To begin, make sure you have a working Eclipse IDE installed and follow the steps below to create a Spring Web Framework-based Dynamic Form-based Web Application.
Steps to create TextBox in Spring MVC:
- Create a SpringMVCTextField project in the com.neveropen package.
- Under the com.neveropen package, create the Java classes Registration and RegistrationController.
- Create two view files in the jsp subfolder: Registration-page.jsp and confirmation-page.jsp.
- The last stage is to construct the content of the source and configuration files, as well as to export the program, as described below.
Example Project
Project structure:
Step 1. Add dependencies to the pom.xml file.
You can download the required dependencies from URLs given in the comments of the program.
xsi:schemaLocation=" < modelVersion >4.0.0</ modelVersion > < groupId >com.javatpoint</ groupId > < artifactId >SpringMVC</ artifactId > < packaging >war</ packaging > < version >0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</ version > < name >SpringMVC Maven Webapp</ name > < dependencies > < dependency > < groupId >junit</ groupId > < artifactId >junit</ artifactId > < version >3.8.1</ version > < scope >test</ scope > </ dependency > < dependency > < groupId >org.springframework</ groupId > < artifactId >spring-webmvc</ artifactId > < version >5.1.1.RELEASE</ version > </ dependency > < dependency > < groupId >javax.servlet</ groupId > < artifactId >servlet-api</ artifactId > < version >3.0-alpha-1</ version > </ dependency > < dependency > < groupId >javax.servlet</ groupId > < artifactId >jstl</ artifactId > < version >1.2</ version > </ dependency > < dependency > < groupId >org.apache.tomcat</ groupId > < artifactId >tomcat-jasper</ artifactId > < version >9.0.12</ version > </ dependency > </ dependencies > < build > < finalName >SpringMVC</ finalName > </ build > </ project > |
Step 2. Create the bean class
The bean class includes the variables (along with setter and getter methods) that correspond to the form’s input field.
package com.geekforgeeks; public class Registration { private String firstName; private String lastName; public Registration() { } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this .firstName = firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this .lastName = lastName; } } |
Step 3. Create the controller class
package com.geekforgeeks; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; @RequestMapping ( "/Registration" ) @Controller public class RegistrationController { @RequestMapping ( "/bookingForm" ) public String bookingForm(Model model) { Registration res= new Registration(); model.addAttribute( "Registration" , res); return "Registration-page" ; } @RequestMapping ( "/submitForm" ) public String submitForm( @ModelAttribute ( "Registration" ) Registration res) { return "confirmation-form" ; } } |
Step 4. Provide the entry of controller in the web.xml file
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> < web-app > < display-name >SpringMVC</ display-name > < servlet > < servlet-name >spring</ servlet-name > < servlet-class >org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</ servlet-class > < load-on-startup >1</ load-on-startup > </ servlet > < servlet-mapping > < servlet-name >spring</ servlet-name > < url-pattern >/</ url-pattern > </ servlet-mapping > </ web-app > |
Step 5. Define the bean in the XML file
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> xsi:schemaLocation=" <!-- Provide support for component scanning --> < context:component-scan base-package = "com.geekforgeeks" /> <!--Provide support for conversion, formatting and validation --> < mvc:annotation-driven /> <!-- Define Spring MVC view resolver --> < bean id = "viewResolver" class = "org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver" > < property name = "prefix" value = "/WEB-INF/jsp/" ></ property > < property name = "suffix" value = ".jsp" ></ property > </ bean > </ beans > |
Step 6. Create the requested page
<!DOCTYPE html> < html > < head > < title >Student Registration Form</ title > </ head > < body > < a href = "Registration/bookingForm" >Click here for registration.</ a > </ body > </ html > |
Step 7. Create other view components
<%@ taglib prefix="form" uri="" %> <!DOCTYPE html> < html > < head > < title >Registration Form</ title > </ head > < h3 >Student Registration Form</ h3 > < body > < form:form action = "submitForm" modelAttribute = "Registration" > First name: < form:input path = "firstName" /> < br >< br > Last name: < form:input path = "lastName" /> < br >< br > < input type = "submit" value = "Submit" /> </ form:form > </ body > </ html > |
<!DOCTYPE html> < html > < body > < p >Your Registration is confirmed successfully.</ p > First Name : ${Registration.firstName} < br > Last Name : ${Registration.lastName} </ body > </ html > |
After clicking the “Click here for registration” link following page will be shown
Click the submit button now