Traditionally, a high-quality product is outlined in terms of its fitness of purpose. That is, a high-quality product will specifically be what the users need to try. For code merchandise, the fitness of purpose is typically taken in terms of satisfaction of the wants arranged down within the SRS document. though “fitness of purpose” could be a satisfactory definition of quality for several merchandise like an automobile, a table fan, a grinding machine, etc. – for code merchandise, “fitness of purpose” isn’t a completely satisfactory definition of quality.
To convey an associate degree example, think about software that’s functionally correct. It performs all functions as laid out in the SRS document. But, it has an associate degree virtually unusable program. despite the fact that it should be functionally correct, we have a tendency to cannot think about it to be a high-quality product.
Another example is also that of a product that will have everything that the users need but has an associate degree virtually incomprehensible and not maintainable code. Therefore, the normal construct of quality as “fitness of purpose” for code merchandise isn’t totally satisfactory.
Factors of Software Quality
The modern read of high-quality associates with software many quality factors like the following:
- Portability: A software is claimed to be transportable, if it may be simply created to figure in several package environments, in several machines, with alternative code merchandise, etc.
- Usability: A software has smart usability if completely different classes of users (i.e. knowledgeable and novice users) will simply invoke the functions of the merchandise.
- Reusability: A software has smart reusability if completely different modules of the merchandise will simply be reused to develop new merchandise.
- Correctness: Software is correct if completely different needs as laid out in the SRS document are properly enforced.
- Maintainability: A software is reparable, if errors may be simply corrected as and once they show up, new functions may be simply added to the merchandise, and therefore the functionalities of the merchandise may be simply changed, etc
- Reliability. Software is more reliable if it has fewer failures. Since software engineers do not deliberately plan for their software to fail, reliability depends on the number and type of mistakes they make. Designers can improve reliability by ensuring the software is easy to implement and change, by testing it thoroughly, and also by ensuring that if failures occur, the system can handle them or can recover easily.
- Efficiency. The more efficient software is, the less it uses of CPU-time, memory, disk space, network bandwidth, and other resources. This is important to customers in order to reduce their costs of running the software, although with today’s powerful computers, CPU time, memory and disk usage are less of a concern than in years gone by.
Software Quality Management System
Software Quality Management System contains the methods that are used by the authorities to develop products having the desired quality.
Managerial Structure: Quality System is responsible for managing the structure as a whole. Every Organization has a managerial structure.
Individual Responsibilities: Each individual present in the organization must have some responsibilities that should be reviewed by the top management and each individual present in the system must take this seriously.
Quality System Activities: The activities which each quality system must have been
- Project Auditing
- Review of the quality system
- It helps in the development of methods and guidelines
Evolution of Quality Management System
Quality Systems are basically evolved over the past some years. The evolution of a Quality Management System is a four-step process.
The main task of quality control is to detect defective devices and it also helps in finding the cause that leads to the defect. It also helps in the correction of bugs.
Quality Assurance helps an organization in making good quality products. It also helps in improving the quality of the product by passing the products through security checks.
Total Quality Management(TQM) checks and assures that all the procedures must be continuously improved regularly through process measurements.
Evolution of Quality Management System
Questions for Practice
1. In software testing, how the error, fault, and failure are related to each other? [UGC-NET 2015]
(A) Error leads to failure but fault is not related to error and failure.
(B) Fault leads to failure but error is not related to fault and failure.
(C) Error leads to fault and fault leads to failure.
(D) Fault leads to error and error leads to failure.
Solution: Correct Answer is (C).
2. A Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document should avoid discussing which one of the following? [GATE CS 2015]
(A) User Interface Issues
(B) Non-Functional Requirements
(C) Design Specification
(D) Interfaces with Third-Party Software
Solution: Correct Answer is (C).
FAQs on Software Quality
1. What do you mean by Software Quality?
Software Quality is simply a field of study where we describe attributes of the software products.
2. What is the purpose of the software quality?
The main purpose of software quality is to make ensure that software products are properly developed and maintained to meet the requirements.
3. What are the three C’s of Software Quality?
The three C’s of Software Quality is Consistency, Completeness, and Correctness.