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SciPy – Constants

Scipy stands for Scientific Python and in any Scientific/Mathematical calculation, we often need universal constants to carry out tasks, one famous example is calculating the Area of a circle = ‘pi*r*r’ where PI = 3.14… or a more complicated one like finding forcegravity = G*M*m ⁄ (distance)2 where G = gravitational constant. In all such scenarios, it would be very handy if we have reference material to look up these constants and incorporate them into our calculation with ease.

Scipy-Constants is a sub-module inside the Scipy library that does this for us. It contains an exhaustive list of universal mathematical constants, Physical constants, and units. which can be looked up with just 1 line of code.

Accessing Constants

Just type the name of the constant in place of XXXX in ‘scipy.constants.XXXX‘ format to access its value. Below listed are a few most important constants using scipy.constant module down below. The list is not exhaustive, but it gives a good idea of how to access constants.  


# import module
import scipy
# Just type the name of the constant in
# scipy.constant.XXXX format to access its value.
print("sciPy - pi:", scipy.constants.pi)
print("Golden ratio:", scipy.constants.golden_ratio)
print("Speed of light in vacuum:", scipy.constants.c)
print("Gravitational Constant:", scipy.constants.G)
print("Molar Gas Constant:", scipy.constants.R)
print("Boltzman Constant:", scipy.constants.k)
print("Proton mass Constant:", scipy.constants.proton_mass)


Finding Constants

We can use an inbuilt method to find the constants relevant to our use case. Constants are stored using a dictionary data structure, and we can use the scipy. constants.find() API to find all relevant constants from the dict and use them accordingly. 

The code below demonstrates using scipy. constants.find() API. The below code prints all constants which contain the ‘electron’ word in it, and we can filter out the one which is required. 


import scipy
# find method looks up in the dictorary and
# finds out all the constants containing
# 'electron' word in it and returns a list
# of constants.
res = scipy.constants.find("electron")
print(res, end='\n')


Not just the magnitude of a constant we can also access the unit and degree of uncertainty associated with the magnitude of any physical_constants stored in scipy.constants module, using the format 

physical_constants[name] = (value, unit, uncertainty).


import scipy
# This returns a tuple (value, unit, uncertainty)
# associated with the physical constant
print(scipy.constants.physical_constants['alpha particle mass'])


(6.6446573357e-27, 'kg', 2e-36)



import scipy
# Area of a circle using
# scipy.constants.pi
def Area_of_Circle(r):
    return scipy.constants.pi * r * r
# Calculates the gravational for
def force_gravity(M, m, dist):
    return (scipy.constants.G*M*m) / (dist**2)
print(f'Area of Circle: {Area_of_Circle(5)}')
print(f'Gravitational force: {force_gravity(10,5,1)}')


Apart from the above variables, scipy.constants also contain more physical constants, and below is a list of all methods available in scipy.constants module with an explanation.

Below are the most commonly used constants available in SciPy module:

Constants Description
pi Mathematical pi value
golden Mathematicalgolden ratio
c Speed of light in vacuum
speed_of_light Speed of light in vacuum
G Standard acceleration of gravity
G Newton Constant of gravitation
E Elementary charge
R Molar gas constant
Alpha Fine-structure constant
N_A Avogadro constant
K Boltzmann constant
Sigma Stefan-Boltzmann constant σ
m_e Electron mass
m_p Proton mass
m_n Neutron Mass
H Plank Constant
Plank constant Plank constant h

Below are the unit constants available in the SciPy module:

  • Mass:
Unit Description
Gram One gram in Kilogram.
Grain One grain in Kilogram.
Pound One Pound in Kilogram.
Ounce One Ounce in Kilogram.
automic_mass Atomics mass constant in Kilogram.
  • Time:
Unit Description
Minute One minute in seconds.
Hour One hour in seconds.
Day One day in seconds.
Year One year in seconds.
  • Length:
Units Description
Inch One inch in meters.
Foot One foot in meters.
Yard One yard in meters.
Pt One point in meters.
Micron One Micron in meters.
  • Pressure:
Units Description
Atm The standard atmosphere in pascals.
Atmosphere The standard atmosphere in pascals.
Bar One bar in Pascals.
Torr One torr(mmHg) in pascals.
  • Area:
Units Description
Hectare One hectare in square meters.
Acre One acre in square meters.
  • Speed:
Units Description
Kmh Kilometer per hour in meter per second.
Mph Miles per hour in meter per second.
Mach One Match in meter per second.
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaushttp://wardslaus.com
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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