Dependency Injection is the main functionality provided by Spring IOC(Inversion of Control). The Spring-Core module is responsible for injecting dependencies through either Constructor or Setter methods.
In Setter Dependency Injection(SDI) the dependency will be injected with the help of setters and getters methods. A bean-configuration file is used to set DI as SDI in the bean. For this, the property to be set with the SDI is declared under the <property> tag in the bean-config file.
Setter Injection with Dependent Object
If there exists a relationship between the classes of our spring application, then we create the instance of the dependent object also called the contained object. After creating the instance of the dependent object we pass it as an argument of the main class container. Example: If an employee has an address, then the instance of the Address class is the dependent object and will be contained in the Employee class.
Implementation: The following example demonstrates a setter injection with a dependent object.
Each employee has the following properties:
- Name
- Employee ID
- Department
- Address(Dependent object)
Example: Employee Class
// Java Program to Illustrate Employee Class package; // Class class Employee { // Class member members private String name; private String employeeID; private String department; private Address address; // Setter public void setName(String name) { this .name = name; } // Setter public void setemployeeID(String employeeID) { this .employeeID = employeeID; } // Setter public void setdepartment(String department) { this .department = department; } // Setter public void setAddress(Address address) { this .address = address; } // Getter public String getName() { return name; } // Getter public String getemployeeID() { return employeeID; } // Getter public String getdepartment() { return department; } // Getter public Address getAddress() { return address; } // Method public void display() { // Print statements System.out.println( "Name: " + getName()); System.out.println( "Employee ID: " + getEmployeeID()); System.out.println( "Department: " + getDepartment()); System.out.println( "Address: " + getAddress().toString()); } } |
Address has the following properties:
- House Number
- Pincode
- State
- Country
package; class Address { private String houseNo; private String pincode; private String state; private String country; public Address(String houseNo, String pincode, String state, String country) { super (); this .houseNo = houseNo; this .pincode = pincode; this .state = state; this .country = country; } public String toString() { return "[" + houseNo + "," + pincode + "," + state + "," + country + "]" ; } } |
C. applicationContext.xml
We will use ref attribute of property element for specifying the reference of the address bean in the employee bean.
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> < beans xsi:schemaLocation=" < bean id = "address" class = "" > < property name = "houseNo" value = "110/4" ></ property > < property name = "pincode" value = "121212" ></ property > < property name = "state" value = "Delhi" ></ property > < property name = "country" value = "India" ></ property > </ bean > < bean id = "employee" class = "" > < property name = "name" value = "Ram" ></ property > < property name = "employeeID" value = "1001" ></ property > < property name = "department" value = "Software development" ></ property > < property name = "address" ref = "address" ></ property > </ bean > </ beans > |
D. Application File (
This class will call the display() method of Employee class.
// Java Program to Illustrate Application Class package; // Importing required classes import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import; import; // Application(Main) Class class Test { // Main driver method public static void main(String[] args) { // Creating a class path resource Resource resource = new ClassPathResource( "applicationContext.xml" ); // Creating an object of BeanFactory class BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(resource); // Creating an object of Employee class Employee e = (Employee)factory.getBean( "employee" ); // Calling print() method inside main() method e.display(); } } |
Name: Ram Employee ID: 1001 Department: Software development Address: [110/4, 121212, Delhi, India]