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Split dataframe in Pandas based on values in multiple columns

In this article, we are going to see how to divide a dataframe by various methods and based on various parameters using Python. To divide a dataframe into two or more separate dataframes based on the values present in the column we first create a data frame.

Creating a DataFrame for demonestration


# importing pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
# dictionary of lists
dict = {'First_Name': ["Aparna", "Pankaj", "Sudhir",
                       "Geeku", "Anuj", "Aman",
                       "Madhav", "Raj", "Shruti"],
        'Last_Name': ["Pandey", "Gupta", "Mishra",
                      "Chopra", "Mishra", "Verma",
                      "Sen", "Roy", "Agarwal"],
        'Email_ID': ["", "",
                     "", "",
                     "", "",
                     "", "",
        'Degree': ["MBA", "BCA", "M.Tech", "MBA", "B.Sc",
                   "B.Tech", "B.Tech", "MBA", "M.Tech"],
        'Score': [90, 40, 75, 98, 94, 90, 80, 90, 95]}
# creating dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)


Split dataframe based on values By Boolean Indexing

We can create multiple dataframes from a given dataframe based on a certain column value by using the boolean indexing method and by mentioning the required criteria.

Example 1: Creating a dataframe for the students with Score >= 80


# creating a new dataframe by applying the required
# conditions in []
df1 = df[df['Score'] >= 80]


Example 2: Creating a dataframe for the students with Last_Name as Mishra


# Creating on the basis of Last_Name
dfname = df[df['Last_Name'] == 'Mishra']


We can do the same for other columns as well by putting the appropriate condition

Split dataframe based on values Boolean Indexing with mask variable

We create a mask variable for the condition of the column in the previous method

Example 1: To get dataframe of students with Degree as MBA


# creating the mask variable with appropriate
# condition
mask_var = df['Degree'] =='MBA'
# creating a dataframe
df1_mask = df[mask_var]

Output :

Example 2: To get a dataframe for the rest of the students

To get the rest of the values in a dataframe we can simply invert the mask variable by adding a ~(tilde) after it.


# creating dataframe with inverted mask variable
df2_mask = df[~mask_var]

Output :

Split dataframe based on values Using groupby() function

Using groupby() we can group the rows using a specific column value and then display it as a separate dataframe.

Example 1: Group all Students according to their Degree and display as required


# Creating an object using groupby
grouped = df.groupby('Degree')
# the return type of the object 'grouped' is
# pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy.
# Creating a dataframe from the object using get_group().
# dataframe of students with Degree as MBA.
df_grouped = grouped.get_group('MBA')

Output: dataframe of students with Degree as MBA

Example 2: Group all Students according to their Score and display as required


# Creating another object using groupby
grouped2 = df.groupby('Score')
# the return type of the object 'grouped2' is
# pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy.
# Creating a dataframe from the object
# using get_group() dataframe of students
# with Score = 90
df_grouped2 = grouped2.get_group(90)

Output: dataframe of students with Score = 90.


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