An algorithm like Insertion Sort can be understood easily by visualizing. In this article, a program that visualizes the Insertion Sort Algorithm has been implemented.
The Graphical User Interface(GUI) is implemented in python using pygame library.
- Generate random array and fill the pygame window with bars. Bars are straight vertical lines, which represents array elements.
- Set all bars to green color (unsorted).
- Use pygame.time.delay() to slow down the algorithm, so that we can see the sorting process.
- Implement a timer to see how the algorithm performs.
- The actions are performed using ‘pygame.event.get()’ method, which stores all the events which user performs, such as start, reset.
- Blue color is used to highlight bars that are involved in sorting at a particular time.
- Orange color highlights the bars sorted.
We can clearly see from the Insertion Sort visualization, that insertion Sort is very slow compared to other sorting algorithms like Mergesort or Quicksort.
Press “Enter” key to Perform Visualization.
Press “R” key to generate new array.
Please make sure to install the pygame library before running the below program.
Below is the implementation of the above visualizer:
# Python implementation of the # Sorting visualiser: Insertion Sort # Imports import pygame import random import time pygame.font.init() startTime = time.time() # Total window screen = pygame.display.set_mode( ( 900 , 650 ) ) # Title and Icon pygame.display.set_caption( "SORTING VISUALISER" ) # Uncomment below lines for setting # up the icon for the visuliser # img = pygame.image.load('sorticon.png') # pygame.display.set_icon(img) # Boolean variable to run # the program in while loop run = True # Window size and some initials width = 900 length = 600 array = [ 0 ] * 151 arr_clr = [( 0 , 204 , 102 )] * 151 clr_ind = 0 clr = [( 0 , 204 , 102 ), ( 255 , 0 , 0 ), \ ( 0 , 0 , 153 ), ( 255 , 102 , 0 )] fnt = pygame.font.SysFont( "comicsans" , 30 ) fnt1 = pygame.font.SysFont( "comicsans" , 20 ) # Function to generate new Array def generate_arr(): for i in range ( 1 , 151 ): arr_clr[i] = clr[ 0 ] array[i] = random.randrange( 1 , 100 ) # Initially generate a array generate_arr() # Function to refill the # updates on the window def refill(): screen.fill(( 255 , 255 , 255 )) draw() pygame.display.update() pygame.time.delay( 10 ) # Sorting Algorithm: Insertion sort def insertionSort(array): for i in range ( 1 , len (array)): pygame.event.pump() refill() key = array[i] arr_clr[i] = clr[ 2 ] j = i - 1 while j> = 0 and key<array[j]: arr_clr[j] = clr[ 2 ] array[j + 1 ] = array[j] refill() arr_clr[j] = clr[ 3 ] j = j - 1 array[j + 1 ] = key refill() arr_clr[i] = clr[ 0 ] # Function to Draw the array values def draw(): # Text should be rendered txt = fnt.render( "SORT: PRESS 'ENTER'" , \ 1 , ( 0 , 0 , 0 )) # Position where text is placed screen.blit(txt, ( 20 , 20 )) txt1 = fnt.render( "NEW ARRAY: PRESS 'R'" , \ 1 , ( 0 , 0 , 0 )) screen.blit(txt1, ( 20 , 40 )) txt2 = fnt1.render( "ALGORITHM USED:" \ "INSERTION SORT" , 1 , ( 0 , 0 , 0 )) screen.blit(txt2, ( 600 , 60 )) text3 = fnt1.render( "Running Time(sec): " + \ str ( int (time.time() - startTime)), \ 1 , ( 0 , 0 , 0 )) screen.blit(text3, ( 600 , 20 )) element_width = (width - 150 ) / / 150 boundry_arr = 900 / 150 boundry_grp = 550 / 100 pygame.draw.line(screen, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ), ( 0 , 95 ), \ ( 900 , 95 ), 6 ) # Drawing the array values as lines for i in range ( 1 , 151 ): pygame.draw.line(screen, arr_clr[i], \ (boundry_arr * i - 3 , 100 ), \ (boundry_arr * i - 3 , \ array[i] * boundry_grp + 100 ), element_width) # Program should be run # continuously to keep the window open while run: # background screen.fill(( 255 , 255 , 255 )) # Event handler stores all event for event in pygame.event.get(): # If we click Close button in window if event. type = = pygame.QUIT: run = False if event. type = = pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key = = pygame.K_r: generate_arr() if event.key = = pygame.K_RETURN: insertionSort(array) draw() pygame.display.update() pygame.quit() |