The removeAttribute() method of a SimpleScriptContext class is used to remove an attribute in a given scope and the name of attribute and scope are passed as parameters.
public Object removeAttribute(String name, int scope)
Parameters: This method accepts two parameters:
- name which is the Name of the attribute and
- scope which is the scope in which to remove the attribute.
Return value: This method returns removed value.
Exceptions: This method throws following Exceptions:
- NullPointerException: if the name is null.
- IllegalArgumentException: if the name is empty or if the scope is invalid.
Below programs illustrate the SimpleScriptContext.removeAttribute() method:
Program 1:
// Java program to demonstrate // SimpleScriptContext.removeAttribute() method import javax.script.ScriptContext; import javax.script.SimpleScriptContext; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // create SimpleScriptContext object SimpleScriptContext simple = new SimpleScriptContext(); // add some attribute simple.setAttribute( "name" , "Value" , ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); // remove using removeAttribute() Object removedObject = simple.removeAttribute( "name" , ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); // print System.out.println( "Removed Object :" + removedObject); } } |
Removed Object :Value
Program 2:
// Java program to demonstrate // SimpleScriptContext.removeAttribute() method import javax.script.ScriptContext; import javax.script.SimpleScriptContext; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // create SimpleScriptContext object SimpleScriptContext simple = new SimpleScriptContext(); // add some attribute simple.setAttribute( "Team1" , "India" , ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); simple.setAttribute( "Team2" , "Japan" , ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); simple.setAttribute( "Team3" , "Nepal" , ScriptContext.GLOBAL_SCOPE); // remove using removeAttribute() Object remove1 = simple.removeAttribute( "Team1" , ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); Object remove2 = simple.removeAttribute( "Team2" , ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); // print scopes of different teams System.out.println( "Removed : " + remove1); System.out.println( "Removed : " + remove2); } } |
Removed : India Removed : Japan