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HomeLanguagesPythonsciPy stats.relfreq() function | Python

sciPy stats.relfreq() function | Python

scipy.stats.relfreq(a, numbins, defaultreallimits, weights) is a relative frequency histogram, using the histogram function.

Parameters :
arr : [array_like] input array.
numbins : Number of bins to use for the histogram. [Default = 10]
defaultreallimits : (lower, upper) range of the histogram.
weights : [array_like] weights for each array element.

Results :
– relative frequency binned values
– width of each bin
– lower real limit
– extra points.

Code #1:

# relative frequency
from scipy import stats
import numpy as np 
arr1 = [1, 3, 27, 2, 5, 13
print ("Array element : ", arr1, "\n")
a, b, c, d = stats.relfreq(arr1, numbins = 4)
print ("cumulative frequency : ", a)
print ("Lower Limit : ", b)
print ("bin size : ", c)
print ("extra-points : ", d)

Output :

Array element :  [1, 3, 27, 2, 5, 13] 

cumulative frequency :  [0.66666667 0.16666667 0.         0.16666667]
Lower Limit :  -3.333333333333333
bin size :  8.666666666666666
extra-points :  0

Code #2:

# relative frequency
from scipy import stats
import numpy as np 
arr1 = [1, 3, 27, 2, 5, 13
print ("Array element : ", arr1, "\n")
a, b, c, d = stats.relfreq(arr1, numbins = 4,
              weights = [.1, .2, .1, .3, 1, 6])
print ("cumfreqs : ", a)
print ("lowlim : ", b)
print ("binsize : ", c)
print ("extrapoints : ", d)

Output :

Array element :  [1, 3, 27, 2, 5, 13] 

cumfreqs :  [0.26666667 1.         0.         0.01666667]
lowlim :  -3.333333333333333
binsize :  8.666666666666666
extrapoints :  0

Ted Musemwa
As a software developer I’m interested in the intersection of computational thinking and design thinking when solving human problems. As a professional I am guided by the principles of experiential learning; experience, reflect, conceptualise and experiment.


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