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HomeData ModellingData Structure & AlgorithmRearrange given array such that no array element is same as its...

Rearrange given array such that no array element is same as its index

Given an array arr[] consisting of N distinct integers, the task is to rearrange the array such that no element is same as its index ( 1-based indexing ). If multiple solutions exist, print any one of them.


Input: arr[] = {4, 2, 3, 1}
Output: 3 1 4 2
Explanation: The elements at indices {1, 2, 3, 4} are {3, 1, 4, 2} respectively.

Input: arr[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 6}
Output: 6 10 20 30 40
Explanation: The elements at indices {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} are {6, 10, 20, 30, 40} respectively.

Approach: The idea is to use sorting and swap each adjacent pair of indices at any index i if arr[i] is equal to i. This is because, if arr[i] = i holds true, then definitely arr[i + 1] ? i and arr[i] ? i + 1 because arr[i + 1] > arr[i]. If the last element, arr[N] is equal to N, then swap arr[N] and arr[N – 1]. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • Sort the array arr[] in the increasing order.
  • Traverse the array over the range [0, N – 2] using the variable i and check if arr[i] is the same as (i + 1) or not. If found to be true, then swap arr[i] and arr[i + 1].
  • Now, for the last array element, if arr[N] is same as N, then swap arr[N] and arr[N – 1].
  • After completing the above steps, print the modified array.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to rearrange the array a[]
// such that none of the array elements
// is same as its index
void rearrangeArray(int a[], int n)
    // Sort the array
    sort(a, a + n);
    // Traverse the indices [0, N - 2]
    // of the given array
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
        // Check if the current element
        // is equal to its index
        if (a[i] == i + 1) {
            // If found to be true, swap
            // current element with the
            // next element
            swap(a[i], a[i + 1]);
    // Check if the last element is
    // same as its index
    if (a[n - 1] == n) {
        // If found to be true, swap
        // current element with the
        // previous element
        swap(a[n - 1], a[n - 2]);
    // Print the modified array
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        cout << a[i] << " ";
// Driver Code
int main()
    int arr[] = { 1, 5, 3, 2, 4 };
    int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    // Function Call
    rearrangeArray(arr, N);
    return 0;


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to rearrange the array a[]
// such that none of the array elements
// is same as its index
static void rearrangeArray(int a[], int n)
    // Sort the array
    // Traverse the indices [0, N - 2]
    // of the given array
    for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
        // Check if the current element
        // is equal to its index
        if (a[i] == i + 1)
            // If found to be true, swap
            // current element with the
            // next element
            int temp = a[i];
            a[i] = a[i + 1];
            a[i + 1] = temp;
    // Check if the last element is
    // same as its index
    if (a[n - 1] == n)
        // If found to be true, swap
        // current element with the
        // previous element
        int temp = a[n - 1];
        a[n - 1] = a[n - 2];
        a[n - 2] = temp;
    // Print the modified array
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        System.out.print(a[i] + " ");
// Driver Code
public static void main(String args[])
    int arr[] = { 1, 5, 3, 2, 4 };
    int N = arr.length;
    // Function Call
    rearrangeArray(arr, N);
// This code is contributed by ipg2016107


# Python3 program for the above approach
# Function to rearrange the array a[]
# such that none of the array elements
# is same as its index
def rearrangeArray(a, n):
    # Sort the array
    a = sorted(a)
    # Traverse the indices [0, N - 2]
    # of the given array
    for i in range(n - 1):
        # Check if the current element
        # is equal to its index
        if (a[i] == i + 1):
            # If found to be true, swap
            # current element with the
            # next element
            a[i], a[i + 1] = a[i + 1], a[i]
    # Check if the last element is
    # same as its index
    if (a[n - 1] == n):
        # If found to be true, swap
        # current element with the
        # previous element
        a[n - 1], a[n - 2] = a[n - 2], a[n - 1]
    # Print the modified array
    for i in range(n):
        print(a[i], end = " ")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    arr = [1, 5, 3, 2, 4]
    N = len(arr)
    # Function Call
    rearrangeArray(arr, N)
    # This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
public class GFG
// Function to rearrange the array []a
// such that none of the array elements
// is same as its index
static void rearrangeArray(int []a, int n)
    // Sort the array
    // Traverse the indices [0, N - 2]
    // of the given array
    for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
        // Check if the current element
        // is equal to its index
        if (a[i] == i + 1)
            // If found to be true, swap
            // current element with the
            // next element
            int temp = a[i];
            a[i] = a[i + 1];
            a[i + 1] = temp;
    // Check if the last element is
    // same as its index
    if (a[n - 1] == n)
        // If found to be true, swap
        // current element with the
        // previous element
        int temp = a[n - 1];
        a[n - 1] = a[n - 2];
        a[n - 2] = temp;
    // Print the modified array
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        Console.Write(a[i] + " ");
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String []args)
    int []arr = { 1, 5, 3, 2, 4 };
    int N = arr.Length;
    // Function Call
    rearrangeArray(arr, N);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// javascript program to implement
// the above approach
// Function to rearrange the array a[]
// such that none of the array elements
// is same as its index
function rearrangeArray(a, n)
    // Sort the array
    // Traverse the indices [0, N - 2]
    // of the given array
    for(let i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
        // Check if the current element
        // is equal to its index
        if (a[i] == i + 1)
            // If found to be true, swap
            // current element with the
            // next element
            let temp = a[i];
            a[i] = a[i + 1];
            a[i + 1] = temp;
    // Check if the last element is
    // same as its index
    if (a[n - 1] == n)
        // If found to be true, swap
        // current element with the
        // previous element
        let temp = a[n - 1];
        a[n - 1] = a[n - 2];
        a[n - 2] = temp;
    // Print the modified array
    for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
        document.write(a[i] + " ");
// Driver code
     let arr = [ 1, 5, 3, 2, 4 ];
    let N = arr.length;
    // Function Call
    rearrangeArray(arr, N);
   // This code is contributed by splevel62.


2 1 4 5 3


Time Complexity: O(N*log N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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Calisto Chipfumbu
Calisto Chipfumbu
I have 5 years' worth of experience in the IT industry, primarily focused on Linux and Database administration. In those years, apart from learning significant technical knowledge, I also became comfortable working in a professional team and adapting to my environment, as I switched through 3 roles in that time.


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