Audible Premium Plus

Audible is a great place to find audiobooks and podcasts from authors and hosts you love. For $14.95 per month, you get one credit for any audiobook, and the subscription comes with access to thousands of free books, podcasts, and bonus reading material.

Audible Premium Plus is basically the premium subscription tier for Audible, and that sub gains you access to a selection of audiobooks that can be listened to at any time, along with some discounts only available to subscribers. The best part of this subscription is that you get to choose a free title from the entire library each month, so the longer you subscribe, the longer you build your library of audiobooks.

The Premium Plus subscription typically retails for $14.95 a month, but Amazon is currently running a deal where the first three months are only $1 a month, and each month comes with an audiobook of your choosing.


What is Audible Plus and Audible Premium Plus?

Which audiobook subscription service is best for you?

What’s great about Audible Premium Plus

The free audiobooks, of course

Audible Logo on dark background

Source: Amazon

I’ve been debating subscribing to Audible for a little while now; I’ve been hankering to hear Andy Serkis’s audiobook recordings of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, having only learned about the 2021 recordings a few weeks ago. How can I not want to listen to the guy who played Golem in Peter Jackson’s trilogy? Well, this is the perfect opportunity for me to pounce since you get three titles with this trial subscription deal for Audible Premium Plus. And last I looked, there were three audiobooks in the trilogy that called my name.

But it’s not like you’re limited to Tolkien’s works; as a matter of fact, you can choose any three audiobooks on the Audible store. And since this subscription also gains you access to a selection of audiobooks to stream, you’re free to test the waters by hunting down an author or genre you feel is worth cashing in your three free audiobook choices, and since you get one each month, you have plenty of time to investigate.

All in all, if you’re curious to see what Audible is all about, all the while snagging yourself three audiobooks of your choosing, $1 each month for the first three months is an excellent way to test the service and its wares without too much of an investment. Heck, you can’t even get a cup of coffee these days for $3, so a trio of audiobooks that typically retail for ~$20 or more a piece is an incredibly solid deal.