Given a positive integer ‘l‘ and ‘r‘. Find the smallest number ‘n‘ such that l <= n <= r and count of the number of set bits(number of ‘1’s in binary representation) is as maximum as possible.
Examples :
Input: 1 4
Output: 3
Binary representation from ‘1’ to ‘4’:
110 = 0012
210 = 0102
310 = 0112
110 = 1002
Thus number ‘3’ has maximum set bits = 2
Input: 1 10
Output: 7
Simple approach is to traverse from ‘l’ to ‘r’ and count the set bits for each ‘x'(l <= n <= r) and print the number whose count is maximum among them. Time complexity of this approach is O(n*log(r)).
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int countMaxSetBits( int left, int right)
int max_count = -1, num;
for ( int i = left; i <= right; ++i) {
int temp = i, cnt = 0;
while (temp) {
if (temp & 1)
temp >>= 1;
if (cnt > max_count) {
max_count = cnt;
num = i;
return num;
int main()
int l = 1, r = 5;
cout << countMaxSetBits(l, r) << "\n" ;
l = 1, r = 10;
cout << countMaxSetBits(l, r);
return 0;
class gfg
static int countMaxSetBits( int left, int right)
int max_count = - 1 , num = 0 ;
for ( int i = left; i <= right; ++i)
int temp = i, cnt = 0 ;
while (temp > 0 )
if (temp % 2 == 1 )
temp >>= 1 ;
if (cnt > max_count)
max_count = cnt;
num = i;
return num;
public static void main(String[] args)
int l = 1 , r = 5 ;
System.out.println(countMaxSetBits(l, r));
l = 1 ; r = 10 ;
System.out.print(countMaxSetBits(l, r));
def countMaxSetBits( left, right):
max_count = - 1
for i in range (left, right + 1 ):
temp = i
cnt = 0
while temp:
if temp & 1 :
cnt + = 1
temp = temp >> 1
if cnt > max_count:
max_count = cnt
num = i
return num
l = 1
r = 5
print (countMaxSetBits(l, r))
l = 1
r = 10
print (countMaxSetBits(l, r))
using System;
class gfg
static int countMaxSetBits( int left, int right)
int max_count = -1, num = 0;
for ( int i = left; i <= right; ++i)
int temp = i, cnt = 0;
while (temp > 0)
if (temp % 2 == 1)
temp >>= 1;
if (cnt > max_count)
max_count = cnt;
num = i;
return num;
public static void Main(String[] args)
int l = 1, r = 5;
Console.WriteLine(countMaxSetBits(l, r));
l = 1; r = 10;
Console.Write(countMaxSetBits(l, r));
function countMaxSetBits( $left , $right )
$max_count = -1; $num ;
for ( $i = $left ; $i <= $right ; ++ $i )
$temp = $i ; $cnt = 0;
while ( $temp )
if ( $temp & 1)
++ $cnt ;
$temp >>= 1;
if ( $cnt > $max_count )
$max_count = $cnt ;
$num = $i ;
return $num ;
$l = 1; $r = 5;
echo countMaxSetBits( $l , $r ), "\n" ;
$l = 1; $r = 10;
echo countMaxSetBits( $l , $r );
function countMaxSetBits(left, right)
let max_count = -1, num = 0;
for (let i = left; i <= right; ++i)
let temp = i, cnt = 0;
while (temp > 0)
if (temp % 2 == 1)
temp >>= 1;
if (cnt > max_count)
max_count = cnt;
num = i;
return num;
let l = 1, r = 5;
document.write(countMaxSetBits(l, r) + "<br/>" );
l = 1; r = 10;
document.write(countMaxSetBits(l, r));
Output :
Time Complexity: O(n*log(r))
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Efficient approach is to use bit-manipulation. Instead of iterating for every number from ‘l’ to ‘r’, iterate only after updating the desired number(‘num’) i.e., take the bitwise ‘OR’ of number with the consecutive number. For instance,
Let l = 2, and r = 10
1. num = 2
2. x = num OR (num + 1)
= 2 | 3 = 010 | 011 = 011
num = 3(011)
3. x = 3 | 4 = 011 | 100 = 111
num = 7(111)
4. x = 7 | 8 = 0111 | 1000 = 1111
Since 15(11112) is greater than
10, thus stop traversing for next number.
5. Final answer = 7
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int countMaxSetBits( int left, int right)
while ((left | (left + 1)) <= right)
left |= left + 1;
return left;
int main()
int l = 1, r = 5;
cout << countMaxSetBits(l, r) << "\n" ;
l = 1, r = 10;
cout << countMaxSetBits(l, r) ;
return 0;
class GFG
static int countMaxSetBits( int left,
int right)
while ((left | (left + 1 )) <= right)
left |= left + 1 ;
return left;
public static void main (String[] args)
int l = 1 ;
int r = 5 ;
System.out.println(countMaxSetBits(l, r));
l = 1 ;
r = 10 ;
System.out.println(countMaxSetBits(l, r));
def countMaxSetBits( left, right):
while (left | (left + 1 )) < = right:
left | = left + 1
return left
l = 1
r = 5
print (countMaxSetBits(l, r))
l = 1
r = 10
print (countMaxSetBits(l, r))
using System;
class GFG
static int countMaxSetBits( int left,
int right)
while ((left | (left + 1)) <= right)
left |= left + 1;
return left;
static public void Main ()
int l = 1;
int r = 5;
Console.WriteLine(countMaxSetBits(l, r));
l = 1;
r = 10;
Console.WriteLine(countMaxSetBits(l, r));
function countMaxSetBits( $left ,
$right )
while (( $left | ( $left + 1)) <= $right )
$left |= $left + 1;
return $left ;
$l = 1 ; $r = 5;
echo countMaxSetBits( $l , $r ) , "\n" ;
$l = 1; $r = 10;
echo countMaxSetBits( $l , $r ) ;
function countMaxSetBits( left, right)
while ((left | (left + 1)) <= right)
left |= left + 1;
return left;
let l = 1, r = 5;
document.write(countMaxSetBits(l, r) + "</br>" );
l = 1, r = 10;
document.write(countMaxSetBits(l, r)) ;
Output :
Time complexity: O(log(n))
Auxiliary space: O(1)
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