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React MUI Lists Display

React Lists are a continuous group of text or images. They are composed of items containing primary and supplemental actions, which are represented by icons and text. Material UI is a library of React UI components that implements Google’s Material Design. 

It includes a comprehensive collection of prebuilt components that are ready for use in production right out of the box. 

There are different types of lists available in MUI React which are:

  • Basic List: This is a simple list of items, which allows to display or perform actions using a specific item.
  • Nested List: This is a list where an item in the list has another sub-list inside itself.
  • Interactive List: This is a list that can change its appearance and behavior according to user requirements.

In this article, we will create a demo react application that will showcase a Nested list and a basic list with checkboxes.

Creating the Demo React Application:

Step 1: Create a React application using the following command.

npx create-react-app myapp

Step 2: After creating the app, move to its directory using the following command:

cd foldername

Step 3: Now install the material-UI modules using the following command.

npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
npm install @mui/icons-material

Project Structure: The Project directory will be looking like this after completing all the above steps:


Example 1: In this example, we will be creating a list of different categories of mail which will depict a sub-classification of inbox mail type using nested list format. The ExpandLess and ExpandMore are used to close and open the sub-list inside Inbox list item. When it is clicked the handleClick method expands or collapses the sub-list.



import * as React from 'react';
import ListSubheader from '@mui/material/ListSubheader';
import List from '@mui/material/List';
import ListItemButton from '@mui/material/ListItemButton';
import ListItemIcon from '@mui/material/ListItemIcon';
import ListItemText from '@mui/material/ListItemText';
import Collapse from '@mui/material/Collapse';
import InboxIcon from '@mui/icons-material/MoveToInbox';
import DraftsIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Drafts';
import SendIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Send';
import ExpandLess from '@mui/icons-material/ExpandLess';
import ExpandMore from '@mui/icons-material/ExpandMore';
import StarBorder from '@mui/icons-material/StarBorder';
export default function NestedList() {
    const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(true);
    const handleClick = () => {
    return (
            sx={{ width: '100%', maxWidth: 360,
                bgcolor: 'background.paper' }}
                <ListSubheader component="div"
                    Nested List Items
                    <SendIcon />
                <ListItemText primary="Sent mail" />
                    <DraftsIcon />
                <ListItemText primary="Drafts" />
            <ListItemButton onClick={handleClick}>
                    <InboxIcon />
                <ListItemText primary="Inbox" />
                {open ? <ExpandLess /> : <ExpandMore />}
            <Collapse in={open} timeout="auto" unmountOnExit>
                <List component="div" disablePadding>
                    <ListItemButton sx={{ pl: 4 }}>
                            <StarBorder />
                        <ListItemText primary="Starred" />
                    <ListItemButton sx={{ pl: 4 }}>
                            <StarBorder />
                        <ListItemText primary="UnRead" />
                    <ListItemButton sx={{ pl: 4 }}>
                            <StarBorder />
                        <ListItemText primary="Read" />

After creating the creating our NestedList, we will import it in our base file App.js. Update the App.js file in the /src directory  with below code:



import React from "react";
import NestedList from "./NestedList";
function App() {
    return (
            <NestedList />
export default App;

Step to run the application: Open the terminal and type the following command to run the Application.

npm start

Output: Go To  http://localhost:3000/ and the following result will be displayed:

Nested List

Example 2: In this example, we will create a simple list with checkboxes that can store items that are selected by the user for a particular task. 



import * as React from 'react';
import List from '@mui/material/List';
import ListItem from '@mui/material/ListItem';
import ListItemButton from '@mui/material/ListItemButton';
import ListItemIcon from '@mui/material/ListItemIcon';
import ListItemText from '@mui/material/ListItemText';
import Checkbox from '@mui/material/Checkbox';
import IconButton from '@mui/material/IconButton';
import CommentIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Comment';
export default function CheckBoxList() {
    const [checked, setChecked] = React.useState([0]);
    const handleToggle = (value) => () => {
        const currentIndex = checked.indexOf(value);
        const newChecked = [...checked];
        if (currentIndex === -1) {
        } else {
            newChecked.splice(currentIndex, 1);
    return (
        <List sx={{ width: '100%', maxWidth: 360,
            bgcolor: 'background.paper' }}>
            {[0, 1, 2, 3].map((value) => {
                const labelId = `checkbox-list-label-${value}`;
                return (
                        <ListItemButton role={undefined}
                            onClick={handleToggle(value)} dense>
                                        checked.indexOf(value) !== -1}
                                    {{ 'aria-labelledby': labelId }}
                            <ListItemText id={labelId}
                                primary={`List ${value + 1}`} />

After creating our CheckBoxList, we will import it into our base file App.js. Update with the following code in App.js inside our /src directory to use our checkbox list.



import React from "react";
import CheckBoxList from "./CheckBoxList";
function App() {
    return (
            <CheckBoxList />
export default App;

Output: Go To  http://localhost:3000/ and the following result will be displayed:

CheckBox List


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