Prerequisite : Socket Programming in Python, Multi-threading in Python
Socket Programming-> It helps us to connect a client to a server. Client is message sender and receiver and server is just a listener that works on data sent by client.
What is a Thread?
A thread is a light-weight process that does not require much memory overhead, they are cheaper than processes.
What is Multi-threading Socket Programming? port on your computer
Multithreading is a process of executing multiple threads simultaneously in a single process.
Multi-threading Modules :
A _thread module & threading module is used for multi-threading in python, these modules help in synchronization and provide a lock to a thread in use.
from _thread import * import threading
A lock object is created by->
print_lock = threading.Lock()
A lock has two states, “locked” or “unlocked”. It has two basic methods acquire() and release(). When the state is unlocked print_lock.acquire() is used to change state to locked and print_lock.release() is used to change state to unlock.
The function thread.start_new_thread() is used to start a new thread and return its identifier. The first argument is the function to call and its second argument is a tuple containing the positional list of arguments.
Let’s study client-server multithreading socket programming by code-
Note:-The code works with python3.
Multi-threaded Server Code
# import socket programming library import socket # import thread module from _thread import * import threading print_lock = threading.Lock() # thread function def threaded(c): while True : # data received from client data = c.recv( 1024 ) if not data: print ( 'Bye' ) # lock released on exit print_lock.release() break # reverse the given string from client data = data[:: - 1 ] # send back reversed string to client c.send(data) # connection closed c.close() def Main(): host = "" # reserve a port on your computer # in our case it is 12345 but it # can be anything port = 12345 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind((host, port)) print ("socket binded to port", port) # put the socket into listening mode s.listen( 5 ) print ("socket is listening") # a forever loop until client wants to exit while True : # establish connection with client c, addr = s.accept() # lock acquired by client print_lock.acquire() print ( 'Connected to :' , addr[ 0 ], ':' , addr[ 1 ]) # Start a new thread and return its identifier start_new_thread(threaded, (c,)) s.close() if __name__ = = '__main__' : Main() |
Console Window: socket binded to port 12345 socket is listening Connected to : : 11600 Bye
Client Code
# Import socket module import socket def Main(): # local host IP '' host = '' # Define the port on which you want to connect port = 12345 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) # connect to server on local computer s.connect((host,port)) # message you send to server message = "shaurya says neveropen" while True : # message sent to server s.send(message.encode( 'ascii' )) # message received from server data = s.recv( 1024 ) # print the received message # here it would be a reverse of sent message print ( 'Received from the server :' , str (data.decode( 'ascii' ))) # ask the client whether he wants to continue ans = input ( '\nDo you want to continue(y/n) :' ) if ans = = 'y' : continue else : break # close the connection s.close() if __name__ = = '__main__' : Main() |
Console Window: Received from the server : skeegrofskeeg syas ayruahs Do you want to continue(y/n) :y Received from the server : skeegrofskeeg syas ayruahs Do you want to continue(y/n) :n Process finished with exit code 0
This article is contributed by SHAURYA UPPAL. If you like Lazyroar and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to See your article appearing on the Lazyroar main page and help other Geeks.
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