If you wanted a quick shortcut to something, then you could surely open Control Center and access the toggle for it. But why waste time opening another interface when the best one for the job is already waiting for you in plain sight?
That’s the idea behind a new free jailbreak tweak called SBTaps by iOS developer Hydri, which provides jailbreakers with the ability to use their handset’s Status Bar as an intuitive interface for accessing shortcuts and toggles.
After installing SBTaps, you will be able to:
- Tap on the Wi-Fi indicator to disable Wi-Fi
- Tap on the cellular bars to re-enable Wi-Fi
- Tap on the battery indicator to toggle Low Power Mode on or off
- Tap on the Airplane Mode indicator to turn Airplane Mode off
- Swipe right on the Status Bar to increase display brightness by 10%
- Swipe left on the Status Bar to decrease display brightness by 10%
- Tap and hold on any Status Bar icon to access the respective preference pane in the Settings app
One thing to note about the brightness adjustment feature is
that you need to be on the SpringBoard for it to work. With that in mind, it
won’t work on the Lock screen or from apps.
When Apple first introduced Control Center, it seemingly made SpringBoard-based shortcut tweaks like this one obsolete. On the other hand, we think you’ll find that SBTaps’ can be faster for certain functions, such as toggling Wi-Fi, adjust brightness, and toggling Low Power Mode.
SBTaps doesn’t come with any options to configure, so what
you see is ultimately what you get.
If you’re interested in trying SBTaps, then you can download the tweak for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repository. SBTaps only supports jailbroken iOS 12 devices.
What are your thoughts about using SBTaps over other shortcut-based
gesture alternatives? Let us know in the comments section below.