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HomeLanguagesShuffle a deck of card with OOPS in Python

Shuffle a deck of card with OOPS in Python

The objective is to distribute a deck of cards among two players. The code for the Shuffle Deck of Cards in Python can be used to shuffle the cards. The shuffle method, which is a built-in feature of the random library, is used to mix and randomize the order of the data before printing it.

Prerequisites: Python Classes and Objects

Steps to Shuffle Deck of Cards

  • To shuffle the deck of cards we need to use the shuffle module.
  • Import the required module
  • Declare a class named Cards which will have variables suites and values, now instead of using self.suites and self.values, we are going to declare them as global variables.
  • Declare a class Deck that will have an empty list named mycardset, and the suites and values will be appended to mycardset  list.
  • Declare a class ShuffleCards along with a method named shuffle() that would check the number of cards and then shuffles them.
  • To remove some cards we will create a popCard() method in ShuffleCards class.

Complete Code

Shuffle a deck of cards using a Python random module.


# Import required modules
from random import shuffle
# Define a class to create
# all type of cards
class Cards:
    global suites, values
    suites = ['Hearts', 'Diamonds', 'Clubs', 'Spades']
    values = ['A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'J', 'Q', 'K']
    def __init__(self):
# Define a class to categorize each card
class Deck(Cards):
    def __init__(self):
        self.mycardset = []
        for n in suites:
            for c in values:
                self.mycardset.append((c)+" "+"of"+" "+n)
    # Method to remove a card from the deck
    def popCard(self):
        if len(self.mycardset) == 0:
            return "NO CARDS CAN BE POPPED FURTHER"
            cardpopped = self.mycardset.pop()
            print("Card removed is", cardpopped)
# Define a class gto shuffle the deck of cards
class ShuffleCards(Deck):
    # Constructor
    def __init__(self):
    # Method to shuffle cards
    def shuffle(self):
        if len(self.mycardset) < 52:
            print("cannot shuffle the cards")
            return self.mycardset
    # Method to remove a card from the deck
    def popCard(self):
        if len(self.mycardset) == 0:
            return "NO CARDS CAN BE POPPED FURTHER"
            cardpopped = self.mycardset.pop()
            return (cardpopped)
# Driver Code
# Creating objects
objCards = Cards()
objDeck = Deck()
# Player 1
player1Cards = objDeck.mycardset
print('\n Player 1 Cards: \n', player1Cards)
# Creating object
objShuffleCards = ShuffleCards()
# Player 2
player2Cards = objShuffleCards.shuffle()
print('\n Player 2 Cards: \n', player2Cards)
# Remove some cards
print('\n Removing a card from the deck:', objShuffleCards.popCard())
print('\n Removing another card from the deck:', objShuffleCards.popCard())


Shuffle Deck of Cards in Python



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