Wednesday, July 3, 2024
HomeDatabases#SQLVacation FAQs, Follow-ups, and Resources

#SQLVacation FAQs, Follow-ups, and Resources

SQLVacation FAQ and Resources

Here are the most frequently asked questions I got while speaking on the #SQLVacation roadtrip:

Q: Where can I get the slide decks?
A: All of the presentations delivered on the #SQLVacation are on my SlideShare page, along with slide decks from several other recent and popular sessions. I have many more presentations on my personal blog under the Content menu, but they may be less recent.

Q: Where can I get the SQL scripts?
A: First, there’s the zip for Top10SQLDevTechniques. Second, for the End-to-End Troubleshooting session, I refer you to the SQL Server Diagnostic Query library by Glenn Berry (b | t).

Q: Where can I learn more?
A: Many of these sessions were recorded in the past and, along with many additional sessions on SQL Server and SQL query tuning, are available now in the SentryOne Resource Library. For example, a slightly older version of End-to-End Troubleshooting is already available, as is Top 10 DBA Mistakes.

Q: How do I get those three four eBooks?
A: Send an email to and we’ll get you fixed up right away. Tell a friend!

Q: Will you help me fix THIS specific issue? Here, I’ll send you a 12-page email!
Hold your horses, par’dner! I travel too much to promise extensive help on a timely basis. Two pointers. First, if you want query tuning advice, then YES, go to and post a forum question asking for help there. (It makes things MUCH easier if you generate an actual plan using SQL Sentry Plan Explorer, btw, since it has a built-in integration with the Answers website.) Second, for detailed technical questions, you can try posting to This is THE BEST place to post technical database-related questions that don’t involve execution plans.

#SQLVacation, The Contest

Now it’s time for you to get involved in the second part of the #SQLVacation! Traditionally, summer time is a bit slower for the SQLFamily. So let’s share the summer time good vibrations by taking it to social media. Now through July 31st, you can earn entries in our #SQLVacation raffle. One in every 25 entries wins!

What kind of free swag can I win? Well, there’s a variety of prizes, such as a #SQLVacation Courier Bag or a #SQLVacation T-Shirts.

To enter, tweet pictures from your vacation and be sure to include the hashtag #SQLVacation. After you’ve sent your tweet, don’t forget to fill out the form below. If you don’t fill out the form below, then your entry won’t count.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please help spread the word! Many thanks,


Connect with me online! Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Blog | SlideShare | Google Author

Kevin (@kekline) serves as Principal Program Manager at SentryOne. He is a founder and former president of PASS and the author of popular IT books like SQL in a Nutshell.

Kevin is a renowned database expert, software industry veteran, Microsoft SQL Server MVP, and long-time blogger at SentryOne. As a noted leader in the SQL Server community, Kevin blogs about Microsoft Data Platform features and best practices, SQL Server trends, and professional development for data professionals.



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