUI based application which calculates grade of students according to marks obtained in 4 subjects. Below are the range of marks for different grades.

Marks Grade
>90% A
Between 85% – 90% B
Between 80% – 85% C
Between 70% – 80% D
Between 60% – 70% E
Between 50% – 60% Poor

We will be using Netbeans to create GUI applications since it’s a well crafted open-source IDE that provides features of a Component inspector, Drag-and-Drop of widgets, Debugger, Object browser, etc. 

Steps to create the Student Grade Calculator

1. Create a new Java application by clicking on New Project -> Java -> Java Application and give a suitable project name. Eg: GeeksForGeeks and click Finish.

2. To create a New File under the same Java project GeeksForGeeks, right-click on the project name on the left-hand side of the window, click New -> JFrame Form and give a suitable file name. Eg. and click Finish.

Creating New File in existing Java Application Project

3. Now from the palette situated at the right-hand side of the window, start dragging the toolkit widgets as per requirements. To change the background color of the frame, we need to first insert a JPanel and change its properties.

Drag the panel to fit the frame size

4. Click anywhere on the panel area, go to properties -> background.

5. Double click on the background option and select any color of your choice. Then click OK.

6. After setting background color, drag other widgets onto the design area. To display student details like Student ID, Name, Grade in a separate Dialog Box, drag a JOptionPane widget from the palette. First it overlaps the existing design. Go to navigator on left-hand side of the screen, then drag and move the JOptionPane component from JFrame to Other Components. It will go behind.

7. Let us now quickly go through the usage of each component in the program tabulated below.

Object Type Object Name Description
Label jLabel1: ABC Public School, Mumbai Describes title of the application
jLabel2: Student ID Defines Student ID
jLabel3: Student Name Defines Student Name
jLabel4: Section Defines Section
jLabel5: Physics Defines marks in subject 1
jLabel6: Chemistry Defines marks in subject 2
jLabel7: Maths Defines marks in subject 3
jLabel8: English Defines marks in subject 4
jLabel9: Total Marks Defines total marks
jLabel10: Percentage Defines percentage obtained
jLabel11: Grade Defines grade achieved
TextBox jTextField1 Variable 1
jTextField2 Variable 2
jTextField3 Variable 3
jTextField4 Variable 4
jTextField5 Variable 5
jTextField6 Variable 6
jTextField7 Variable 7
jTextField8 Variable 8
jTextField9 Variable 9
jTextField10 Variable 10
Panel jPanel1 Container to hold components
Command Button jButton1: Calculate Calculates grade
jButton2: Clear Clears content of all components
jButton3: Exit Exists application
OptionPane JOptionPane1 Displays additional information

8. Now to type the code, double click on jButton1, you will be directed to the source tab. Here type in the following code.


// Initialize variables
int s_id = Integer.parseInt(jTextField1.getText());
String s_name = jTextField2.getText();
String s_sec = jTextField7.getText();
double phy = Double.parseDouble(jTextField3.getText());
double chem = Double.parseDouble(jTextField4.getText());
double maths = Double.parseDouble(jTextField8.getText());
double eng = Double.parseDouble(jTextField9.getText());
// Calculates total marks
double total = phy + chem + maths + eng;
jTextField5.setText("" + total);
// Calculates percentage
double per = (total / 400) * 100;
jTextField10.setText("" + per);
String grade = null;
// Grade calculation
if (per > 90) {
    grade = "A";
} else if ((per > 85) && (per < 90)) {
    grade = "B";
} else if ((per > 80) && (per < 85)) {
    grade = "C";
} else if ((per > 70) && (per < 80)) {
    grade = "D";
} else if ((per > 60) && (per < 70)) {
    grade = "E";
} else if ((per > 50) && (per < 60)) {
    grade = "Poor";
// Displays result in TextField
jTextField6.setText("" + grade);
// Displays result in new Dialog Box
jOptionPane1.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello: " + s_name + " of class: " + s_sec +
    "\nYour Grade is: " + grade);


9. Now to clear all textfields write the following code under the jButton2 ActionPerformed option which can be achieved by clicking twice on Clear Button in the design area.




10. Now to exit from the system, use the following statement under the jButton3 ActionPerformed option which can be achieved by clicking twice on exit button in the design area.


11. Now, right-click anywhere on the screen and select Run File option from the drop-down menu. The final output is shown below. Input necessary details and the application is ready!

Final Output



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